Your 3.0L or 3.8L car (pick up, mini-van) will 'crank but not start'. 1991 Ford Ranger, problems, repair solutions ... 91 Ford Ranger Truck Info I have grown tired of not having more info on my 91 Ranger. Without spark, the engine will Crank but Not Start. You can check this with a simple spark test and if you've got spark, the crank sensor is OK and doing its job. This result indicates that the ignition control module is bad and the cause of the no-spark no-start condition. I Don't Kow - Ford 1987 Ranger question. I have a 1991 Ford Ranger, 4cyl 2.3L that I am having trouble diagnosing the problem with. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from falling debris. Use a jack stand to hold the car up in the air. For this reason, the battery on your Ford vehicle must be fully charged. TIP 3: You'll need to jack up the vehicle to gain access to the crank sensor. I have checked my fuel pump relay. How To Troubleshoot A No Start (Ford 4.0L), Difference Between a No Crank and a No Start Condition, No Start 3: Checking Engine Mechanical Condition, Cómo Probar Un Arranca Pero No Prende (4.0L Ford). Posted by B. are the ones responsible for the induction of the fresh air the engine needs for the combustion process. The scenario is that I was able to start and drive to the supermarket done the shopping then no crank no click no start. © 2011-2020 Abraham Torres-Arredondo part didn't work for my 93 Ford Ranger XLT regular cab 2.3 liter 4 cyl. As this trigger wheel's teeth pass under the crank sensor, they induce the crank sensor to create an A/C voltage that the PCM uses to activate the ignition coil pack and the fuel injectors. GM | You can easily verify this with a Noid light test. My truck starts and drives at all speeds for 10 minutes then backfires stalls and will not start for about four hours. 91 ford ranger won't start, cranks all day but won't start. Ask Your Own Ford Question The engine pistons and cylinder head valves (and all the other related components like: timing chains, etc.) © 2011-2020 Abraham Torres-Arredondo tested good,fuel punp comes on when the key is on firstklick but no lights till second click, no vac leaks ,throtle pos. In this tutorial, I'll go into the basics of a no start condition and show you some of the step-by-step tutorials that'll help you get to the bottom of the problem. Fuel pumps fail all of the time and if the fuel pump has failed in your 4.0L Ford Explorer (Aerostar, Ranger, or Mountaineer), you'll have a bona-fide Cranks but Does Not Start condition on your hands. Disclaimer. How To Test The Crank Sensor (Ford 3.0L, 3.8L). 91 FORD RANGER 4 cy truck won,t start has gas replaced plugs and wires also got new ignition coil for right side because got no reading when trying to crank . There were no problems starting and was fine yesterday. ... My Ranger would not start last Sunday. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you real diagnostic testing information to help you solve the problem! I have a 2004 Ford Ranger XLT 2WD. Sunday. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button. but ur problem i read somewhere about the pulse to the injectors. In a no crank condition, the starter motor does not turn over the engine when you turn the key to start your vehicle. The fuel system is the one responsible with supplying the engine with fuel. This basic piece of information will make you aware that you need to see if the problem is being caused by a problem in the fuel system, or in the ignition system, or in the Engine Mechanical system. 1987 Ford Ranger ... Crank the truck over and then remove one plug. there is a spring in the ign. Browse Categories Answer Questions . All fuses are good and my battery connection is good. GM | ... Also see the links below for a lot of good trouble shooting ideas or crank no start condition. 88 ford ranger: cranks..wont vac leaks ,throtle pos 88 ford ranger cranks won't start,coil god ignition wires good ,alt. Good luck. The same circuit (wire) that supplies the ICM with ignition voltage, also supplies the crank sensor. My 87 Ford Ranger Turns Over But Won't Start. I had a ford that done the same thing. In plain English, this means that this type of crank sensor creates its own voltage signal without an external power source. TIP 1: The crank sensor is located right behind the crankshaft pulley, since the crank sensor's reluctor wheel is behind (and part of) the crank pulley. It's getting spark and gas is getting up into the injectors. Ford | TIP 4: When the crank sensor goes bad, you'll get a no-spark no-start condition. Arthur Lee @aclee. No engine fire whatsoever. No click, lights full on, battery good. CASE 2: The LED Light DID NOT flash on and off the whole time the engine was being cranked. It will start on one crank after resting for four or … read more Crank sensor has failed. The ignition system of the Ford 4.0L equipped vehicles covered by this article use a distributor-less ignition system. Ford | Need help! In my experience, the most common component failures, of the ignition system that cause a no-start no-spark condition are: The ignition system components can be tested in a methodical way to find out exactly what has failed (if indeed something has). For the check engine light to not come on at all, that means we have no pcm operation, so we need to check all the fuses first, then if they are ok as you said, check for power at the tp sensor. Since so many things can cause a no start problem, it's always a good idea to tests the components suspected of causing the no start first before replacing them. The ignition system is the one responsible for creating and delivering spark. Disclaimer. 