Ifthe honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. Abrie dream that a door with a key means that it will enter a new situation. This element, in short, is an emblem of resistance, tenacity, perseverance, and eternity of being. The red of rubies is in a class of its own, being peculiarly warm and fiery. Telephone number: if it is of someone known, most likely an attempt to communicate with that person—see numbers. 4. See Wish Fulfillment Dreams.... Strangest Dream Explanations. Literally, to dream of a seeing a hagstone in the distance may be indicating that it is time to get your eyes checked. Since money in life is symbolic in nature, in the dream world it can represent any form of abundance. Depth Psychology: Sometimes, as a phallic symbol, the tongue may refer to sexual needs, but it is more often related to speaking and cultivating social contact. See Chair, King / Queen.... Little Giant Encyclopedia. Also: it can be an example of one of the functions of dreams, which is to release held back sexuality and emotion. If you dreamed of wearing only one earring, and you are looking for another one in your dream but failing to find it, this dream can have a completely different meaning. A refund of money suggests that we have put effort into en emotional commitment, but have had to accept that that ‘payment’ is not valid. If the piles of hay are scattered, it can be a warning about the risk of losing our assets due to not taking care of them in a responsible way….Read more…, Cutting your hands forecast loss and disease. Flag Bearer They can also symbolize a state of reduction or deprivation (as in being “stripped to the bare bones” and being left with a “skeleton crew”). Marten Perhaps you have given yourself cheaply in sex or in a relationship. Alternatively, the dream may show the fear you have of losing particular person in your life, as we know very often the fears we have reflect in our dreams. To see it in quantity and well preserved is an omen of success. 2:14 ... Christian Dream Symbols. • This is why they kept looking for that taste of honey. No reply to dreamer’s call: feeling someone is out of contact with you, not aware of your feelings. Success through toil indicated by this dream, A symbol for wanting to smooth out something. This dream also refers to the tendency of losing control over things….Read more…, Losing it means unnecessary expenses, you should take care of your money. Alternatively, it suggests that you are no longer as confident. To see or play a saxophone in your dream, indicates that there is something you need to express from deep within your soul. Your mind is preoccupied with thoughts about aging and your appearance. It can also mean your attitudes about love and the heart. Confused attitudes are clarified. A stonecutter in a dream also means enmity or divisiveness. To be lost, indicates that the current situation takes a disturbing turn. If a man sees himself wearing a pair of beautiful earrings which are mounted with pearls in a dream, it means that he will enjoy wealth, prosperity and comfort in this life, or it could mean that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an. • If you are having financial difficulties and dream of receiving large amounts of finances, then it is simply a picture of your desires at the moment. To interpret colourful dream about soaking, please look into the meanings of particular color. You are feeling confident, potent, loveable, and valuable, worthy of respect, status, esteem and success in the material world. Ginger hair symbolizes jealousy. You think highly of yourself. To look upon a quantity of money, denotes that prosperity and happiness are within your reach. A hone in a dream also means incitement or promoting an activity, or encouragement to continue one’s course of actions. A stone is a small piece of rock. If you dream of getting stoned with marijuana, then see Marijuana.... Strangest Dream Explanations, For stone to be broken up signifies being badly hurt. Symbolic of spiritual death and hopelessness, Ezek. In general, they allude to an internal change, a psychic transformation that brings about the destruction of a previous process. Maybe they drop out one at a time, or they start crumbling in your hands, or they start splintering off. If you dream of throwing a stone at some evil or obnoxious person, it is a good sign that some evil feared by you will pass because of your untiring attention to good moral principles.... My Dream Interpretation, A stone may symbolize your true self; the fundamental and permanent centre of one’s being.... A Dictionary of Dream Symbols, If you dream that the stones rain down from the sky it means that your heart is hardened. It represents the amplification of your dioughts and ideas. 