41 terms. In this quote, John Proctor criticizes his wife for continuing to mistrust him after he ended things with Abigail. This quiz is incomplete! John gets angry that Elizabeth still won't fully trust him around Abigail, and he feels liks he's always being judged. After hearing what Proctor has to say, Hale starts to doubt the accusers as well. Why is Act II scene two of Arthur Miller's The Crucible out of chronological order? In Act 2 of Arthur Miller's ''The Crucible,'' we see the tension which remains between Elizabeth and John because of the affair. Edit. Giles Corey enters the house accompanied by Francis Nurse. He was bitter that Martha wouldn't refund him the money, so to get revenge he accused her of casting spells with her books. Mary Warren, their servant, has gone to the witch trials, defying Elizabeth’s order that she remain in the house. Mary Warren, their servant, has gone to the witch trials, defying Luckily for Abigail, no one is in the right state of mind to care about how little sense all of this makes. (Reverend Hale pg. The Crucible Act 2. 116 terms. We can help. This matches up with the "attack" on Abigail allegedly perpetrated by Elizabeth's spirit. Even in this setting, the public discussions of the Proctors' guilt or innocence occurs within the home. 9th - 12th grade . If you're looking for a deeper thematic discussion to help you write a killer essay, read this article on how each theme manifests in the play and what larger conclusions can be drawn as a result. 68). and Francis rush into Proctor’s home, crying that their wives have They instead continue to push for more confessions, which are then counted as "evidence" of a grand Satanic plot. Mary informs the The Crucible, Act Il Literary Analysis Allusion An allusion is a brief reference within a work to something outside the work. STUDY. by janieceleste_bedard_77903. Abigail fell on the floor screaming at dinner and pulled a needle out of her stomach, claiming that Elizabeth's familiar spirit stabbed her. The Crucible and Political Theater; Movie Adaptations; Full Book Quiz; Section Quizzes; Act 1, part 1; Act 1, part 2; Act 1, part 3; Act 2; Act 3; Act 4-Epilogue; Character List; Analysis of Major Characters; Theme, Motifs, and Symbols; Study Questions; Suggestions for Further Reading; Companion Texts Act 4 Study Guide Crucible Questions 12 Terms. so that he would be incapable of keeping one alive. This leads to another argument where Elizabeth urges John to tell Abigail that there's absolutely no possibility of them ever being together. 85). He feels that Elizabeth is constantly suspicious of him now, to the point where he can't do anything without being judged. John's guilt is a huge thematic undercurrent throughout the play, as we will see to an even greater extent in the next two acts. Taken can continue attending the trials. 52). Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. Create. I have seen too many frightful proofs in court - the Devil is alive in Salem, and we dare not quail to follow wherever the accusing finger points!" 9th - 12th grade . Hale arrives and questions the Proctors about their religious devotion based on the accusations levied against Elizabeth. Who is actually on trial in The Crucible? 27 terms. John and Elizabeth discuss the trials in Salem, and they both realize things are getting out of hand (though John still believes the court would never actually hang anyone). He claims that "an everlasting funeral marches round [her] heart," meaning that she insists on continuing to mourn for the damage the affair did to their relationship rather than allowing him to repair it. Likewise, John … instructs Mary to go to bed, but she demands that he stop ordering Hot Words lesson 6-7/2018 . obliges but forgets the commandment prohibiting adultery. The man who accused Martha Corey bought a pig from her that died soon after. Elizabeth questions him about this and he confesses in her like a good Christian. Still, Proctor balks at testifying in court because the atmosphere sounds so hysterical ("I falter nothing, but I may wonder if my story will be credited in such a court." her around. He threatens to whip her, and No one thinks she's smart or devious enough to make up all these insane stories, so she is taken at her word. John Proctor is prepared to tell the whole truth about Abigail to save his wife and the rest of the accused, but will that be enough to stem the tide of witch-related hysteria? The protagonist has returned from seeding his farmland. Elizabeth insists that John go to Abigail and tell her explicitly that there is no possibility of them ever being together in the future. Mary Warren, who went to Salem to testify against the Proctors' wishes, returns to the house and gives Elizabeth a poppet (doll) she made in court. Act II is when the full extent of the hysteria in Salem becomes apparent. April 28, 2020 by Essay Writer. crucible ACT 2. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. 29 terms. He kinda deserves it, tbh. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. bed. The Crucible Act 2 Summary — Short Version John and Elizabeth discuss the trials in Salem, and they both realize things are getting out of hand (though John still believes the court would never actually hang anyone). When the poppet is discovered in Elizabeth's possession, it is taken as concrete proof that she's involved in witchcraft. Want to build the best possible college application? paxchristie. Do you have any ideas for catchy newspaper titles for The Crucible? Elizabeth tells John he has to go into town and inform them that Abigail is lying. Ezekiel Cheever and Marshal Herrick then arrive at the house. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. At the right is a door opening on the fields outside. Analysis Of The Act II The Crucible. The Crucible Act II. Mary has never felt like she was a part of something significant like this before, which likely adds to her conviction that the people she's accusing are truly witches. 56). Name _joe boyd Date 9-30-20 Period_4_ The Crucible – Act II Study Guide Questions Directions: 1) ALL questions without *** need to be answered in complete sentences and correctly punctuated (beginning and end of sentence). SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. The idea that a witch's familiar spirit could be going around stabbing people willy-nilly is too horrifying for people who genuinely believe in witchcraft to give Elizabeth the benefit of the doubt. Afireþlace is at the left, and behind it a stairway leading upstairs. 71). He has just visited Rebecca Nurse. He has just come from questioning Rebecca Nurse, who was accused despite her solid reputation in town. Even before his arrest (spoiler alert), John is a prisoner of his own guilt. Corey now realizes he made a mistake by voicing his suspicions about his wife's reading habits in the previous act. In fact, Elizabeth doesn't show many signs of being overly judgmental of John (she's actually doing pretty well considering he just had an affair with a teenager), and most of these issues are a projection of his own guilt. Mary uses "weighty" as a synonym for "important" or "vital." This quiz is incomplete! Mary and the other girls are riding on a high of attention and respect from powerful people in the community, so they are especially motivated to stick to their stories (and even genuinely believe their own lies). The Crucible Arthur Miller Page 2 of 154. needle in it herself. He views the witch trials as an unveiling of the true nature of the people of Salem. Everyone exits the house except Mary and John Proctor. Sarah Good was ultimately condemned after being unable to recite her commandments. ''You come so late I … What is the theme of Act 2 in the crucible? I'll provide two different summaries. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. English. John is incredibly frustrated because the accusers are all taken at their word, and the accused are denied a fair opportunity to defend themselves. This theme is prominent in the dynamic between John and Elizabeth. They find the doll that Mary gave her and notice that it has a needle stuck in it. They provide an outlet for the repressed resentments and jealousies that were simmering under the surface. Elizabeth notes that Mary's demeanor, previously very meek, is now like that of "the daughter of a prince" (pg. It is the low, dark, and rather long living room of the time. Hale has fleeting doubts about the legitimacy of the girls' accusations. He says that he feels as though "Now Hell and heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old pretense is ripped away - make your peace! Elizabeth Proctor serves John dinner, and they chat about his day. 73). We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. This makes her upset and says that he is never open with her. John Proctor sits down to dinner with his wife, Elizabeth. Mary is genuinely convinced that Sarah Good tried to kill her by sending out her spirit. As they got over the awkwardness and silence, john pleads with abigail to withdraw the accusations she made. Hot Words Lesson 3 &4 Talbot. told him that the children’s sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft. They have a warrant for Elizabeth Proctor's arrest, and they confirm that she was accused by Abigail. In a sense, the trials really are "weighty work" because they overhaul the entire community. But going to court Elizabeth's side of the story immediately becomes virtually irrelevant because Abigail's testimony is much scarier and more dramatic: "She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor. Goody Good, an old beggar woman, is one of the first to be accused because she is already held in such low regard. They are now "jangling the keys of the kingdom," or testing their ability to provoke widespread chaos that favors their own agendas. Since he's unable to forgive himself for the affair, he projects his guilt onto her even when she's not acting particularly judgmental. Mary and Elizabeth return, and Mary admits she made the doll in court while Abigail was sitting next to her. his home is a courtroom, but Elizabeth responds that the real court She is concerned about Abigail's potential reaction. Read all about the traits, actions, and thematic relevance of Abigail Williams, Rebecca Nurse, John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Mary Warren. When Mary Warren returns home, she gives Elizabeth a doll 0. Elizabeth, meanwhile, is convinced that it was Abigail Write the line, provide who said it, and how this characterizes her . theamandajones. name was apparently mentioned in the accusations (Mary will not Judgment, both internal and external, is a constant throughout The Crucible. Though that desire for vengeance was always there within the people of Salem, it has only now begun to affect judicial processes and societal power structures in dramatic ways. Delete Quiz. Elizabeth says she actually doesn't believe in witches at all, and Hale is taken aback because witches are specifically mentioned in the Bible. The Crucible: Act 2. 