91 Ford Ranger Truck Info I have grown tired of not having more info on my 91 Ranger. Then, it progressed to running, but would have "cut off" on acceleration like it was out of gas when it wasn't, but it would still run...just a flat spot. OR; The ignition module has failed. There are two major kinds of starting problems with a Ford Ranger: it won't crank, or it won't start. This is usually due to: This tutorial is geared toward a Cranks but Does Not Start Condition. Honda | I called AAA towed the truck home. try and see if u got volatege going to your injectors and also ill do some looking tomorrow and post on here that night of what i read about it. All Rights Reserved. I went to start it up this morning and all I heard were cranking noises and the dash lights would go on. Long story short, here are the symptoms: At first, it would start and run, no problems. Think safety all of the time (your safety is your responsibility). In this article, I'll show you how to test the crank sensor with a multimeter in Volts AC mode. Ford labels this sensor as a magnetic transducer type. Testing a Cranks but Does Not Start condition on your 4.0L Ford Explorer (Aerostar, Ranger, Mountaineer) doesn't have to be hard. It ran when he parked it in the spring, now it will not start. all the lights are still on and it cranks fine and acts like it wants to start, and once i got it to start and then i pushed the gas and it died again, i dont know what would cause that, any help would be great! Orientation of … my 99 ford ranger theft light keeps blinking and the truck wont start it was working fine until i put in a new sterio then it started doing that can anyone help? How to read your engine codes. Im having problems with my 91 ford ranger not starting and getting no fire to plugs i posted a new thread on it. Sometimes (but usually never), the PCM will set a diagnostic trouble code to indicate a problem with the crank sensor: As the engine starts to crank, the trigger wheel mounted on behind the front crankshaft pulley starts to rotate. sensor goo … No Start 2: Checking For Fuel. The clearest indication that the crank sensor on your Ford 3.0L or 3.8L car, mini-van or pick up has failed, is a Cranks but Does Not Start Condition. Jeep | Since the ICM isn't cheap and replacing the crank sensor is labor intensive (you've got to remove the timing belt), testing the ICM and crank sensor, on your 2.3L Ford Ranger or Mustang (or B2300), becomes a must! Chrysler | As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases from the Amazon product links from this website. It means the stored energy in the battery is too low and doesn’t have enough cranking power. When the crank sensor goes bad on your Ford 3.0L or 3.8L vehicle, the very first symptoms you'll see is a 'no-start no-spark' condition affecting your car. Why Does My Ford Ranger Not Start (Rapid Clicks) When your starter emits rapid clicking when attempting to crank the engine it’s a sign the battery is low since it cannot hold the starter spindle long enough to crank the engine. One Crank Signal is called the CKP (Crankshaft Position) Signal. The usual culprits are: No Crank Condition The engine does not turn over when you turn the key to start your Ford vehicle. The Crankshaft rotation induces the Crank Sensor to start creating two separate Crank Signals. Today, I was able to start drove around then park the truck and no crank no click no start. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you real diagnostic testing information to help you solve the problem! 37 Questions View all . Terms of Use Then, it died at hubby's work. To successfully troubleshoot the cause of the no start condition of your Ford 4.0L equipped car or mini-van, you need to know that there are three very basic components the engine needs to start and they are: So, when your Ford 4.0L Explorer (Aerostar, Ranger or Mountaineer) Cranks but Does Not Start, it's because one of these components is missing from the mix. Chrysler | Since so many things can cause a no start problem, it's always a good idea to tests the components suspected of causing the no start first before replacing them. The fuel system component that causes the majority of no-start no-fuel problems: Fuel pump inertia switch (that has activated and has shut down the fuel pump). The primary indicator of the crankshaft speed and piston Position is the missing teeth on the trigger wheel. So if your car starts, the crank sensor is working. Search Fixya. The lights on the dash don't come on when I turn the key. Here are some more specifics: Bottom line is that if the crank sensor fails in your Ford vehicle, it's not going to start due to a lack of spark and fuel. Broken timing chain (although this very rare). No Start Condition Basics For the engine to start, in your 3.0L or 3.8L Ford car (mini-van, pick up), it needs three very important things: air, fuel, and spark. Tools | Here are some more specific symptoms of a bad crank sensor: The crank sensor on your 3.0L, 3.8L Ford car or mini-van is a two wire reluctor type. 2 days … I was having timing issues related to bad crankshaft sensor, as mine is not the California model and doesn't have a camshaft sensor. The PCM (Powertrain Control Module= Fuel Injection Computer) will not pulse any of the 6 fuel injectors. My fuel pump also doesn't get power. TIP 2: Since this is an On Car test of the crank sensor, you'll need to crank the engine to test it. It should be wet with gas. More specifically, it uses a coil pack type ignition system. So by testing one, you're also testing the other. I have power going I to the distributer but none coming out. 