The hardest thing for a pregnant woman do … I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and according to the monitor, I was having consistent contractions every four to five minutes. Since my doctor was taking a patient into emergency surgery, the other OB doctor came in to administer my epidural. The birth of her child is a momentous moment in a mum’s life. The only bad thing was that I felt like we were in an igloo it was so cold in the room. Hi I'm Jess, single mum to two boys and a french bulldog named Peanut. So my husband and I went home to try to get some sleep, though I didn't end up sleeping at all. I ate lunch with some friends and the contractions went away. All Rights Reserved. They asked what music we would like if the current selection was not okay. After nurturing a baby in her womb for nine months, there is often a big climax to the journey on the baby’s birth day. 5 tips to prevent sudden infant cot death. I believe they started the c-section at 8:30 p.m. All in all my labor was one and a half hours. A 6kg-heavy baby measuring 57.4cm was delivered without C-section on July 26 in Germany, trumping the title previously held since November 2011 by Jihad, who was 5.89kg at birth. As you progress through the stages of labor and birth your child, you may feel a wild, almost animalistic instinct where your body just knows what to do.. I had heard so much about it and I had hoped I wouldn't experience it, but lucky me, I had it and I had it BAD. Finally after exactly one hour and two bags of fluid I started pushing my call button and asking for my epi! My son was delivered less than 5 hours after my check-in. I really had no idea what to expect when it came time to have this baby. I was so upset. My doctor and I planned for me to be induced on Friday, December 7th. June Yong, a proud mother of two beautiful children, tell us about her delivery experience at Thomson Medical Centre during the birth of her second child in May 2011. I was pushing my 14-month-old daughter in her stroller and every so often I would stop and bend over slightly using the stroller for support as a contraction ripped through my body. Read one Singaporean woman's amusing two-week diary of how she attempted to jumpstart labour, as she approached her due date, with 14 different methods in 14 days. I had gone from 6 to 10 centimeters in a matter of minutes. Pregnant.Sg reader Maria tells us about the beautiful labour story of her son, who miraculously survived through precarious conditions during his mother's delivery. I was determined that it was going 100 percent my way. telling your story is your star-history, the history of your becoming.” — Gail Tully . He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. Healthy recipes for mums! They told me not to come in for my induction in the morning! Fashion. Whether you opted for natural childbirth or an epidural, tell us how your pregnancy progressed. is part of the Parents Network. Fortunately I had had…Continue reading →, Pregnant.Sg reader and blogger, Meng Morales, shares her labour experience and son Kobe's birth day story. Find out when it's time to see a fertility specialist. They said that must be the window in the medication and there wasn't anything they could do. She decided to keep me as happy as she could and agreed to accompany me to the mall. All the nurses cheered the moment we all heard her cry and celebrated every moment with us. They called 911 to get an ambulance to take me back to the hospital. You hear plenty of birth stories where women have had their water break at work, but things get a little crazy when your work is delivering someone else’s baby. Anxiously awaiting your baby’s arrival? About an hour later I got moved into my room and my induction got started. I didn't tear nor did I have an episiotomy or a c-section. Fann Wong on motherhood: How does she really feel about being a mum? Read the personal accounts of other women just like you in these Singapore labour stories, and be inspired that you can do it too! My husband took the afternoon off from work on Thursday to spend with me, and we made plans to go out for our "last meal." Main reason: I wanted to be closer to my gynae…Continue reading →, Photo credit: Xaxue Official Facebook Fan Page After two weeks of practically begging my doctor, he agreed to induce me. Learn how to spot it—and how to protect children of all ages from bullies at school. I was extremely scared of childbirth. I was tired of going to the hospital only to be told that I wasn't ready. By BabyCenter Staff What it was like to be induced at 37 weeks pregnant. He checked me and I was dilated to 3 centimeters, which wasn't far enough along to receive an epidural yet. Is It Time Yet? I was extremely scared of childbirth. Singaporean mum Mich Tan recalls her labour and delivery experience when her son, Isaac, was born into the world. Then the contractions were back and harder than ever. The