My left knee was about 7months ago. i’m 78 and have had two replacement joints which were done within 9 yrs of each other. I suppose then pain can result because you are trying to bend the knee, or put weight on it, but the scar tissue is interfering with proper movement and weight-bearing. I have the exact symptoms and am going in for an appointment with my Orthopedic surgeon. I didn’t and have ankle surgery, 4 surgeries on rt knee, semi-ready for lt knee TKR. Stretching the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and back of the thigh (hamstrings) reduces tension on the tendons and relieves pressure on the knee during activity. The first day stepped on it and no sharp knife pain at all. Our first surgeon had lots of experience and he performs knee replacements regularly. The work involved in removing bone and attaching the prosthesis involves considerable force and power tools. Surgeon #1 kept stringing us along, telling us that things would get much better. Insurance runs out June. I should lose weight but, probably will not. I feel as though i switched one set of issues for another. But didn’t help any & going back 2 surgeon today. During a follow up visit in May of 2013 after continued complaints from me of pain, swelling and what I thought was a misalignment, my surgeon admitted that yes, maybe something is wrong with the right TKR and referred me to another surgeon. I use a stationary bike and sometimes an eliptical machine to exercise as to control my weight, often after exercising my knees are sore for 3 to 4 days before I exercise again I just want to be able to walk without pain. If there is no sign that the implant is crooked and the other doctors have nothing to suggest, you might change direction and seek help in dealing with the pain. However, it may take up to 3 months for pain and swelling to settle down. We know now that the original surgeon does have access to an MRI, in the hospital across the street from his office, and used it to look at Dan’s hip after the bad artificial knee began to cause a lot of pain in his hip, back, and other knee. If a person is 58 years old when they get their artificial joint, there’s a 50% chance they will need revision surgery in their lifetime. It is especially valuable from someone who has been on both sides as it were, knowing the inside workings and then experiencing it as a patient. I’m in the same boat. The two procedures usually take place about six weeks apart. We know he’s not allergic to the device. But I do urge you to do some reading online about these issues, (at medical sites rather than just those where people recount their experiences) and then find a surgeon willing to do something about this. Lovely. He had the surgery up at UVA 3 yrs ago and has been great ! Hello i am back again had my first knee replacement last Feb and after a shaky start i now have a great new knee,so i am going back in tomorrow to get my left knee replaced. I saw him on Wednesday & on Friday I was in the operating room the only test he did was an x-ray. If you are referring to foot replacement, I think some people walk quite well afterwards but really have no knowledge about this or its cost. He told me that the prosthesis he had removed was badly installed. And we all want instant fixes from medicine. Indeed, I live here to enjoy the beauty and serenity of 13,000 foot peaks, hiking that is..”Until one year to the date”… I fell from a ladder,only to hear that I had a meniscus tear Rt knee. It only transmits pain. It is your right to get a second opinion, both on the necessity for the surgery and on what brand of replacement joint is going to be used. What Types of Exercise Are Best for People With Knee Problems? A good PT has experience in dealing with various complications and does not just put you through the standard exercises regardless. Knee Replacement Surgeon in KukatPally. Again, thank you for this blog.” Subsequently, after spending many hours on the internet at last We’ve uncovered an individual that definitely does know what they are discussing many thanks a great deal My original surgeon kept saying these things take time but after 12 months of constant pain, two falls involving fractures due to the knee buckling we decided to go and see the surgeon we had seen as a second opinion. It may also feel stiff or unstable, making it difficult to perform your everyday activities. The surgeon must remove the existing hardware without doing any further damage to the bone, muscle or cartilage. I’ve read pre-surgery advice that tells patients to demand that any staff examining their incision wash, right then and there in the room, regardless of assurances that “I’ve already washed my hands”. I’ve had several doctors offer to do a revision, but after reviewing your article, most can’t answer the questions on new techology and whether they use computer generated modeling. Mine starts at the knee and follows the tibia all the way to the ankle. Practice builds skill in surgery as in everything else. Had