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. Let's find out more about it in the next subheading. This material may not be reproduced without the author’s consent. The clearest indication that the crank sensor on your Ford 3.0L or 3.8L car, mini-van or pick up has failed, is a Cranks but Does Not Start Condition. Jeep | The PCM also uses the crank sensor signal to activate the tachometer on your instrument cluster (if equipped). Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Engine cranks, but will not start. This material may not be reproduced without the author’s consent. The trigger wheel has a total of 35 teeth spaced 10 degrees apart, with one empty space for a missing tooth. New battery. I thought I did once, but I was wrong.”Charles M. Schulz, Home | The coil pack will not get any switching signals from the PCM (Powertrain Control Module = Fuel Injection Computer). SOURCE: 91 ford ranger 2.9 super cab: Starter keeps turning/cranking actually you probably have a bad ignition box. Then, later I could start the engine. So here is some information you can use. same problem with ignition coil now no sp … read more How To Avoid A Blown Head Gasket (Ford 3.0L, 3.8L), Coolant Leaking From Intake Gaskets (Ford 3.8L), How To Test The Coil Pack (Ford 3.0L, 3.8L, 4.0L, 4.2L), “Math is fun, it teaches you life and death information... like when you’re cold, you should go to a corner since it’s 90° there.”Anonymous, Home | one of the main fuses was blown after i put the deck in so it was replaced i removed the radio but it still has the problem i had a lock smith come take a look at it and he scaned it and it told him there was 4 keys … You can find this tutorial in Spanish here: Cómo Probar Un Arranca Pero No Prende (4.0L Ford) (at: The fuel pump (along with the other 2 components) can be tested to make sure it has really fried. In this tutorial, I'll go into the basics of a no start condition and show you some of the step-by-step tutorials that'll help you get to the bottom of the problem. How To Test The TPS (1997-2001 4.0L SOHC Ford Explorer), How To Test The Blower Motor Switch (Ford 4.0L), How To Test The Blower Motor Resistor (Ford 4.0L), “I never made a mistake in my life. Ranger Forum > Ranger Engine Tech > 8 Cylinder Gasoline > crank fuel/spark no start is a discussion forum, a Ranger forum for people who have questions about fixing or modifying OK, the list of possible things that can go wrong looks pretty long but it is rare to see (or have) two different components go bad from two separate systems at the same time. If the Noid light flashes On and Off, the crank sensor is OK. No spark coming out of any of the 6 spark plug wires. 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. The cool thing is, is that there is a diagnostic strategy that you can use to figure out exactly what's wrong with your particular no-start problem. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Terms of Use If it won't crank, the issues could be a failed starter motor, a failed neutral safety switch, a failed ignition or a locked-up engine. 1990 ford ranger 2.3 motor. So here is some information you can use. Resulted in crank no start. I have a 91 Ford Ranger 4.0L 4x4. 1993–1997 Ford Ranger. I have a 2007 Ford Ranger that won't start. The second generation of the Ford Ranger, featuring a mild restyling and new engine sizing. Misfire due to a bad ignition module. There's a big difference between a no crank and a no start condition. All Rights Reserved. hi everyone, i had an issue with my 91 3.0 this morning while driving the engine decided to shut off, slowly decreasing in RPM, then just shut off. Testing a Cranks but Does Not Start condition on your 4.0L Ford Explorer (Aerostar, Ranger, Mountaineer) doesn't have to be hard. Here's a brief description of both conditions: No Start Condition: The engine cranks (turns over) like it wants to start but it never does. Tools | As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases from the Amazon product links from this website. So, if you're getting spark, even if in just one cylinder, the crank sensor is good and this test will not help you. My friend has a 91 ranger he uses as a plow truck. thank you. Do not trust the jack! If your specific 2.3L equipped Ranger (B2300 or Mustang) is cranking but not starting, the first step is to check that the ignition control module (ICM) is getting power. He did give it some starting fluid and it will run a few seconds until that's gone but will not take the gas from the accelarator. If it won't start, the possible problems are a failed fuel pump or a failed crank position sensor. Replace the ignition control module (ICM). In this video we have a look at a Ford Explorer Sport Trac that was dragged in with a crank, no start. Honda | Although rare, internal engine mechanical problems can and do cause no-start conditions. Saturday.