183 Posts . The top choice here has long been the .44 Magnum, but now Ruger also chambers the Super Redhawk in the more commonly hyped pistol caliber of … That figures out to an average of 12 rounds per week. The .357 fires differently from a rifle than from a revolver. products sale. Member Services. Opening weekend of the rifle season down here in Arkansas for deer so I took out the 44 magnum and here are the results. The impact velocity was approximately 2100 fps and with a .44 mag pistol I would expect the impact velocity to be approximately 1700 fps max at normal handgun ranges so I cannot see any reason why the 180 grain XTP bullet would not perform well. Consequently, many handgun hunters — and hunters who might think about handgun hunting — have succumbed to the myth that unless you have at least a .44 Mag., you have no business hunting deer. revolver shooting full power hunting loads kicks with something like 22.5 ft. lbs. After waiting nearly 30 years for the arrival of the .44 Magnum he said in the article “The .44 Magnum One Year Later,” he had shot his new .44 a total of 600 rounds. By selecting different weights and styles of bullets and juggling powder charges, the .44 Magnum is an easy recoiling plinking and target gun, a hard hitter for big game or the last thing a marauding bear will ever see. The .41 had no commercially available non-magnum parent. Arizona-(Ammoland.com)- The video was filmed by Leon Lorenz on 14 June, 2010.Lorenz originally filmed grizzlys without carrying a pistol. I stop off to sight in my 44 mag and my 12 ga. This is way more than most people can handle (although few will admit it). The Taurus Firearms Ultra-Lite .44 Mag is a good choice for handgun hunting, but the .44 Mag really lets you know you have some power in this light-weight revolver. The question explains it. The impact is much heavier, which leads to better damage. Unable to connect to database. Try a pistol chambered for a less powerful cartridge. My son shot 2 and my daughter shot 1. Nowadays, specialized hunting handguns often sport much longer tubes, in … First day of camp in southern Iowa. I bought my kids 44 mag rifles two years ago for xmas. I can reach out farther with my .44 Magnum rifle than a shotgun when I am hunting for deer. Hunters already had the .44 Magnum and a less powerful cartridge didn’t interest them. 44 magnum rifles mentioned, I have the most collectible cal. Links. I have a gp100. Regardless of previous cal. The magazine for serious handgun hunters. It’s not. The 44mag lever action rifle is my preferred close range/woods hunting rifle. Hinterland #: 80453; MFG #: 770080; Availability. The Black Hills Ammunition 240-gr JHP and 300-gr JHP loads are a joy to shoot in just about any .44 Mag handgun, and as I mentioned, I wouldn’t hesitate to take medium-sized deer with either one of these loads. There are pure lead bullets available to the Cowboy Action shooters, and hard-cast lead bullets—as heavy as 340 grains—for those who want to hunt the big beasties. Most people who hunt with a .44 Magnum choose 240 grain bullets for deer sized animals and black bear. In the 1960s, the Marlin 336, a long-time deer hunter’s favorite offered in .30-30 and .35 Remington, was brought forth as the sixgunner’s companion in .44 Magnum. Classifieds. $14.95 Per Firearm One $9.99 Charge For Any Amount of Accessories Shipping Information. Most 44/40 now adays shoot the same bullet .429 or .430. Beyond personal protection, these .44 Remington Magnum Rounds are an excellent choice for deer or larger game like elk. for any deer-sized animal. FWIW, Elmer Keith finished off a wounded mule deer at 600 yards with a 44 mag revolver years ago. Login. Flat-Rate Shipping. Deer and Small Game Hunting and Trail Cams; Handgun Hunting Best 44 magnum Deer load? With the current industry-wide climate, please allow for 10-14 days of processing time before shipment. Jimmy. Out of Stock × Out of stock. He passed on 12-20-2009. The gun of my choice is a Ruger Super Redhawk in .44 magnum with a 7.5 inch barrel and a red-dot scope. Good hunt and great day. A standard .44 Mag. Paired with a .357 Mag round, the rifle can fell a deer at 100 yards. Whitetail deer hunting tops the list of animals hunted with .357 Magnum rounds. Short History. Heading to deer camp. With respect to home defense and deer hunting, I would take a repeating rifle in .44 Magnum over any shotgun, every time. If recoil is an issue the 180 grainers would be … My model 29 classic 8 3/8" is my favorite for deer hunting. Shop for Low Price 41 Mag Rifle For Deer Hunting .Compare Price and Options of 41 Mag Rifle For Deer Hunting from variety stores in usa. Take your .44 mag and your hunting loads to Magnaport, they will port your barrel so it barely twitches. My target is wild hogs so I need a bullet that heavy for the older tougher hogs. Given the above ballistics, you’d think that the .41 Magnum would be the go-to revolver for big-game hunting. It has been seen that a .44 Mag works better with a trail gun. Forums. Even he admitted that he wouldn't normally have taken the shot, but the other hunter (the one with the rifle) had wounded it and was out of ammo. I purchased the first one to hit town and it has now served me well for over 50 years. The transition to handgun hunting was fairly easy since I also archery hunt my stand locations are set for getting closer shots on the deer. A 445 SuperMag will get you to 2500 fps with a 200/240 grain pistol bullet, but that is not what we are comparing. This is