Diarrhea in children and babies has many causes, including illness, infection, and food sensitivity. Changing the diet may help. BRAT Diet? Intestinal flu is probably the most common cause of vomiting and diarrhea. The BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet has been used for years by people with diarrhea or morning sickness. The BRAT diet for kids should be replaced with a normal diet within 24 hours. The BRAT diet is for those who experience problems such as indigestion, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis. BRAT Diet for Nausea and Vomiting DIARRHEA AND VOMITING Diarrhea and/or vomiting may be caused by such things as food allergies, food poisoning, certain medications and some diseases and infections. This condition is called diverticulosis. Is the BRAT diet safe? The diet is based on banana, rice, apple and toast. While these foods are great for people with upset stomachs, recent studies show that eating the BRAT diet alone actually delays recovery from illness because it lacks adequate protein, calories, and vitamins. The BRAT diet is used to treat diarrhea in children who eat solid foods. A diverticulitis diet is something your doctor might recommend as part of a short-term treatment plan for acute diverticulitis. This is because prolonged use of the BRAT diet may lead to malnutrition (/articles/179316.php) and low energy because it does not contain sufficient levels of: The list of BRAT diet foods include bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. The BRAT diet is a diet that health care practitioners recommend for individuals who have an upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, or gastroenteritis (stomach flu). This diet is formulated by the pediatricians for children suffering from GI upset such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. One such diet is the BRAT diet. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, which are the foods in the BRAT diet. The name of the diet consists of the first letters of these essential nutrients. Other flu symptoms include chills, fever, backache and weakness. BRAT stands for: Bananas Diarrhea may be caused or worsened by what the child eats or drinks. preventing weight loss by … However, there are some better BRAT diet alternatives which will provide you with the required nutrients to help you with recovery. The main concept of this diet is to reduce the fiber that helps in bowel movement. It seems clear that consumption of the BRAT diet is likely to lead to important deficiencies in dietary energy, protein, fat, fiber, and several critical micronutrients. The diet you follow when you are suffering from gastroenteritis is extremely important. the BRAT diet also provides very low amounts of vit-amin A, B 12 and calcium, compared with a healthy toddler diet. Diverticula are small, bulging pouches that can form in the lining of the digestive system. There is no particular food group that will best for treating diarrhea and physicians no longer recommend the long suggested BRAT diet of Bananas, Rice (white), Applesauce, and Toast. This diet is suggested as it produces fewer stools and allows the gut to rest. They're found most often in the lower part of the large intestine (colon). It is important to emphasize prompt The BRAT diet for diarrhea includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. • Even rice and beans are OK. • Some studies suggest benefits for . The BRAT diet consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. • Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Tea/toast • No convincing scientific studies of benefits • Several studies show . it’s safe to feed breastmilk and usual diet throughout diarrhea. This diet prioritizes bland, easily digestible foods to relieve symptoms during bouts of diarrhea. While following the BRAT diet for a limited time (no longer than 48 hours) is unlikely to cause harm, people should avoid long-term use of the diet.