If you’re not actually starving (for affection, for food, for emotional or literal nourishment) are you willing to share what you have with those who are in some way? Astrologers have also pointed to the seeds of the pandemic being sown during the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on December 25/26 as the existence of the coronavirus became more widely known in China at the end of December. Jason generously shared a few paragraphs with me that I will now share with you: “Ceres transits in general seem to correspond to the need to descend, something that both Persephone and Demeter do in the Greek story. Years ago, Julian Armistead gave a lecture on her chart. While this can bring about positive relational growth within family dynamics, it also presents the risk of neglect and abuse occurring within families overburdened by stress who lack the necessary coping and parenting skills. The Planetary and Lunar Nodes. Venus Novile Juno. Venus is septile Jupiter. Some believe that the Eleusinian Mysteries involved a reenactment of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, Demeter’s search, and Persephone’s ascent and reunion with Demeter. The Ceres-Pholus opposition brings in a newer influence (Pholus, the second Centaur, after Chiron) and one we need to be paying a lot more attention to â the first-ever minor planet, Ceres (which started as a planet, then became an asteroid and is now considered a dwarf planet, along with Pluto and Eris). As we deepen into the devastating economic impact of the pandemic, we may also witness the presence of Ceres through the use of general strikes and other forms of advocacy to renegotiate housing and labor agreements. 25feb8:11 am Venus enters Pisces Planetary Ingress 8:11 am EST Event Type :Planetary Ingress Details Venus enters Pisces Venus is in Pisces from February 25-March 21, 2021. That is Ceres on the Aries Point via Libra in a nutshell: a warning that we each need to keep our collective food source (the Earth) foremost in our personal consciousness as a motivator to act in protecting it. (2013). Whatever he ate / Maddened and tormented that hunger / To angrier, uglier life. / That is my consolation. So what if all I have is a guitar: that’s enough, and in fact it’s not only enough it’s the necessary simplification for me to focus my craft on a small enough point to cultivate a breakthrough. Of course, not all of the people putting themselves on the frontline to tend to those infected by the coronavirus have a strong Ceres signature in their birth chart, nor do all those suffering from the widespread impact of the coronavirus. A goat pining for sweet berries in the dark of winter might starve to death where a goat unafraid of simple food might just make it through to see the Spring. The section of 2020 beginning in September already looked immensely volatile and chaotic when looking ahead to 2020 long before the emergence of the pandemic. With regard to the United States of America, it’s significant that Ceres is stationing retrograde during a Lunar Eclipse that will be taking place on the Fourth of July holiday in most time zones in the country. a quality of being which is related to the space of its entire orbit,” revealing “the manner in which the essential quality of a planet affects the very structure and the roots of our individuality as a member of the human species.” Due to Saturn and Pluto uniting close to their own South Nodes, it means that the archetypal meaning of their entire orbital arcs was crashing down across the ecliptic together, flooding events with their significations like a great deluge. When I presented my webinar Pan’s Return: Jupiter in Capricorn last year when Jupiter entered Capricorn, I shared the story of Erysichton in Tales from Ovid due to the presence of Ceres with the conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. . Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in Translation. If we do it the energy efficient way, well no we can’t have as much corn, but who needs all this corn anyway? In fact most of these natives seem to go on to make a career out of it. So the sub-theme of Ceres is a refusal to let go. It is common within astrology to use similar underworld symbolism when discussing the impact of Pluto transits or difficult conjunctions such as between Saturn and Pluto. Consider this bit of news from yesterdayâs Democracy Now! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Are there similarities in your attitudes toward both? The life / Of a monster no longer a man. The North Node of Ceres in Gemini conjures the torch-bearing, relentless searching of Demeter who the Homeric Hymns tells us “sped like a bird over land and sea, searching.” There is a pull for Ceres to be curious, to ask questions and demand answers, to forge new connections across diverse fields and harvest deep meaning through the swing of her sickle. The conjunction of Ceres and Pluto can often embrace both maternal and destructive impulses. All those hours put in as their mother,will come to fruition. Similar to how in 2019 the transiting lunar nodes and eclipses aligned with the nodes of Saturn and Pluto, we will be entering a period in which eclipses and the lunar nodes will be aligning with the archetypal significance of the