Iowa first season shotgun opener. Now this is a cartridge made for hunting. Throw in that most deer, at least in the south and east Texas are shot within 100 yards of a blind or stand. Being one of our most popular revolver cartridges, there are some fantastic bullet choices for the .44 Mag., for plinking, hunting, and for self-defense alike. I think mabey 40 yrds without a scope. If your goal is to hunt deer, you do need be able to handle at least a .357 Mag. Lots of velocity and energy. .44 mag is fun to shoot, easy to reload, will take out almost anything in North America. However, there used to be a Hi-Speed hunting load for use in rifles. So why go hunt a bean field that is 300 acres with a .44 Magnum when a .25-06 is what you really need to take? I like them very much. The Others There are countless cartridges available for handgun hunting: .460 Rowland, .454 Casull, .480 Ruger, .500 Smith and Wesson — the list goes on. All deer were shot with in 50 yds perfectly right behind the shoulder and never went more than 30-40 yards. With its 20" barrel, full magazine tube and straight-gripped stock, it was the near-perfect woods carbine. The .44 Magnum’s raison d'etre has always been medium and large game hunting. Ever since then, I’ve taken every chance possible to try out new handguns for hunting, and last December I used what quickly became one of my favorite hunting handguns, the Thompson/Center (T/C) G2 Contender Pistol chambered in .44 Rem Mag. I seem to have a Remington .44 Magnum revolver at hand every time I head to the shooting range or hunting field – for good reason too. So, when you go camping or hunting, it is better to take .44 Mags with you rather than .357 Mags. Home. This past gun season both kids harvested deer. 1 year ago Reply. Not .427 I have a hard hitting great Mild 44 mag load if you are intrested PM me. Hornady’s .44 Magnum 240 grain XTP has a muzzle velocity of 1,350 feet per second and muzzle energy of 971 foot-pounds. The guns are sighted in with American Eagle 240 gr hollow points. But i have this ammo for the 44 i got for him to use. Can I use a pistol caliber break action or lever action rifle instead of a pistol during handgun season? 44 magnum lever action. 41 Mag Rifle For Deer Hunting BY 41 Mag Rifle For Deer Hunting in Articles Shop for Low Price 41 Mag Rifle For Deer Hunting . In a 92 I would think you could use any 44 mag data . Heavier weights are better for elk, moose, and larger bears. When I was still in my invincible period it was not unusual for me to shoot 300 rounds or more in one session. He & i wanted to hunt with revolvers. Join Now. I know, the .44-40 has probably killed more deer than anything except the .30-30. If so many shooters didn’t want the .41, why is it the best revolver cartridge ever made? Heck a well placed 180 gr JHP out of a 44 Mag would do the job on a soft skinned deer/elk sized critter. Unfortunately, the .44 Rem. Anyone hunt with a 44 mag rifle? of recoil energy. .44 Mag ammo is an incredibly reliable self-defense round that offers first-rate accuracy and hard-hitting performance. Then there are the rifle cartridges to consider. Proper loading in an 1894 coaxes the round to take out a deer up to 150 yards. .44-40 Winchester - Notably underpowered compared to the .357 Magnum. For elk you could probably do fine with a 250-300 grain. Discussion Starter • #1 • Mar 10, 2010. The .44 Magnum is a powerful revolver cartridge. Should work great on 44/40 . I got to use the G2 Contender Pistol on a media deer hunt sponsored by T/C. .357 Magnum fans had lighter revolvers to choose from and the advantage they could fire milder, less expensive .38 specials in their guns for practice. The magazine for serious handgun hunters. I’ve always considered the .357 Magnum as butting up to the marginal line, but placement is everything, no matter what your hunting implement is; and, loaded correctly, the .357 Magnum provides enough “oomph” (that is a technical term!) Next I set my nine-inch Caldwell Magnum Rifle Gong out at 100 yards, enlisted the help of long-time hunting buddy Joe Kennedy, and worked out each .44 Magnum handgun off a set of Double Crossed shooting sticks.To give the exercise some form of quantifiable score, we each fired five rounds with each gun at the gong, and the number of hits out of the entire 10 rounds (per gun) provided its … If so what ammo do you use and why? Have a Marry Christmas Pard . This is inevitably the revolver I start beginners on. Shop Online. Small to Medium-Size Game Hunting. My son left me a taurus 44 mag. My 336 in 44 Mag liked a hardcast 240 grain best. Most handguns used for this purpose have at least a six-inch long barrel. EAA BOUNTY HUNTER 44 MAG 4 1/2 CASE HARDENED. Grizzly Bear Charge Stopped with a .44 Magnum. Unable to connect to database. It was initially developed to be a more potent load of the .44 S&W Special, its parent cartridge, by Elmer Keith in 1955.. Made largely popular by Clint Eastwood in his 1971 movie “Dirty Harry”, it has enjoyed a well-deserved reputation among law enforcers, hunters and sporting arms enthusiasts. I heard a discussion the other day about handgun deer hunting, surrounding the .357 Magnum and if it was enough of a pistol caliber for whitetails. This is great for self-defense when you have to shoot a bear or any other predators. Member Articles. Sounds like the first guy that posted an answer has been reading too many Chuck Hawks articles. You see, from the 1930s on, many handgun hunters successfully used the .357 Mag.