contractions started getting painful after about 20 minutes. The best nursing rooms in Singapore - voted for by our readers! Check out real-life birth stories and then send in your own! They started the meds to induce labor and I felt fine. We must have run into every wall and every door frame on the way to my room. I started to have regular contractions every five minutes. I called my mother-in-law, who works at the hospital. written by Laura Norkin. The nurse said, "Dr. Jones, you need to get up and come over here and catch!". I was back up around 36 of Pitocin, I was still only at 5 centimeters and not progressing so the doctor and I decided that a c-section would be the best option because I had already received so much Pitocin and not much had happened. My birth story is a pretty crazy one. I waddled my way back to the bed with a gigantic pad between my legs and no underwear because the doctor would probably want to check me. Breastfeeding was tough to stick with but I did it! Choosing an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in Singapore, Up and away: Flying during your pregnancy, How your pregnant body changes [INFOGRAPHIC]. During my entire pregnancy just the mere thought of this scene could have me laughing hysterically. My contractions became more intense than ever and not even the hot bubbly water could relieve the pain. I was telling him to grab the camera and baby book and to call my parents (who had just left since we thought we weren't going to know anything for a while) and they wheeled me away while he was still getting ready. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. At 9:45 p.m., after lots of tugging her out, my doctor, with tears in her eyes, presented us with Charlotte Grace weighing in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 inches. Everything you said about labour and birth is true! He almost had it in and I felt something heavy and that unmistakable urge to push. The anxiety and fears leading up to that day are no joke and you never know exactly how or when it is going to happen. The week before it looked like he would be about 9 pounds 4 ounces, but I really didn't want a c-section, so that is why they decided on induction. By Michelle Stein Photos: Incredible footling breech birth story will blow you away. It took him a few seconds to take his first breath, and when he finally let out his first little cry, my heart just melted. More from Body. I delivered my baby boy on 22 March 2012. One couple shares their story of an unusually speedy delivery. Apparently my blood pressure had dropped to a dangerous level. He finally got my epidural in place and checked me. Bradyn was born at 9:02 p.m. and was crying as soon as they pulled his head through the incision. Very, very pregnant. You can read other mum's experiences and share your birth story … I was still only dilated 3 to 4 centimeters and I was in serious pain. Every birth story is different, but they all provide realistic insight that many pregnant people seek. Then your water broke, and all that careful prep flew right out the window. We want to host your birth story. Thankfully my epidural kicked in fast and I was feeling great. Every birth story is unique — that's why we asked moms from all over the world to share their experiences of how they welcomed their little ones into the world.   Read more. :). Learn to overcome friendship hurdles and bond with women who get you. My birth / labour didn’t go how I planned, and over the last few weeks, I struggled to come to terms with it. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others. Instead the nurses mistook my tears of laughter as tears of pain and kept trying to soothe me through my pain. They were suctioning out his mouth and nose but he wasn't crying. Colin was born 12/8/07 at 3:44 a.m. A funny little side story...I'm a huge Family Guy fan and there was one scene in an episode that focused on Wilfred Brimley and those medical commercials he now does. Repeated False Labors, Bedrest, & Homebirth Birth Story. I started feeling sick so they put me back upright, then I started feeling sick every time I reclined and finally I did get sick twice, and after that the nurses let me lie on my side. Hearing women’s stories of labor and birth can help us know what to expect and reassure us that our experiences are not unique. She insisted that Dr. Jones would be there in a minute. The nurse practitioner came in and checked me and I was ready to push! Adrenaline is designed to put a stop to labour (which makes sense if you’re a cavewoman giving birth and a bear ambles in! A birth day story: Baby Ball, the survivor. Just as I was about to be shown to my hospital room, a lady came in, pregnant with twins and needing an emergency c-section. Here are our induced labor birth story and details on high blood pressure when pregnant at 37 weeks. labor for three days. Following baby naming conventions - getting the birth certificate