penitentiary 1. of penitentiarius (adj.) There are currently 122 federal prisons holding approximately 190,000 inmates in the US. The Mexican Mafia run their empire from the penitentiary to the streets of LA. If you have been given a federal sentence, it is likely that you'll be spending several years behind bars; but if you know what to … Aside from the death penalty, a sentence to prison is the harshest punishment imposed on criminals in the United States. The federal prison system in Mexico is run by the Secretariat of Public Security and receives prisoners sentenced and being processed for federal crimes. [3], In Canada, the Correctional Service of Canada operates federal penitentiaries, which house inmates with sentences of two years or more; provincial prisons are responsible for those with shorter terms.[4]. What are some other forms related to penitentiary? penitentiary. A reformatory prison; a house of correction. translation and definition "federal penitentiary", English-French Dictionary online. pénitencier fédéral. a state / federal penitentiary. My first case was in late 2009, about three months after I was released. Pronunciation: (pen"i-ten'shu-rē), — n., pl. In a remote state of the West there is a respectable and successful farmer, who was once sentenced to the penitentiary for life. What does penitentiary mean? Penitentiary (noun) One … Information and translations of penitentiary in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Synonyms and related words +-Types of prison or detention centre. [7], Type of prison operated under the jurisdiction of a federal government, Section 120 of the Constitution of Australia, Implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) - Baseline Assessment of Australia's OPCAT Readiness, Quinto presídio de segurança máxima do país será construído no DF, Mexico: Government builds 8 maximum-security prisons, International Network of Prison Ministries,, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 February 2021, at 05:57. Another word for penitentiary. [[t]pe̱nɪte̱nʃəri[/t]] penitentiaries N COUNT A penitentiary is a prison. A federal prison is operated under the jurisdiction of a federal government as opposed to a state or provincial body. United States Penitentiary, Coleman I is a high-security federal prison in Coleman, Florida. translation and definition "Penitentiary", Dictionary English-English online. The term jail tends to describe institutions for confining people for shorter periods of time (e.g. 2 an office in the papal court deciding questions of penance, dispensations, etc. (13) Rehabilitation for the youthful is unlikely if imprisonment is served in a penitentiary rather than a reformatory. He was kept in a penitentary as a punishment. penitentiary. Penitentiary (noun) One who prescribes the rules and measures of penance. (Roman Catholic Church) RC Church Synonyms and related words +-Types of prison or detention centre. (11) Only about 20 of the more than 1,000 prisoners at the federal penitentiary have been convicted of crimes; many have spent years awaiting trial. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? बन्दीगृह . It is located in Sumter County in the town of Sumterville, Florida. Explore Thesaurus Definition and synonyms of penitentiary from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Definition of penitentiary in the dictionary. English To Amharic - Official Amharic Dictionary Specially, Amharic To English Dictionary & Dictionary English To Amharic Site Are Ready To Instant Result English To Amharic Translator & Amharic To English Translation Online FREE. (of an offense) punishable by imprisonment in a penitentiary. Come work on the inside . The word is often used in formal contexts. Since my release from prison in 2009 I have worked with many clients who, for one reason or another, have served their sentence in a low security prison, rather than a federal prison camp. It is most often used in the official names of state and federal prisons in the U.S. and Canada. Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; Termium. Information and translations of penitentiary in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. A prison for those convicted of major crimes. Less commonly, the word is used as the name of a special type of Roman Catholic tribunal. Mail Online, 29 March 2019 "Fifty-four-year-old Alejandro Andrade is being held at a federal penitentiary in Pennsylvania. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … (5) Jones had been convicted in 1972 of fatally stabbing another inmate while doing time at a federal penitentiary in Petersburg, Va. (6) In sum, I can think of no consequence, apart from a sentence of several years imprisonment in a penitentiary , which would be more significant to a responsible citizen than the loss of that citizenship. Situated on the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex, this facility is in central Florida, approximately 50 miles northwest of Orlando and 60 miles northeast of Tampa. "of penance," from Latin paenitentia "penitence" (see penitence). a place for imprisonment, reformatory discipline, or punishment, esp. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is responsible … Practical examples. penitentiary (plural penitentiaries) (chiefly US) A state or federal prison for convicted felons; (broadly) a prison. penitentiary. (obsolete) One who prescribes the rules and measures of penance. I recently visited Graterford, a maximum-security state penitentiary in Pennsylvania, 30 miles from Philadelphia. penitentiary Definitions. Of or pertaining to penance; administering, or undergoing, penance. A jail, on the other hand, typically holds people who have been convicted of minor offenses or who are awaiting trial. Un pénitencier fédéral et une clinique médicale régionale sont aussi des sources d'emplois. The prisons in Germany are run solely by the federal states, although governed by a federal law. Not all federated countries have a legal concept of "federal prison"[citation needed]. Francis Bacon 4. COVID-19 INFORMATION . noun penitentiaries 1 North American A prison for people convicted of serious crimes. Meaning of penitentiary. In the three months of penitentiary life I have learned many things. penitentiary meaning, definition, what is penitentiary: a prison – used especially in the names ...: Learn more. Definition of penitentiary in the dictionary. On the federal level, imprisonment or incarceration is managed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a federal agency within the department of justice. borstal. He is now serving a minimum of a two-year sentence in a federal penitentiary. penitentiary (n.) early 15c., penitenciarie, "place of punishment for offenses against the church," also "a priest appointed to administer the sacrament of penance," especially in extraordinary cases, from Medieval Latin penitentiaria, from fem. (12) In Kingston, we check out the museum at the penitentiary , where convicts have been housed for well over 100 years. Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary: California 1963 Chillicothe Federal Reformatory: Ohio c. 1950s: Federal Prison Camp, Eglin: Florida 2006 Federal Prison Camp, Nellis: Nevada 2005 Federal Prison Camp, Boron: California 2000 Federal Prison Camp, Seymour Johnson: North Carolina 2005 United States Penitentiary, McNeil Island: Washington 1982 See also. (13) Rehabilitation for the youthful is unlikely if imprisonment is served in a penitentiary rather than a reformatory. penitentiary: Meaning and Definition of. Wikipedia Penitentiary (noun) A state or federal prison for convicted felons. 3. (11) Only about 20 of the more than 1,000 prisoners at the federal penitentiary have been convicted of crimes; many have spent years awaiting trial. Intended for or relating to the penal and reformatory treatment of criminals. In 2016, the majority of federal inmates were made up of 59% whites and 38% African-Americans. (US) A state or federal prison for convicted felons. An example of a penitentiary is a judgment session overseen by a … One who prescribes the … Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021, C15 (meaning also: an officer dealing with penances): from Medieval Latin, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition ..... Click the link for more information. Prison is a place used for confinement of convicted criminals. Not all federated countries have a legal concept of "federal prison" . Interpretation Translation  penitentiary [ˌpɛnɪ'tɛnʃ(ə)ri] 1. adj. There is nothing like it among us at the present day except within the melancholy precincts of the penitentiary. —n. (10) 14 Federal inmates were held at state and local prison facilities until the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, was established in 1895. Penitentiary almost always refers to prison. In less formal and slang usage, it is often shortened to pen or the pen, such as in the phrase state pen (a penitentiary run by a state government, as opposed to the federal government). penitentiary meaning, definition, what is penitentiary: a prison – used especially in the names ...: Learn more. lll (1779). Find definitions for: pen•i•ten•tia•ry . boot camp. Are the prisoners in a penitentiary more likely to be serving a short-term sentence or a long-term sentence? boot camp. for shorter sentences or pre-trial detention) and are usually operated by local governments. federal penitentiary definition in English dictionary, federal penitentiary meaning, synonyms, see also 'Federal',federal district',Federal Government',Federal Party'. BOP institutions are further divided into five regions, which span the United States: Mid-Atlantic Region,… stemming. An example of a penitentiary is a federal prison. borstal. (13) Rehabilitation for the youthful is unlikely if imprisonment is served in a penitentiary rather than a reformatory. Penitentiary is defined as a prison, or a tribunal in the Roman Catholic Church. Federal prisons tend to have larger populations of white collar criminals, such as fraudsters and tax evaders, versus state prisons that generally have a higher proportion of violent offenders. (12) In Kingston, we check out the museum at the penitentiary , where convicts have been housed for well over 100 years. The … Drug convicts make up 46.4% of all federal … This is the British English definition of penitentiary.View American English definition of penitentiary. We are requiring heavy bail and asking for imprisonment in the penitentiary in case of conviction. 1. The Federal Bureau of Prisons operates 125 stand-alone prisons, 68 satellite prison camps, and has contracts with 13 private prisons. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins of or relating to the punishment of criminals. Accordingly, civilian federal offenders who are remanded in custody or sentenced to imprisonment are detained in state or territory prisons. N. 1. 6. State prisons are operated by state governments, and federal prisons are operated by the federal government. Find more ways to say penitentiary, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. imprisonment was the chief mode of punishment for all but capital crimes. A federal prison is such a facility that is operated and managed by the federal government. Federal prisons are used for convicts who violated federal law (U.S., Mexico), inmates considered dangerous (Brazil), or those sentenced to longer terms of imprisonment (Canada). [AM, FORMAL] Syn: jail [5], All penal establishments in the Russian Federation are governed by the Federal Penitentiary Service. (10) 14 Federal inmates were held at state and local prison facilities until the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, was established in 1895. (US) A state or federal prison for convicted felons. penitentiary. It is sometimes used as an adjective describing related things. By statute 19 Geo. -ries, —n. What does penitentiary mean? Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. a place for imprisonment, reformatory discipline, or punishment, especially a prison maintained in the U.S. by a state or the federal government for serious offenders. 2. In 1983, after three killings in the prison, the prisoners in Marion were placed on permanent lock-down, making the entire prison a solitary confinement facility virtually overnight. all offenders liable to transportation maybe confined at hard labor in certain ” penitentiary houses,” to be created by virtue of that act. It receives the most dangerous criminals who would be disruptive in state prisons. n. a state or federal prison in which convicts are held for commission of major crimes (felonies). Hammond 5.