about 2.5 months, so happy and moving great. (Other advances, such as computer-assisted orientation systems to guide the surgeon in positioning the prosthesis during surgery, may also be used.) As for the high-tech implantable prostheses used in TKR, there’s always something new coming out, which may or may not be better. If you’ve injured your knee or have been suffering from severe arthritis, you know that every movement is more difficult when you’re working with a knee that doesn’t function normally. I am still experiencing that snapping and cracking and it has been over 4 years now. I hope a second opinion helps. The results of removing scar tissue have not been particularly good at improving motion, and therefore, usually other treatments are considered first. Nerve pain is miserable, unable to get away from it. I am getting depressed and cannot sleep through the nigh due to the discomfort. I am now pretty much disabled. 25 after my divorce. Thanks so much for taking the time to write it. In my mind, a doctor who won’t answer my questions fully, as fully as I want, doesn’t get my business. I saw the xrays with the two knees after the 2nd surgery. I’ve always told him that my knee cap is on the outside of the knee. Now we hear from others that isn’t really true, that you “know” right away. This has been good, thank you. The ankle was extremely sore, which I found when bandages came off in 2 weeks. Eventually a 3rd surgery in which the joint was removed and a temporary implant that was full of antibiotic put in for 3 months, no weight on that leg, then a 4th surgery putting in a 3rd implant. You most definitely have made this blog into something thats eye opening and important. This patient said she’d never make that mistake again. “Data from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HANES I) indicated that obese women had nearly 4 times the risk of knee osteoarthritis as compared with non-obese women; for obese men, the risk was nearly 5 times greater.” Moreover, if you already have knee pain, losing even ten pounds can significantly reduce both pain and the ongoing deterioration of the knee. Knee replacement surgery is a technique that removes a diseased knee joint and replaces it with an artificial joint (prosthesis). Much better than the first time around. And, it was not done properly so that last month it had to be re-done! Do particles get ground off and act like grit in a bearing? I’m looking for a different doctor for my dad! I find that anything positive is received with great perssonal pride, much as an artist. Thank you for this blog. If revision of the joint is considered, age – even advanced age by itself – is less of a consideration than it was a few years ago. I am 73 years old and weigh about 190 lbs. However, people can prevent many knee problems by following these suggestions: Before exercising or participating in sports, warm up by walking or riding a stationary bicycle, then do stretches. He did x-rays and said that the knee replacement looks good to him. Dr. said I’ll ;probably have 2-3 more episodes in the next year that sent me to emergency, only 7,000.00 this time. Back pain so intense, radiating in one arm, and into my chest. Total knee replacement surgery, the second time around: learn from our experience Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Nearly three years ago my husband had Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery. During the first couple weeks of healing I would mention it was nothing like the first and was told all knees are diferent and they don’t do the same. wonderful post An older report from 2001 found that only about 2% of knee replacement surgeries required a second surgery within five years of the initial knee replacement. I ahd a total knee done in Sept 2015 and have had nothing but problems since that time. I just wanted to thank you for your blog and including the name of Dr. Brubaker. The first surgeon did not place such a drain, the leg continued very swollen, and at the two-week check-up the surgeon had to use a syringe to remove at least 200 cc from the still very swollen knee. ©2021 McLeod Health. Stay anchored to your Desire, I desire to be well, I desire to live my life without pain, when we numb out our natural longings, it affects all of our senses. I had TKR in Sep 2007 on my right knee and I am still experiencing problems. People can often reduce some of these problems by wearing special shoe inserts (orthotics). If you already have knee problems, your doctor or physical therapist can help with a plan of exercise that will help the knee(s) without increasing the risk of injury or further damage. These parts are then replaced with artificial parts that are made out of metal or a high-quality plastic material. If anyone has any ideas please tell me. Avoid sudden changes in the intensity of exercise. Any suggestions? Medically Reviewed by Rodney K. Alan, MD. I will need revision knee surgery,after 4 years, due to scar tissue. No difference in the pain. Your knee