right, 6 low-calorie confinement recipes every mum-to-be must know. I was advised to continue…Continue reading →. Read real labour stories from BabyCentre mums and dads. Natural Birth Stories: Hospital Births. She was told by doctors that the baby will not survive the fatal pregnancy and that the only solution is an abortion. I'm glad I found that out after they delivered her. What pharmacy runs out of a common pain med?! She took priority, and I was delayed again. I was nearing two weeks overdue when we went for a checkup, hoping the doctor would finally find a softened cervix and some dilatation. Say goodbye to nappy rash with Bepanthen! I think I woke up around 11 p.m. and they said they would be moving me to another room in the postpartum section. I DO NOT handle pain well at all. One doctor in Iowa actually went into labor while delivering a baby. He had little wispy tuffs of hair all over his head and the softest skin. Everything has been going well since I have returned home. After that ordeal, I started to feel these twinges in my lower right side. At 4:30 p.m. my doctor walked in, and I was happy to see him. While sitting in the lobby waiting for our room, we were like a couple going off for the weekend, giggling and cuddling while watching waiting room dramas unfold. One woman tells the delivery story of her baby who survived. Not one to shy away from controversy, she’s courted it over the years with numerous feuds with bloggers, her widely publicized plastic surgery and outing her critics’ public identities. Mean kids aren't just a middle-school problem. They were not painful. I started to push, and I'm pushing with everything in me. I ended up being able to fill it the following day at a pharmacy at the grocery store but I called first to make sure they had it in stock. Stop why? Picture my husband at my side in his space suit, holding a sick bag in one hand and a camera in the other. From catching coronavirus in pregnancy to a 10 minute labour, we spoke to real mums about their real birth experience to help expectant mums prepare for the unexpected! Likewise, after giving birth, you may feel a similar instinct to talk about your birth story … After that I was hooked up to a fetal monitor and I was given my first dose of medication to begin the induction. Back labor. They told me to come to the office. Pregnant.Sg reader Maria tells us about the beautiful labour story of her son, who miraculously survived through precarious conditions during his mother's delivery. I started to push and after two pushes she said "STOP pushing!" This is a much overdue post about my experience at Thomson Medical, where I delivered my second child, Javier, via scheduled C-section. I was still only dilated to 1 centimeter and I was not progressing at all. He responded, "I promise you it won't be that bad." The happy couple received $8,888, and goodies such as diapers and a gold-plated Snake figurine. One things for sure, no two stories are the same! Find a chore your kid loves to do, and start a habit of wanting to help out that'll last a lifetime. They started me on Pitocin at that time because the contractions from the Misoprostol were too close together. Read his birth day story. Then I was allowed to push again, and out popped Colin. I just thought I really had to go! No one knew what he was talking about until someone I knew overheard him and informed him that no ambulance arrived with one pregnant lady...because two people came in that ambulance, me and my daughter. I called my husband in and I told him "I think my water broke" and I showed him what was happening. I was so sore and I had to hold onto the IV in my arms so it wouldn't get ripped out. My nurse had just come in and I told her and she said that is what it was. 15 silly celebrity baby names you should NEVER choose! Based on the ultrasound performed on me the day before, my placenta wasn’t ready yet, so the OB said we wait for another week before she considers labor induction. After what seemed like 10-15 minutes, he finally walked in and sat down. My birth story is a pretty crazy one. Listening to birth stories is one of the best ways to prepare for birth. Nothing! My entire pregnancy I kept asking my doctor how bad labor would be. My spirits were crushed! I had asked him not to do it unless he was 100 percent sure I was going to deliver vaginally. They checked me and I was not quite there, so the nurse put me into a position where my feet were elevated and my head was lower than the rest of my body. Stuffed tomatoes with beef and corn, Homemade baby food: Easy “green” mac and cheese. At that point, everything went so fast! Whether waterbirth or caesarean, induction or a breech birth at home, if you want to contribute your experience as a way to support new parents, contact us using the SHARE YOUR STORY page. I had a natural birth without epidural. I called the doctor's office at 2 p.m. My sister was worried that the nurses