I don't know if anyone currently makes a smoothbore .22, but they can be had at gun shows. As a general rule of thumb, and we all know there are exceptions to the rule, you can shoot a slug out of a shotgun barrel that has a choke if you are using a modified choke or larger. In many contexts, "What would Jesus do?" NO! It seems to me that lead should be softer than the barrel so it should not do any damage. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Yes, you can purchase a different firearm or change the barrels, but if you already own a smoothbore, you’re going to go with rifled slugs, and if you own a rifled barrel, sabot is your choice. Shop for Best Price Shooting Birdshot Through Rifled Barrel .Price Low and Options of Shooting Birdshot Through Rifled Barrel from variety stores in usa. if some one could answer my question it would be greatly appreciated. Your patterns will be quite a bit worse, though. From what I've read, you will definitely want to scrub the barrel with a bronze brush and a solvent that can help remove lead fouling. My suggestion would be to totally avoid shooting solid bullets until thoroughly cleaning the barrel after shooting the shot. In general for something like an 870, I would again suggest a cylinder bore barrel with rifle sights for slugs (or a rifled barrel, those exist as well, and do have superior accuracy) probably relatively short at 18 to 20", and a somewhat longer barrel with interchangeable choke tubes for birdshot. Fuggedaboudit. Answer Save. i have an 870 express 18in slug barrel it is a smooth bore and i was wondering if i could shoot bird shot out of the barrel without damaging the barrel. It seems to me that lead should be softer than the barrel so it should not do any damage. out to 20 ft or slightly farther. You're assumptions about shot loads NOT damaging your rifling are correct. What do you guys think? Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel BY Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel in Articles Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel will be the most popular goods … ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. A forum community dedicated to Ruger pistol firearm owners and enthusiasts. Maybe nothing will happen at first. If a person asks, “Can I use a rifled barrel to shoot buckshot?”, the answer is, “Yes, but it will cause a very large increase in pattern size.” And, past 12 yards, you would probably miss with more buckshot than you will … Do not even try to pattern it. Get Cheap at best online store now!! I have been told that shooting bird shot through a rifled barrel can damage them. Gold 40, Do you shoot birdshot through your rifled Hastings barrel or did you misunderstand Jandat's post _____ A regular bronze brush cleaned the barrel fine. Can You Shoot Birdshot Through A Rifled Shotgun Barrel BY Can You Shoot Birdshot Through A Rifled Shotgun Barrel in Articles Can You Shoot Birdshot Through A Rifled Shotgun Barrel … so much easier than a frog gigg!! If so, what is your best way to clear lead from the barrel of a gun? It's not a good idea. Buy Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel Reviews : Get best Can You Shoot Buckshot Out Of A Rifled Barrel With Quality. I was told the shot is encased in a plastic wad that helps until it all leaves the barrel...in any case I don't have any lead problems at all. _____ ""An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a slave." Be careful though and consult your manual for your particular firearm and choke situation. I concur that shooting any buckshot or birdshot load in a rifled barrel creates horrible patterns. They're fairly effective on smallish critters like snakes, mice, bats, etc. works great for Bull frogs!! At one time, I fired a fair amount of small shot through a rifle and if there was leading, I couldn't find it. A 10/22 with a rifled barrel, though? And I wouldn't say you need a rifled barrel to hunt deer, I have no problems getting 5" groups at 80 yards. The column of 7 1/2 shot spread the shot so thinly that it completely covered the width of the door and appears to have gone around it as well. Yes, just make sure its NOT and older shotgun, AND, it not a FULL choke, a Slug barrel is called Full or Open bore, then Improve cylinder, & Modified choke, the barrel just out of the action, has Mark's or the letters , im, mod. Not even with birdshot. However, we can still look at the two and make some fairly consistent comparisons. It won't hurt the barrel in the slightest as long as you use lead and not steel shot. yes it is!! can i shoot birdshot out of a smoothbore slug barrel? You Want in Best Store. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." ;D. LOL...some call me the Gophinator! Fish dig me. Thanks for the information everyone and thanks for the picture of the trophy gopher. We have a place that is Blackpowder only and has some nice Gobblers on it. Looking for some knowledge and wisdom from the forum family. Do not shoot buck shot out of your rifled bored slug barrel. I have been told that shooting bird shot through a rifled barrel can damage them. we used to walk around the pond with a light at night lookin for the eyes and shoot them with the 22 birdshot and then pick them up with a fishing net taped to a long stick. I agree on the bird shot being fairly useless unless at very close range. 2021 Deal. The question in the video above came from Bob, and I think the video illustrates fairly well what happens when you shoot buckshot from a rifled barrel. You guys are too much. "The fear of death follows from the fear of life. Shooting a rifled slug is not a constriction problem but a lead fowling problem as well. :huh: They tend to work best out of long barreled handguns or rifle length barrels. You will have about a 15 yard effective range with a smoothbore gun. Shooting shot out of a rifles barrel is pointless! Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. [turkey at 40 yards] If so how? However, standard forster and brenneke rifled slugs do quite well in rifled barrels, rifled tubes or standard smooth barrels. Yes, you can. Relevance. Can You Shoot Birdshot Through A Rifled Shotgun Barrel Reviews : You finding where to buy Can You Shoot Birdshot Through A Rifled Shotgun Barrel for cheap best price. Can you shoot birdshot out of a 50cal gun and hit anything. The lead will foul the rifling and the pattern will be awful. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. If your barrel is rifled, don't shoot lead shot in it. With the shot charge spinning as it exits from a rifled barrel, centrifugal force sprays it all over the map. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. JavaScript is disabled. If you really insist on one "do it all" barrel, probably the best you can do is the shortest birdshot barrel you … Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Women fear me. So you can shoot slugs through your bird barrel if that's what you have. There are rifled slugs, plain slugs and sabot slugs available here in the US. Mark Twain. Just want to find out do I have to go and get another barrel or not!! and more fun! 7 1/2 birdshot from a rifled barrel. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. The will all shoot out of the slug barrel yes but it is not the best idea for one to do. 9 Answers. Well I have shot quite a few gophers on my property with the CCI birdshot in my Ruger Single Six with absolutely no problems! All but the plain “unrifled slug” are designed and intended to be shot out of Modified Chokes and some will actually permanently damage a Full Choke barrel. Wait....did I say that right? You might as well grab a hand full if bb's and throw them. It was never intended for lead shot. But then I thought that maybe the lead could "foul" the rifled barrel (for lack of a better term). Looking for some knowledge and wisdom from the forum family. While not the accuracy of a rifle, it gets the job done at reasonable distances. Yes! I have a couple of problem animals that I don't want to hurt but would like to "urge" them to move on. We also saw the “donut” shape to the patterns that were rumored to happen. The thing that happens is that lead shot will foul the rifling, even with birdshot. You actually can shoot slugs through a choke. The warnings about shooting birdshop in a rifled barrel have been much overdone. The rifled barrel did indeed cause the buckshot to spread out much more than the smooth barrel. But repeating this process is only asking for … The capsule type (CCI) seem to work much better than the crimped brass variety (Winchester/Federal) in my experience. is not a particularly helpful inquiry. Maybe we should start a very small game thread. But then I thought that maybe the lead could "foul" the rifled barrel (for lack of a better term). Shooting Birdshot Through Rifled Barrel BY Shooting Birdshot Through Rifled Barrel in Articles Shop for Best Price Shooting Birdshot Through Rifled Barrel . Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! They make rifled slug barrels for sabot slugs not birdshot, buckshot, or regular slugs. I have a box of 22 bird shot that I have never used and now that I have bought a new plinker I would not mind playing with the bird shot a little.