will keep on improving gradually over time, and pain will reduce. About a month ago my leg starting feeling like it was going out from underneath me, so I went back to the same doctor who told me, “I am up against a brick wall & there’s nothing I can do for you.” What kind of doctor says that to a person? Great article. He said it is the lack of the bone being able to surround.the stem. Mine is a revision TKR, so the stem is longer into the tibia. He showed us the x-ray, and used software to examine the precise alignment of the prosthesis. Practice makes perfect, or can, in the surgery biz, but in this case the clinic operates like a factory, and once the patient has passed through the surgery they have no further interest in him or her. But thanks for your No Sleeping Blog. I’m concerning that inserted rod may be loosening, or the bone is not growing properly around the rod. I don’t heal well. The original replacement was removed and a new one installed, with titanium rods inserted above and below the new knee replacement. This time, he was easily able to stand and feel secure. No wonder. I am sorry you’ve had to go through it. I told him a month ago that when I sit and am getting up I get a sharp , make you yelp. Pain is felt when even sitting or lying down. I’m glad you posted this. As a general rule, you should choose gentle exercises such as swimming, aquatic exercise, or walking rather than jarring exercises such as jogging or high-impact aerobics. At age 50, I decided to go ahead with TKR. Then out of nowhere, I began to experience lower leg pain from below the knee down to the ankle, with daily swelling. Over time, scar tissue, bone loss, and instability can all contribute to making a repeat surgery a much more difficult treatment. Mary, I would love to hear an update on your January 31, 2013 entry here about knee not straight. Go to Dr. Cui ( kwee) at the University of Virginia. We finally got the proper medication, I was exercising, walking 2 miles everyday, & was actually able to get a job for a few months. Correction!! One final note—discuss beforehand what food your loved one might want while in the hospital, check out where to find it, and as soon as the doctor okays it, provide some tasty meals! It seems that any weight on the right leg causes the pain to flare up along with swelling. 6th day and I feel like my life is helpless. At my age, over 70, with arthritis and fibromyalgia, I know the truth of this. Research continues for better, longer-lasting designs and breakthroughs are regularly announced with fanfare––but some don’t fulfill their original promise, as with teflon-lined joints which wore away much faster in practice than lab tests had predicted. Insurance generally covers second opinions for major surgery. Other causes, like trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, and infection, account for a minority of the 300,000+ TKRs each year in the US. Why is that? And indeed the bad job felt loose from Day 1 and never changed; the recent revision felt solid from Day 1. Q: Talk a little about the differences between a single knee replacement and a double in terms of recovery time … can the injuried person walk properly after a replacement..n how much would it cause????? We took our time, for his sake and mine (fibromyalgia) but it was certainly something he has not been able to do for perhaps ten years. I think you have saved me from more aggravation. Weight control can be important to people who have arthritis because extra weight puts pressure on many joints. Saw Dr. today & now I’m to be in a wheelchair for the next 6 weeks! I had the femoral block so didn’t notice anything at first, but I sensed it was “different” right away. Some knee problems, such as those resulting from an accident, cannot be foreseen or prevented. Obese patients put more stress on their artificial joints, causing wear and loosening. It made a huge difference. Thanks for sharing your story. On the other hand, there are things we can do with our mind to make the pain recede: there may be times in the day when you are really absorbed in doing something or talking to someone and the pain is much lessened for a little time. Finally 2 internal Neurostimulators implanted with wire down the spine which should control pain, LOL. So guess that’s it for me for 6 weeks and see him 12/28 and I’ll see what happens. The revision surgery generally is more complex and takes longer, because unlike the original joint replacement procedure, this surgery involves three steps. Also ask what to expect after the surgery. I`m worried becasue of all the risks involved, that being heart attack, stroke, infection, clots, nerve damage, etc, I know they have to tell you these things, but it could have been avoinded if this excuse for a sugion did his job properly. So be sure you need another surgery, get another opinion, and a surgeon that does a lot of these. I was on chronic pain medications, mostly methadone, for close to ten years (not very helpful with the pain, just as