1- When we dream of sitting on a throne, we are acknowledging our right to take authority. Hanging a stone around one’s neck as a charm in a dream means that an affliction or an evil will take place. Earrings symbolize accentuating your heanng and comment about what you are having to listen to or are willing to listen to. Having a mill stone around vour neck: trv to resolve a difficult situation as soon as possible. To dream that you or someone is wearing earrings suggests that you need to listen more carefully and pay attention to a message that someone is conveying to you. Complete Dictionary of Dreams. Hit is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. Giving so much weight to material things may be robbing you of happiness. If change or coins, means changes are coming into your life; if dollar bills, big changes. This may be an opportunity you turned down, a path not taken, or a relationship that is ending. Shaikh Al-Karamani explains that "the dream of a scholar is truer than that of an ignorant person, the dream of a chaste person is truer than that of an unchaste person, the dream of a good person is truer than that of a bad person, and that the dream of an elderly person is truer than that of a younger person.". A microphone in a dream connects to a need or desire to increase the power of your convictions, your ability to declare what it is that you desire, and the authority you wield in your life through knowing how to command your words. Ancient talismans were believed to have magical powers to protect the wearer. To dream of hearing the gramophone, foretells the advent of some new and pleasing comrade who will lend himself willingly to advance your enjoyment. For stone to be broken up signifies being badly- hurt. Are you greatly invested in your outward appearance? But by recognizing this feeling of apprehension and imprisonment in the dream, you can change it. The Element Encyclopedia. Its meaning, therefore, is associated with personal growth, with effort in work. Ifan impious person, or a corrupt person, or an impostor sees that dream, it means distress, a sickness that could bring him near his death, or to lose one hand in an accident, or to lose one’s wife, or sister, or partner, or loss of blessings, or becoming sacrilegious and profane. To lose your money, fear of losing something or someone whom you need. Steadfastness, faithfulness, dependability, but also pride. To see or hear a mobile phone in your dream, signifies a message from your unconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. Avoid all gossip. The most famous musical example for this melancholic shade of blue can be found in George Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’. The Complete Dream Book. Example: My mother asked me to go and buy some butter for her. The skinless could also symbolize the lost of your senses where you evaluate with the outer world. Dreams about wearing one earring, while the other is missing and you cannot find it, means something exactly the opposite. His measuring pennies are his fights with people. Perhaps you are making risky investments that will end up losing you a fortune. Otherwise, the winner of a fight is a dream denotes the loser in wakefulness. If you saw a skeleton in your dream, especially if it was in a cupboard, are you concerned that certain things in your life you are trying to hide may come out into the open? Rarely connected to financial problems. The sense of loss is linked to guilt. Thinking about such questions should help you identify the things you really value in your waking life and you may in turn start to question the real value of your previous goals and aspirations. Money is also a symbol of sexual energy, influence, power—and last but not least—financial security. This foundational structure is normally invisible to us, so to be dreaming of bones is to be getting a glimpse of issues that are normally hidden but are now visible. For ages, people have believed in the healing power of opals. You are under the false impression that holding onto anger will keep you safe or morally superior.... Strangest Dream Explanations, This is interpreted as quarrelling with that person and hurting his feelings through tongue-lashing.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, Leaving one’s body in a dream means that changes will take place in one’s status, marriage, or property.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. Complete Dictionary of Dreams, 3. There is a situation or relationship that you are trying to keep at a distance. A tombstone may indicate the need to revisit the gravesite of a dead relative symbolically in order to unravel limiting attitudes and patterns learned from this person. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. (Also see Orbit)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, It is also, as we become more aware, negative elements, which we may be required to confront and overcome, or at worst understand, before there can be progress.... Dream Meanings of Versatile, For instance, an imp as an opponent might mean that we will have to deal with minor irritations first.... Dream Meanings of Versatile, 2. The Dream Books Symbols, Bones can obviously represent death, either literal or metaphorical. Giving money may signify a generosity of spirit or kindness, or it may reflect emotional ties. A lover who dreams of stepping up a curbstone may !ook forward to a bappy mating with a faithful partner. I wave and call and they drive right past me, going over the chain I am wearing on my leg’ (Lorraine). Using the telephone suggests a direct one-to-one relationship. To dream that you lose an earring indicates that you are being misguided. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary. Earring Losing Earring dream interpretations. ... New American Dream Dictionary. Money in a dream also means vain talk, or missing one’s prayers. If one’s sins are forgiven in a dream, it means receiving guidance, abstinence from sin, protecting one’s chastity, hoping for God’s forgiveness, engaging in charitable actions and offering atonements.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, Fulfilling one’s goal in a dream means increase in knowledge, guidance on the path of God Almighty, earning lawful money, marriage or becoming wealthy.