would see me laughing and send me home again. I started having hard contractions right after my water broke. I was out cold. Ease in labor includes other factors beyond baby position. I felt a bit of a failure and a bit shocked at how I struggled with the pain, I think I had such an high expectation of what labour should be and how I should have coped. He fed me ice chips, and made me as comfy as possible. He checked me and said that he was putting an internal monitor on the baby, and then all of a sudden this horrible pain started!! The nurse got my husband, Stevan, to come over and they told me to try a few pushes. My doctor decided to go ahead and break my water to see if that would help move things along. All the while, my husband is on his way to the doctor's office. Curious which baby names stole the show this year? My baby was measuring big and my doctor was concerned that with my petite frame, I would have a hard time delivering naturally. I got to the office and had to wait for the nurse practitioner. Mount Elizabeth Fertility Centre: Giving hope to many parents-to-be, Struggling to get pregnant? I was open to try anything at that point. Emily Jacobs, MD, told the Iowa City Press-Citizen that she didn’t notice at first and assumed the amniotic fluid on her scrubs was from her patient. All day long, strangers would stop and stare at me as I would work on managing my pain. You mapped out your birth plan to a T, read the labor books from cover to cover and became a pro at Lamaze—hey, you even tuned in to that HypnoBirthing podcast. Parenting is so much easier with good pals. So I made my way into the bathroom and after wiping, more came out, so I wiped again and it happened again. We spent the entire night just staring at her. After six (yes SIX) separate attempts to insert my IV, they finally succeeded and hooked me up to a bag of fluids. WHAT?!?! They put on a new bag of Pitocin and dropped it back down to 20 units because my receptors might have been overloaded and hopefully this would help reactivate them. Checklist of hospital bag essentials, The inspirational story of a new mom at 40, 5 things I like about Thomson Medical Centre, With local content and daily health motivations, this is THE app that you need for a great pregnancy. I had my first child at Mount Alvernia, but decided on Thomson for the second one. They showed him to me and then started putting me back together. RELATED: Natural birth story: When will baby drop? We discuss that topic here. This is my story, in my words… read more … This experience has made be a better, stronger person. I had a quick epidural and as with my daughter I was told that it would be several long hours before I delivered. We listened to conversations about friends screaming their lungs out due to contractions, and the woman whose family who had been there for three days while she was only dilated to 3 centimeters. Thank goodness my next two babies were induced. I stayed in the hospital until Wednesday. When sex coincides with your most fertile ovulation days, you'll increase the chances of conceiving. They also left a ‘golden nugget’ – that one thing that sticks in their minds about the whole induced labour experience. We felt like it was more than we could have ever asked for and not the sterile, unemotional c-section we had envisioned. I DO NOT handle pain well at all. Who would have thought?!? My doctor came in and checked me around 7:00 a.m. and said everything looked great, although he was concerned that my contractions were not progressing and I was not softening or dilating. You know you're a parent when.... What causes engorged breasts when breastfeeding? Baby David Koh was born at 2.78kg at Thomson Medical Centre. April 4, Friday Well, he knew how I am about pain, so I guess he had his reasons for not telling me. The doctors passed him to the nurses who began to clean him up. Lucky for me, I didn't feel a thing. Real moms tell all! Although I was fully dilated, the nurse and the doctor said the baby was still very high up and that I had at least 1-2 hours of pushing ahead of me. It seemed like I was an emergency c-section! They injected some kind of medication into my IV for the nausea and he said I might get sleepy. Love your birth story. Body • Wellness. I began laughing hysterically, to the point where tears streamed down my cheeks. A fun celebration doesn’t need to cost a pretty penny. Pregnancy and birth stories are a great way to learn about situations similar or different to your own.Read stories about other parents' birth experiences. The dispatcher sent a paramedic unit and a basic unit. At 9:15 the next morning, the hospital called and told me to come in. Birth Stories / By Labor of Love Weight – 9 lbs, 7 ozLength – 22 1/2”, Head – 14 1/2”Born at 10:57pm on 11/3After 10 days of waiting and hoping for Tanner’s appearance, I made an appointment with my midwife (11/3) to ask her to help me move along the labor …