you say) , and know more than I would like to about their ill effects on mind and body, so that is something to consider. I have a slew of things to take, but drink lots of water. I am just mad at myself. I have had a partial replacement medial right knee against my better judgement. In July of 2012 I fell down some more stairs & ruptured the Quadriceps on the same leg. Needs to be from side to side and front to back, both. I live in Maine, I’m looking for a Doctor in Boston or Portland Maine. Having so much pain in the knee for years forces a person to restrict activities, and all the other muscles including the “core” muscles weaken too and have to be worked on. It’s important to find out exactly what will happen after the surgery, for both routine and non-routine care, especially if you are travelling away from home in order to have it done. My Uncle had them done a couple of years ago and has said that the glue is leaking and causing an infection. I can’t tell you the number of times I reread your excellent article and view the surgical pictures (you’re right, not for the squimish). His original doctor didnt know how to treat the repeated infections , so he wanted to amputate! Bong MR, and Di Cesare PE. Good luck, and stay as active as you can. Come back in 4 months) until, as we found out, the 2 year limit for malpractice suits was expired. The strongest and largest joint in the body, the knee is comprised of a complex network of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and tissue, any of which can become damaged or worn over time. I don’t know if this is the right approach, but does sound like it may work, fingers crossed. Chances are, if they do not, you may get good nurses, but not good orthopedic nurses. So maybe being active that way will help lose the 13# I’ve gained back being inactive from the pain. I have had both knees replaced. A knee replacement is an operation to replace damaged parts of the knee joint. It kept me awke through the night. Everyone has a different name for nerve pain, burning is one. I was hospitalized for 8 days a that included physical therapy. It is very obvious that the knee cap is not in alignment. This article He has what I call, little man syndrome. Flat feet or overpronated feet (feet that roll inward) can cause knee problems. Talk about depressed! But of course X-rays are good so he never would even feel of my knee. You clearly know so much about the subject, you’ve covered so many bases. He actually used the word “sloppy”––and you know how rare it is for doctors to criticize one another’s work! The doctor is the expert, but your body is what’s at risk; don’t be timid about asking. I’m so glad you wrote this article. Step 2 – Preparing the Site. I just had my doctor’s apt this morning to go over the possibility of re-doing my total knee replacement. Last night when I stood to go to bed, it was so bad, I went down, crushing stuff on the floor, ornaments, boxes, and landed 1/2 way on the coffee table. Today is post-op day 19, and there is no comparison between the two post-op experiences. Plus other surgeries (about 6 major). Now the dr are having a discussion of how to fix it. Remove the patella because it has dropped out of position. I have been back, several times. During the second procedure, the surgeon removes the spacer or molds, reshapes and resurfaces the knee, and then implants the new knee device. Read up on the subject and you’ll get an idea of what to ask. In a healthy knee, the ends of your thigh and shin bones are covered with hard cartilage which allows the bones to move easily against each other. He’s in pain, but not nearly as much as last time, and the solidity of the knee makes it possible for him to get around the house carefully but confidently, only occasionally using his walking stick for stability (and to keep the dogs from bumping him). I’ve ceased all unnecessary walking and only use my recumbent bicycle. I’m sorry I’m just rambling on. Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed today. I’m really sorry to hear what you’re going through. I started out to reply about the possibility that the titanium knee still has nickle. Knee replacement recovery time will vary for each person, but here is a good guide as to what to expect. Now this is what I am talking about. I had knee replacement surgery in 2010 I still don’t have full range of motion I can’t bend it all the way I can’t squat at all. Total knee replacements tend to last longer than partial knee replacements. I don’t know if this is an option for you but something to consider. Now I know what can happen and have water pills to take to keep it from getting to that point. Ended up in emergency as everyone thought I was having a stroke. Like the first time, the anesthesia was a spinal block (not general anesthesia) but the new surgeon added a femoral nerve block. If anyone has had a revision and can relate to this issue please share your experience. Generally because of pain and restricted motion caused by loss of