entire orbital arc of Ceres. Reminds me of my relationship to all things Venus since then. Addey, Tim. The chart above for the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius in 2020 is set for Washington D.C. and so relates to the United States of America. Ceres square Mercury ; Ceres quincunx Venus; Of course with breast cancer I would also look at the Moon in the chart. (my oldest 26,my youngest 21) Since both the Moon and Venus are also applying toward a sextile with the conjunction between Ceres and Neptune, it re-emphasizes the need to reimagine our relationship with the earth element in the new era of the air element we are entering. This placement leads to excellence in craftsmanship, but under stress can bring a perfectionist attitude. Though she endured traumatic wounds she would have to nurture, Demeter delivered a source of profound spiritual understanding to humanity in addition to her gift of agriculture that would provide abundant physical nourishment. Whirling and circling about your throne as you cry out in ecstasy. This means that the transiting lunar nodes will be aligning exactly with the nodes of Ceres, further meaning that Neptune will also be forming a square aspect with the nodes of Ceres. There is often a serious rupturing of the relational fabric, sometimes unrecoverable, but often recoverable with perseverance and leading to profound gifts such as those Ceres gave to humankind at the end of the story: Agriculture (a new relationship with the earth) and the Mysteries (a new relationship to spirit). Since we are entering a new era of Jupiter and Saturn uniting in the air triplicity, it is compelling that the North Node of Ceres is in Gemini and that Ceres was in Aquarius forming a flowing trine aspect with its own North Node in the Aries Ingress chart for 2020. There’s another side to this, though — in Vedic astrology, Venus and Saturn are great friends, joined by their shared rulership of Libra. The manner in which it warns of the overconsumption of natural resources to feed an insatiable hunger brings to mind the devastation to the environment caused by modern industries, and how current anger and activism over pollution, fracking, climate change, indigenous water rights, and other environmental concerns can also be connected with the astrological archetype of Ceres. While the ascending sign of the Ceres Neptune conjunction is in the air triplicity in the chart cast for the USA above, its ruling planet Venus is in earthy Capricorn receiving an exalted Moon into its earthy home of Taurus through a superior trine. Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses wrote that Ceres “symbolizes the process of birth, death, and renewal” as well as signifies procreation and productivity, food and food related industries, labor unions and workers, strikes, unemployment, GNP, commodities and consumers, issues around nurturance and nourishment, nurses, hospices, and those who serve in social services, childcare, and the education system. Venus Square Vertex. Below is the chart for the exact conjunction between the Sun and Ceres set for Washington D.C.: Conjunction of Ceres with the Sun in 2020 set for Washington D.C. Additional research/writing by Eric Francis. Hermes is beside Persephone with his caduceus, while Hekate in the middle carries a pair of torches. Oh divine one, who cultivates the grain, who apportions all good things, Yet there is something about the collective impact of the pandemic that seems to be reawakening within people the power that can be wielded when united by common cause. Carl Jung connected Demeter, Persephone, and Hekate with the darkest parts of the psyche in his book The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, and Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche declared that Jung’s concept of the shadow is one of the main significations of the archetypal combination of Saturn and Pluto. Asteroid Goddesses. Venus Septile Pallas Athena. Bring down peace and lovely order to our world, Tarnas wrote that while Saturn signifies “judgment, guilt and shame, suppression and repression, splitting and separation, denial, the inferior, that which is regretted and negated,” that Pluto simultaneously signifies both “the dark depths of the personality” such as “impulses for power, domination, lust” as well as “healthy instinctually from which healing, wholeness, and a higher consciousness can ultimately emerge.” On a collective level the pandemic has led to a confrontation with the shadow of civilizations while simultanesously calling for us to confront our own personal shadows. There is also a link to children being constantly home with parents due to schools around the country being closed, as Ceres involves the way we are nurtured by our parents and the way in which we nurture our children. Guide but not limit: exactly the struggle I’ve been in since the turn of the century when my prog. Only-begotten, Goddess bearing many children, mighty queen of mortals, The most recent earth era of Jupiter and Saturn began midway through the Industrial Revolution and has involved massive plundering of our Earth for natural resources to feed the insatiable drive for power within global empires during the past two hundred years. And I have Ceres in the 4th House, 