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, Mental bitterness caused by constant irritation... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, One wearing a gemstone is extra special. Additionally, you may be contented with maintaining a low profile life. To walk among rocks, or stones, omens that an uneven and rough pathway will be yours for at least a while. Like no other gemstone, ruby is the perfect symbol of powerful feelings. Stepping-stones signify slow but steady advancement; Bloodstones portend unhappy love affairs; Cobblestones are a warning against gambling, and a dream of throwing stones is a sign of regret over a missed opportunity; let it be a lesson to you, but don’t waste energy in vain postmortems. However, if it is you who is making the call, and important appointment will be postponed. One may wonder when he receives a gift in a dream, then the same gift reaches him in in wakefulness, or if he suffers an adversity in a dream, then the same adversity takes place in wakefulness. If you dreamed about hearing static on a telephone line, you need to pay closer attention to what people tell you. A woman after this dream is warned of approaching disappointment. • I do believe it is an encouragement from the Lord to say that He desires to meet your need. Or, perhaps it is you who isn’t taking something or somebody seriously enough. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams. Staying connected with others is at the heart of this symbol, which is rapidly becoming an obsolete item as more and more people abandon their telephones for the portable benefit of the cell phone as their only means of connection. Do you feel shortage of sexual appeal or virility? Was your dreaming mind urging you to look out for number one with this dream image? Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. Abalone has a beautiful, decorative shell and is also a substantial food source; to dream of the Abalone whole may represent someone in your life that is beautiful externally, but also has inner worth.... Dream Symbols and Analysis. Skinless Complete Dictionary of Dreams, If you give money away, this suggests a generosity of spirit or it might reflect emotional ties that are expected of you at present. Significant aspects of this dream are the person you are calling, and/or who is calling you, whether or not you are able to reach him or her, and the status of your connection. The Bedside Dream Dictionary. Hairy hands are a sign of small problems. Ifan unknown young person compliments him in a dream, it means that his enemy will yield to him. Revealing loneliness is encouraging one to reach out in a mutually acceptable way... Dream Dictionary Unlimited, Feeling alone in a dream is a favourable omen, but it shows that you must depend on your own exertions, not on the influence or help of friends of strangers. He will be afflicted with grief and sorrow.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. If we are losing hair or it was cut, then it means complete ruin of some situation. In many cultures of the Old and New World turquoise has for thousands of years been appreciated as a holy stone, a good-luck charm or a talisman. Eating the flesh of a lioness in a dream means that one may become wealthy. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams. To find, means to solve problems or to bring your qualities back. Perhaps the physical setting of the dream will give the crucial clue. To dream of eating baloney suggests that you are trying to deceive yourself into believing in something that goes against your natural instincts or long held values. Symbolic of super-natural strength, Judg. You will win money in games of chance if the wearer is plain or ordinary looking. We also may be aware of the need to contact a specific person who we can help, or who can help us. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, Poundingone’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. When a woman dreams of looking at earrings without touching them, it’s a sign for job or an important business in the future (and the more valuable and beautiful, the better). 4. Almost ninety-five per cent of all fine opals come from the dry and remote outback deserts of Australia. See Bank, Wealth.... Dreamers Dictionary. To see counterfeit money in your dream suggests that something is not what it appears to be. A dream in which you dramatically lose weight may signal some physical ailment. News or messages from your Higher Self, others, or the Universe. If you are unable to dial the numbers or unable to establish a connection, this symbolizes a challenge/breakdown in communication with this person. A tombstone marks a place where someone is buried. If you lose your driver’s license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. To see a cone in your dream represents a flow of ideas and feelings. The Element Encyclopedia, If it is broken, some fateful occurrence will thwart and defeat delights that you hold in anticipation. The dream about impotency is also related to the sexual power and ability to perform normally, therefore you might be afraid of losing it.Read more…, When you dream of your own funeral, then such dream indicates the conclusion of some aspect in your life or your personality. They are risk-takers. If we are searching for a telephone number we are having difficulty in co-ordinating our thoughts about our future actions. Sweetness in life; abundance. If one sees himself striking a flint stone with a piece of steel to produce fire for cooking or for light, and ifhe sees the sparks coming from them in a dream, it means that he will take advantage of his friendship with someone in authority who is rock hearted to help him overcome his poverty and to make his life more manageable. Sapphires are symbols of hope, joy and aspiration, and blue is the color most often association with this precious stone. Causes of hearing loss. What have you dreamed about? You are connecting to your own creativity and rhythm. It symbolises a son who is blessed, dexterous and alert.