cartilage (which cushions and separates the bony parts of a joint) and growth of bony “spurs”. This is most concerning in people with osteoporosis or when the manipulation is performed more than a year after replacement. On cruthes for 9 monthes…..approx. The first thing he did was to get a full-leg digital x-ray, which surgeon #1 had never done. Millions of people are enjoying the quality of life and end of pain that a total knee or hip joint replacement delivers. See my posts and what my Dr. is having me do. The information on this site is intended to increase your awareness and understanding of specific health issues and services at McLeod Health. My knee hurt but not enough to stop me from getting to work. Your second surgeon’s advice to take pain medication and wait and see does not sound good to me. Revision Knee Replacement Yes, what a good motivator! Your dr can give you a prescription for PT so ins or Medicare will help pay. I was bumped to a standing position. My consultant is amazing. When this occurs, your knee can become painful and swollen. I’ve tried all the stretchs, rest, Ice, you name it . The second surgeon is not a person I would go back to. Many on other sites say that their Dr. said it will just go away, but 6 months of severe pain when I have so many meds to combat nerve pain, it doesn’t help the tibia pain at all. the pain spec. Another aspect to give thought to is the after-care at the hospital. I HAD LEFT TKR IN SEPTEMBER OF 2010, DID ALL OF THE P/T FOR THREE MONTHS. We saw a surgeon 200 miles away for the revision so he didn’t know the original surgeon. I know that their are others that have and are experiencing the same problems as myself. I cal it a knife pain. I was told at my last hospital appointment that I would only be in overnight – this seems to be not the case – even though I have nursed all my life I do not wish to stay in any longer! Last month my surgeon had me go 4 weeks off that foot (with a walker, couldn’t do crutches as recent 2 rotater cuff surgeries in 1 shoulder). Or has anyone talked about neuromas? Immediately I found that it’s common practice now to use Magnetic Resonance Imaging before TKR, rather than merely relying on x-rays. Seems to me you have a problem with the original surgeon who assured you that you were fine. Thank you>. Made no sense to me but I believed him. Once the knee is finally fixed and aligned, it can take time for your feet and ankles to adjust. Judyann. But I would encourage people to regard it more as a long process that starts off, after surgery, with a status that is probably a bit better than before the surgery (there is post-surgical pain, for example, but it in my husband’s case was less than the pre-surgery pain, and no longer keeps him awake at night) and that will continue to get better and better with exercise and care. ), Here are some views of prostheses. severe anemia for which no reason can be found to date and the future is very uncertain. Then to working at 10 middle schools. Time will not make it better. The first one is awesome. Had colonoscopy today my 3’d one. Nothing like this was done in Dan’s case, and we didn’t know to ask about it. In the US these operations cost many thousands of dollars, $30,000 or more including time in the hospital. This is why I said above that knees need to be replaced, not because of osteoarthritis, but because of pain and reduced range of motion. He even said I could go back to pool exercises as there is no pain when in the water plus I do 3 laps in a very large pool. It’ll last between 3 mos to 2 yrs. Some studies show that aerobic exercise can reduce inflammation in some joints. The feet may be made just for that person, or at least the person has many types to choose from. The physical therapist Dan saw evaluated all his muscles, including “core” & “glutes”, and taught him exercises to strengthen all of them, not just the muscles in the leg. Common-sense risk factors include types of high-stress activity in work or sports, injury, obesity, infection, stiffness from lack of activity, and age (since cartilage becomes more brittle with age). If you need afterwards to do more PT, you might consider how helpful your PT was the first time around—does not sound as if this person was paying attention to what was going on with you. The wrong sixr of hard ware had been used and My leg was coming out of the cup..I just had a total knee re ision and still in pt. I’m having cryoablation done to freeze the nerve, 1knee at a time. Of course nothing is better just because it is new. There are some non-surgical treatments for problems with the replacement joint. The best treatment for an infection after total knee replacement depends on the type of infection and its severity. If you’re thinking of having knee replacement surgery, you might be waiting for the ideal time. At its worst, the joint may require drainage before the revision surgery. I took aspirin in case and 13,000.00 later, they were sure it was something major so did a lot of CT scans, Drs.