0º of Cancer and Gemini IC and I felt everything you said about it in my childwood. Composite 7th house : planets. Of Dioh divine mother of all, divinity with many names, Venus Square Juno. Passionate and trusting, not clouded in dark desire but tends to promote good intentions. Among all of the trees, one impressive oak stood out: “Its boughs were bedecked with wreaths / And votive tributes – each for a prayer / Ceres had sometimes granted. Due to the square aspect formed with the transiting lunar nodes, Neptune is presenting as a fundamental issue in need of addressing in the great conjunction chart. The square means that the early nurturing you received ... or trine) between Venus and Ceres! Venus person may have good intentions but come across as manipulative or possessive. His Venus (first degree Cancer) is -out of sign - square Ceres (359.96 = 30 Pisces) and Ceres is biquintile Jupiter (orb 1.8d). 2020 Aries Ingress chart set for Washington D.C. Having two daughters in their budding young No money, no woman, no music. Similarly the pandemic has brought about a confrontation with our fate, as we are each being asked to discover what wants to emerge from our seclusion within our inner caves. The balsamic, waning phase occurring for most of 2020 between Jupiter and Saturn is bringing an end to a two hundred year era of Jupiter and Saturn uniting in earth signs that began in 1802. The square means that the nurturing the mother gave was not right for your emotional needs. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Aries ingress chart suggests that Ceres is tending to the regeneration of the way we work within labor systems that will emerge from the pandemic in the USA, while also calling for a confrontation with the present condition of the healthcare system. Torch bearing, universal mother, bringer of seasons, nurse of humanity, goddess of seeds and abundant fruit, Demeter, may your ancient strength and compassionate heart be present in each and everyone of us. They can love you and feed you at the same time. Dane Rudhyar likened the archetypal process of planets conjoining their South Nodes with the death and decay of the Fall season, as well as the importance of incubating and gestating the seed that will bring forth new life. Jupiter in Aquarius is the ruler of the south nodes of Ceres and the Moon, making our relationship with the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn an intrinsic crux of the matter. Using the Placidus house system shown above, Ceres and the Moon in Aquarius are in the third house signifying topics like communication networks, media, the Internet, transit, and education. With Neptune and Ceres at the southern bending of the lunar nodes as well as the nodes of Ceres, we will need to enact a deep dive into subconscious depths to get at the root of the issue. The deeper significance of Ceres in relation to the chart for the great conjunction is found through considering the nodes of Ceres. Hermes is beside Persephone with his caduceus, while ⦠I am a nymph, / Beloved by Ceres, the goddess. After Erysichton ignored the warning and cut down the oak, the nymphs of the sacred grove mourned in black and cried out to Ceres to punish the transgressor. Venus Septile Ceres. This also places Persephone at the southern bending of the nodes of the Moon and Ceres, and also in a catalyzing square aspect with the total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. Hughes, Ted. Elizabeth Taylor has Juno in Cancer square Uranus in Aries (Uranus is also in a close conjunction with Venus). This means that the movement of Saturn and Pluto around their entire orbital arcs descended to intersect with the orbit of our Earth around the Sun while they came together in conjunction. (2007). All of the numbers in the square add up to 1225. Astrologers have also brought up that Saturn and Pluto were forming an intensifying square aspect with Eris, a dwarf planet named after the goddess of discord. This is not only the illusion of the “American Dream” or what exactly is meant by “Make America Great Again,” but a radical exploration of what we imagine is possible to create together in the United States. Oh charming, lovely one, you give nourishment to all the mortals; Knopf. A lot of people have been burned badly in this department, and feel an understandable need to protect themselves from more hurt. The tale of Erysichton is further compelling when we combine the astrological archetype of Neptune with the role played by the god of the sea in the story. Venus Novile Chiron. For instance, a manâs Ceres conjunct a womanâs Sun, Moon, or Venus may involve him trying to influence her identity, particularly in a way that promotes what he sees as ânatural.