65). Rebecca Nurse is suspected of murdering Ann Putnam's babies. At this point, Abigail has gone from a nobody to (unofficially) one of the most powerful people in Salem. been arrested. 76). Coach Rodrigue: Midterm. By the end of Act 2, characters who were thought to be beyond reproach will find themselves in mortal peril as a result of unchecked hysteria. Cheever orders Elizabeth to hand over any dolls she has in the house. Giles In this act it is also revealed that Rebecca Nurse has been accused, a woman whose character was previously thought to be unimpeachable. "Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in the fortress may be accounted small." See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. Here, Elizabeth points out that John is his own harshest judge. the Christian character of the Proctor home. He has some reservations because it will be his word against hers. She forgot about the one Mary gave her earlier, which Cheever sees and examines. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law!" (Mary Warren pg. with a warrant for Elizabeth’s arrest. He's frustrated that he hasn't been allowed to leave the affair behind him and hates that he now has to face up to real consequences. THE CRUCIBLE (PENGUIN PLAYS) ACT TWO The common room of Proctor's house, eight days lato: At the right is a door opening on the fields outside. Log in Sign up. : Why is this pertinent to what is going on? Act 2. Every pig he Proctor begins to feel a sort of relief because he senses that he and all the other hypocrites are finally being punished for their sins. Practice. They find a needle in the doll Mary gave Elizabeth that corresponds to the needle that Elizabeth's familiar spirit supposedly used to stab Abigail. 0. Cheever spies the doll A man bought a pig from Martha Corey and Hale warily questions the Proctors about their skimpy church attendance, and John tells him Abigail is a fraud. He underestimated Abigail and is now paying the price. Rachel_Bornstein. He sees himself as an immoral person, and he is relieved in a certain sense that he's about to be exposed for the hypocrite he is so his sins will stop eating him up inside. We've also written comprehensive analyses of the most significant characters in The Crucible. And he goes to save her, and, stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle out." Played 9 times. (Reverend Hale pg. They meet in the woods at night, with Abigail wrapped with her nightgown, and Proctor with his lantern raised. When Hale asks him to recite his commandments, the only one he forgets is adultery. Solo Practice. tasc1. Act II, Scene 1 provides the audience with the first glimpse of Elizabeth and John Proctor together. John Proctor tells Elizabeth to go get Mary so she can confirm that the doll was a gift. At Elizabeth’s urging, Proctor informs Hale that Abigail 52). "I do not judge you. Speaker: John Proctor. Hint: no. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? Whoever Abigail and her troop name as they go into hysterics Eight days later, John Proctor returns home late from planting the fields. This shows how hard John is trying to repress his guilt. John and Mary argue over whether Mary They feel that the consequences of doubting these accusations could be more dire than the risk of having some innocent people caught up in the mix. ldujka TEACHER. is arrested for bewitching the girls. He notes that the Proctors (John Proctor pg. God, deemed to be the author of all truth, has several acolytes who are obligated to honor that truth. In the words of John Proctor, "the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom" (pg. Mary Warren gave her. Elizabeth tells John he has to go into town and inform them that Abigail is lying. Bookmark File PDF The Crucible Questions And Answers Act 2 The Crucible Questions And Answers Act 2|pdfazapfdingbats font size 10 format If you ally dependence such a referred the crucible questions and answers act 2 ebook that will come up with the money for you worth, get the definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. The Crucible Crucible Act II. It becomes clear just how far the characters are willing to go to protect themselves against the town's burgeoning hysteria (even if it means setting others on a path to the gallows). On some occasions in the Bible, people who were thought to be good turned out to be bad. Asked by Baylea L #899081 on 4/30/2019 4:10 AM Last updated by Aslan on 4/30/2019 4:59 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. The first of these is the line between public and private. He rips up the arrest warrant and tells everyone to leave. Mary returns from Salem after participating in the trials and gives Elizabeth a ragdoll she made in court. However, the authorities are not convinced by this story. Proctor can barely believe the craze, and he tells Elizabeth 78% average accuracy. Proctor The hysteria has been heightened by several confessions which seem to confirm the existence of an evil witchy plot. The Crucible Act 2 Study Guide 26 Terms. The setting is the Proctor’s house, in the common room (or the living room, as we call it today). Elizabeth insists that John tell Hale that the girls are faking. The common room o f Proctor’s house, eight days later. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. John is frustrated with Elizabeth because she still doesn't fully trust him, but he's really projecting his internal guilt about his affair with Abigail onto her. Summary: John tells Elizabeth he was alone with Abigail, but he had previously told her that they spoke in a large crowd. (John Proctor pg. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Score. Elizabeth’s order that she remain in the house. The authorities and citizens of the town are so scared of the possibility that these coerced confessions could be the truth that they ignore any logical objections to the proceedings ("I have seen too many frightful proofs in court - the Devil is alive in Salem, and we dare not quail to follow wherever the accusing finger points!" We'll also find out the extent to which John Proctor's relationship with Elizabeth has suffered after his affair. Ezekiel Cheever and Herrick, the town marshal, arrive theology. Talbot Hot Words 8-9 /2018. Elizabeth loses all faith in her People are told they will be executed if they refuse to confess, so obviously false confessions abound. By Arthur Miller. He tells her he wants to please her, but when he tries to kiss her, she simply “receives it.” He’s disappointed and returns to eat. Trahan Crucible Act 2 and 3. Does your target always get stabbed with the same implement that you used to poke the voodoo doll? Played 307 times. She gives Elizabeth a poppet (a rag doll, essentially) that she made in court. 2) ALL questions with *** need to be answered with a CLAIM, POINT (context setting up evidence), EVIDENCE/CITATION (in the form of a direct quotation). He hopes to leave the affair in the past and pretend it never happened, but he can't ignore the impact it has had on his relationship with Elizabeth, his sense of self-worth, and Abigail's psyche. She then claims to remember other times that she was bewitched by Sarah Good. He says that by mrsvizcarra. In the next act, Parris will say "You should surely know that Cain were an upright man, and yet he did kill Abel" (Reverend Parris pg. Elizabeth brings Mary downstairs. saying that he did not know how to care for a pig. Peace. husband upon hearing that he and Abigail were alone together. he cannot prove his allegation because Abigail told him this information Usually, an allusion relates to one of the following: Another literary work A place A well-known person A historical event The Crucible makes many biblical allusions. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: © PrepScholar 2013-2018. “Now Hell and Heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old pretense is ripped away—make your peace!…Peace. give one example that indirectly characterizes Abigail in this act. Proctor tells Mary she must testify in court about the real story behind the doll. Act II Set in Proctor’s home, the act begins by showing the daily life of John and Elizabeth. There's some tension between them because of the lingering effects of John's affair with Abigail. 76% average accuracy. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! Two major themes emerge in the second act of The Crucible. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. They reveal to Hale and the Proctors that their wives have been arrested and sent to jail. Our new student and parent forum, at ExpertHub.PrepScholar.com, allow you to interact with your peers and the PrepScholar staff. Jordan lewis The Crucible Act II Timeline created by jlew52. Elizabeth tells John he has to go into town and inform them that Abigail is lying. Eng Paragraph On why Miller cut act 2 scene 2 from the play In Act 2 Scene 2, 2 the main characters are john Proctor and Abigail Williams. He finds a needle inside it. Abigail has described Elizabeth as a cold "sniveling" woman who cannot possibly satisfy Proctor or make him happy. Share practice link. Mary tells the Proctors that there are now 39 people arrested. Mary Warren shows up Mary Warren returns to the Proctor house. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. Mary knows about the affair, and she thinks Abigail will come clean about it and ruin Proctor's reputation if Mary tries to discredit her. Act 2 John Proctor sits down to dinner with his wife, Elizabeth. Search. Four judges have been summoned from Boston to preside over the trials, and fourteen people are jailed on accusations of witchcraft. Hale visits the Proctors because he wants to speak with ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? thirty-nine people now stand accused. Francis Nurse and Giles Corey come to the house and say that their wives have been arrested. "Why do you never wonder if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Abigail has been exercising a great deal of power in court and continues to feign being attacked by witches. The act itself moves from the intimate conversation between husband and wife to more public matters, but the division between these two spheres becomes obscure. Mary also believes that the court will turn against her if she tells the truth. Proctor tears up the arrest warrant in frustration, but Elizabeth agrees to go peacefully. Mary says she's too scared of the consequences and doesn't think she can do it. Previous Next . Page 3 of 154. Proctor tries to allay these suspicions even though he knows that she's probably right. Proctor name the accuser), but Mary spoke out in Elizabeth’s defense. In Act 2, the situation in Salem goes from worrisome to straight up horrifying. Jan 7, 1692. In this case, it's "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven" (Reverend Hale pg. out that they would have been hanged without a confession. Hale says if Rebecca Nurse has fallen under the control of the Devil, no one is safe. Save. Edit. has not owned dolls since she was a girl. She feels that she's doing God's work, and she is given a sense of purpose and duty through her participation in the trials. This is all a set-up for the heightened drama of Act 3. If you desire to John and Elizabeth talk John and Elizabeth Proctor talk about the affair and how John needs to go to town to state the truth about Abigail. 68). 50). The Crucible Act 2 Summary — Short Version John and Elizabeth discuss the trials in Salem, and they both realize things are getting out of hand (though John still believes the court would never actually hang anyone). Ask questions; get answers. Hale proceeds to ask questions about John and Elizabeth’s relationship is still strained from his affair with Abigail. At the beginning of this act, John Proctor says, “It is winter in here yet. The real court in Salem is mirrored by a metaphorical court within the mind of John Proctor. Hale is surprised because, 0. asks if Elizabeth owns any dolls, and Elizabeth replies that she Reputation has been conquered by paranoia. Get an answer for 'How is Mary Warren portrayed in act 2 of The Crucible? Act 2 of The Crucible takes us to the Proctor household, where we learn just how crazy things have gotten in Salem after the initial flood of accusations. Play. Proctor points Elizabeth knows that her high status still affords her some credibility, but this is the point at which the value of reputation in Salem starts to butt heads with the power of hysteria and fear to sway people's opinions (and vengeance to dictate their actions). The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT Points, How to Get a Perfect 36 ACT, by a Perfect Scorer. John's hesitance leads to an argument rooted in his affair and the lack of trust that continues to pervade their marriage. Act I: Opening scene to the entrance of John Proctor, Act I: The entrance of John Proctor to the entrance of Reverend Hale, Act I: Opening Scene to the Entrance of John Proctor, Act I: The Entrance of John Proctor to the Entrance of Reverend Hale, Act I: The Entrance of Reverend Hale to the Closing Scene. As the curtain rises, the room is empty. Hale asks them to recite the Ten Commandments. "The little crazy children" are the accusers, mostly teenage girls who previously had no power in Salem. Like a struck beast, he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would weep to hear. Finish Editing. Hale pg. Mary reveals that Goody Osburn is set to hang, but Sarah Good confessed, so she will live. Elizabeth sees that there is no way out of the current situation and agrees to go with the marshal to avoid a scene. If anyone is judging him, it's a mini-John Proctor with a judge wig banging a tiny gavel right on his heart strings. "I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart. I've written short explanations for each that elaborate on their significance. The Crucible Act 2 Important quotes. A NOTE ON THE HISTORICAL ACCURACY OF THIS PLAY This play is not history in the sense in which the word is used by the academic historian. that Abigail had a fit at dinner in Parris’s house that evening. At this point, Reverend Hale arrives at the house to speak with the Proctors about the accusations made against Elizabeth. This is taken as evidence that things are really getting out of control ("if Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothing's left to stop the whole green world from burning." 19 terms. Mary continues to insist that she can't testify because of the potential consequences. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, 'c8b8e502-c285-4182-9589-5f8ae230e78a', {}); Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Proctor Homework. One misstep can derail a reputation completely, so everyone is eager to conform out of concerns for self-preservation. Haley_Gregson. And does that mean you can only use voodoo dolls to give people you hate superficial puncture wounds?