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, A diligent worker who interacts well with others... Dream Dictionary Unlimited. As internal stimuli, it can show illness in your psyche. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, Seeing Allah present in a particular house suggests that the occupants of such a house will be favored with peace, happiness and assistance.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, End of current lifestyle.... Expansions Dream Dictionary, Not totally satisfied with one’s efforts. An elevator or lift in a dream usually suggests how we deal with information. You are reaching new targets or concentrating on some plan or fixing some situation. If you dream that you are wearing earrings, it indicates a serious risk of loss of prestige among friends, even if the dreamer doesn’t give reasons for this. Endlessly ringing: Overlooking or misconstruing the signals you’re receiving. The dreams of community leaders depend on their beliefs. If you dream of someone else eating baloney, this indicates your growing distrust in that person. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. / The Big Dictionary of Dreams, Relaxation; letting go of activity; introversion; sex. If our lover steals from us it means we exaggerate our love sacrificing things that are also important. To dream of seeing or being commanded by a colonel, denotes you will fail to reach any prominence in social or business circles. To dream of finding a hagstone indicates a charmed or lucky person. It means that you are able to provide yourself with right decisions without hurry or uncontrolled thoughts. If a rock or stone featured in your dream, it is important to take into account the context of your dream and your emotions when trying to understand the message from your dreaming mind. Perhaps you are trying to hide the various things in order to neglecting them, instead of solving the existing issues. Sometimes, a mill or grinding stone represents fighting or quarrelling if there is anything to suggest this in the dream.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. We are able to extract from our experiences in life what is useful to us and what we can convert into nourishment.... Dream Meanings of Versatile. Great success in endeavors and in­dustry, especially with the help of others. If you are the one imprisoned, it might be an indication that you have guilt feelings—justified or not.... Dreamers Dictionary, For a young woman to dream that a rhinestone proves to be a diamond, foretells she will be surprised to find that some insignificant act on her part will result in good fortune. 3- Bones are one of the integral parts of man. The more creative you are with your rumination of these symbolic meanings, the more successful your interpretation will be. / Bones may also be dug up in a dream in order to reveal feelings of grief around a significant loss or the death of a friend or relative.... Ariadne's Book of Dream. Secrets (as in “skeletons in the closet”). Turning down, or turning away from, money: A change in personal priorities toward less material pursuits. Symbolic of being weighed down with sin, Isa. If you were speaking on the phone, try to recall to whom you were speaking and what the conversation was about. Sapphire earnngs are associated with communicating your vision. Using the telephone suggests a direct one-to-one relationship. You are in a crisis of identity. This is because older children may be busy in their mischief and fulfilling their newly discovered desires. Seeing a money exchanger in a dream also represents wealth, or quick richness from suspicious sources, or he could represent an accountant, a bookkeeper, or a ledger keeper.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, Dreaming of this necromancer practicing his black arts denotes there are evil people around you that will try to influence your life and spoil your domestic bliss.... Encyclopedia of Dreams, 3. Is there something in your waking life about which you feel jaded and would like to change? In the spiritual sense, savings suggests those talents and abilities that we have or have developed, but have not yet used, particularly those for the greater good.... Dream Meanings of Versatile. It may suggest that you need to calm down after a highly charged emotional situation or state of mind. In a dream, forging money means using vile words, or words without action. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, 2. Dollars If a specific gemstone or precious stone appears in your dream, try to work out what that stone means to you. Bear in mind, too, that money can represent emotional transactions in waking life. Impotence These emotions are permanent and reliable—they are emotions in which overwhelming and fiery passion is not the main element, but rather composure, mutual understanding and unshakeable trust. If a poor person sees bones in his dream, they denote his piety and fulfillment of his religious duties. A good omen for marriage and partnerships. More positively, it represents the need for independence. If you recover lost clothes are you seeking a new self image? You may be connecting you’re your feelings of leadership, and of being a creative role-model.... Strangest Dream Explanations, Oneself, the beginning, the first, unity. Seeing oneself carrying bushes from the woods means backbiting, slandering and reporting lies.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, Sweets. This dream might reflect your rejection of your intellect and logic, Symbolic of someone who is tasked with carrying out unpleasant orders from other people, Dan. Leaving the body is frequently an expression of this breach between the ego and life processes. Old superstition-based dream interpretations say that dreaming of friendly ghosts is a lucky omen, and that you should be receiving unexpected good luck. You may be feeling that no one understand you.... My Dream Interpretation, something A lost opportunity; forgetting something which is important. Screening of new goals.Read more…, Dreaming that we lost our teeth is a sign of frustration or fear of losing the energy, the life force to meet the challenges. In some interpretations, this dream indicates loss or lower income than expected. Often this dream image is about recognizing that it is not necessary to punish yourself.... Little Giant Encyclopedia, *See Convict.... Dream Symbols and Analysis, Dreams in which you are a prisoner refer to a limitation of your energy and creativity. Complete Dictionary of Dreams. (Also see Running away; Take a flight; Sleep)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, If this dream is about the card game Twenty-one, see Gamble and Card.... Strangest Dream Explanations. See Jewelry. If he refuses to take the money from the deceased person in the dream, it means that he should beware not to be unjust toward others or fall prey to their injustice. Or that you need to take a chance and take that first step toward your goals/dreams.... My Dream Interpretation. A sense of emptiness, of having no one around whom you can depend on. In a dream, this might point to ways in which you are (or someone in your life is) trying to get away with presenting yourself as bigger than you really are. Possible illness. • They sought things that tasted sweet in the mouth (satisfied the flesh). That may mean you are frightened of getting something off your chest. The self and the individual’s relationship to, or awareness of, that essential nature. For a man, a dream of wearing earrings himself signifies an interesting development concerning his work, but otherwise they pertain to romantic relations and other details of the dream should be collated. The Dream Books Symbols, It can represent two things: first, sweetness, well-being, wealth, and happiness; secondly, honey is also the product of a complex process of production that bees follow in order to make it. One stands for strength, but also for what you do with it. Alternatively, this dream symbol could mean that you are pretending to be something you’re not.... My Dream Interpretation. The Way of Dreams and Visions. Seeing a stonecutter in a dream means that one is close to committing a major sin. If you steal the money, your finances are in danger.... Encyclopedia of Dreams. For Freud, money is a symbol of excrement and dreams of hoarding money express an anal fixation, perhaps caused by the parents mishandling the dreamer’s toilet training in childhood. If the sparks burn a notebook in the dream, it means deviation from God’s path.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, (Also see Minting)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, (Also see Carnelian-red; Ring)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, A gem is considered a piece of colored light made stone: a drop of solidified cosmic energy full of magic and protective virtues. Symbolic of the law, teachings, testimony, and judgments of the Lord, Ps. See Hero and Ego.... Strangest Dream Explanations, These symbolises wealth belonging to a person’s enemy. The brand name Wishbone may metaphorically point to fulfillment, as it refers to the breastbone or the cavity where the heart is. Bewilderment. To simply see baloney in your dream suggests that you will be irked by some deceitful person.... My Dream Interpretation. Dream about losing jewelry. So then, I told her my school needed pics of me and she said it was too early for that. To lose your driver’s license in dream indicates that you have lost your true self. God (the first self-created power). The Element Encyclopedia, Dreams of abandonment sometimes represent real life. Symbolic of receiving a message or needing to talk with someone in life ... Christian Dream Symbols, Dreams of the phone symbolize telepathy, and a desire to be in communication and/or to be intimate with the people in your life. Finding yourself alone as a child is a powerful image of loneliness, emotional vulnerability and feeling lost. It also reflects your delight and joy.... Dream Symbols and Analysis. If one finds his backbone strong in the dream, it means that he will develop wisdom or beget a son who will grow strong and become ajust person. Hie caution here is not moving so fast that valuable lessons get left by the wayside.