â He may try to apply his ideas of standards of beauty as expressed through the sign placement of the conjunction, or those that relate to his own Moon or Venus placements. broadcast: A leaked draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s next report warns climate change could reduce crop production by 2 percent each decade for the rest of the century, driving up prices and plunging millions more into hunger and starvation. And you produce a lovely and abundant life for mortals; Ceres will station retrograde on 6 July 2020 at 12º49′ Pisces about eight degrees away from Neptune, and will station direct on 18 October 2020 at 28º36′ Aquarius. Jupiter being struck by Mars indicates the devastation the USA will experience with its economy this year. Venus Square Lilith. My internal judgments piled up on top of my inspiration and I stopped composing music and stopped surrendering to love. Ceres was so intensely attached to her daughter that she allowed those crops to die when Persephone was kidnapped. Both Venus person and Ceres person feel tension even as you try to nurture each other. In the Homeric Hymns, Demeter’s search leads her to Eleusis, future site of the Mysteries, where she retreats into a temple built for her and withdraws her procreative force from the world- “the most dread and terrible years . Venus Septile Vertex. Are you willing to put energy toward finding solutions for ‘shortages’, whether in terms of world food supplies, or love in your personal relationships? Those of us who can access this, even if only transiently, will be called upon to help the even greater numbers of individuals whose coping resources are quite simply overwhelmed.”. & it was disgusting – & that’s just the very long list that the “manufacturer” was required by law to list! Venus and Ceres epitomize two aspects of the feminine nature that are biologically integrated but that have been deliberately separated on the social level. Venus person's jealousy may also cause havoc in this relationship. We have been simultaneously experiencing the extremes of Saturn and Pluto, the putrefaction of their poisonous toxicity as well as the empowering discipline and reordering of their more ideal significations. Yet Venus in Taurus is intercepting through a square aspect with the Moon, while Venus simultaneously is also applying toward a square aspect with Ceres. Or, the current of unconditional nurturing and sacrifice may feel too heavy for those who want to celebrate. Ceres is associated with agriculture, food, possessions, fertility, nurturing, nourishment, taking care of others, love, support. As a grain goddess, Ceres rules the growing of plants and food crops, the harvest, natural resources and the environment. When the patent was obtained for RU-486, Ceres was square Chiron, and Venus was square Saturn. This, in combination with Ceres inconjunct Midheaven and square Ascendant, shows how important nutrition and insulin was. I read the entire label of a package of “chicken cutlets” (quick ‘n’ easy dinner!) I’ve seen pictures of goats in impossibly steep positions on cliffs. This puts Ceres (grain, agriculture, nourishment and all the emotional connotations thereof) on a mission of social and relational justice and balance, in a sign ruled by Venus. The Moon rules traditional motherhood, where mom stays home to nurture. Ceres in easy aspect (trine or sextile) describes nurturing enabled by the energy of the planet in question. There is a sacrifice necessary, a release of what must die in order to bring forth what needs to be born. However, there are many astrological indicators that we have collectively entered a time saturated with the living symbolism of Ceres. Transiting Ceres square Natal Venus At this time you may need to give your loved ones some room to breathe. The inability to do so may bring self-rejection and lack of self-confidence. Ultimately after securing the return of her daughter for part of the year from Hades, Demeter brought the gift of Mystery rites and corn to humanity. / And there, at a final feast, devoured himself.”. Aries is the sixth place in whole sign, making Mars in Capricorn the ruler of the pandemic in the third whole sign house applying toward a conjunction with Jupiter ruling the second house of finance. That asks us to be vulnerable and open, not walled off or unnecessarily cautious. The Moon’s application toward Ceres in the Aries Ingress chart stresses the importance of mothers and a need to focus on parenting issues and resources. Ceres square Venus Ceres at the Crossroads of Civilization. Venus Septile Part of Fortune. After one of his men protested, Erysichton cut off his head with his axe. There has been a misuse of the gift of Neptune to feed the hunger of empire, deploying illusions to trick and deceive so as to devour and hoard a disproportionate share of natural resources. I agree – if we stay on that trajectory, then what some call “near term extinction” is a real probability. Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius: Age of Air. However, while it is a waxing square in the Aries ingress, it is a waning square in the great conjunction chart. Cosmos and Psyche. Hackett. George, Demetra with Bloch, Douglas. Hekate directs Demeter to consult Helios (a meeting resonant with Ceres conjoining the Sun), leading to Demeter finally understanding that Pluto has abducted Persephone (also known as Kore or Proserpina) into the underworld and out of her reach. Planet transits in year 2003 01.01.2003 h.18:13: Venus quincunx Saturn 03.01.2003 h.20:37: Venus square Uranus 05.01.2003 h.08:00: Mercury sextile Venus The Ninnion Tablet (ca. Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses stated that psychological complexes such as attachment disorders that are passed down generationally within families are also connected with Ceres.