He thinks he knows her "like a book." Ernie's a big fat colored guy that plays the piano. used to go to quite frequently before he went out to Hollywood and prostituted himself. What is the main theme of the first paragraph? Restless and depressed again, Holden leaves the hotel to go to Ernie’s, a nightclub in Greenwich Village. What does Holden find especially irritating about Ernie? How does Holden know about Ernie’s in Greenwich Village? Horwitz is the name of the cabbie who takes Holden to Ernie's. Holden describes Ernie as a man that won’t talk to you unless you are important. At first Holden tried to acquire alcohol from the Lavender’s room which was the nightclub of the Edmont Hotel; however due to his age he was unable to. He criticizes nearly everything that he observes, and refuses to pull punches. This demonstrates Holden's self … Ernie is a big fat colored guy who plays piano in the night club. 3. 9. Who is Ernie? How does Holden know about Ernie’s in Greenwich Village? 12 1. Who is Ernie? Ernie’s is a nightclub that is located in Greenwich village, in the Lower East side of Manhattan, New York. 5. Holden actually liked to hold hands with her, so did Jane. Despite the late hour, Holden still is not tired. How does Holden know about Ernie’s in Greenwich Village? He decides to visit Ernie's Nightclub in Greenwich Village. The cab driver is unable to answer Holden's question about where the ducks in Central Park go in the winter, but he does address the fate of the fish in the winter. Ernie's is a night club, and his brother, D.B., used to go quiet frequently. Discuss Holden’s loneliness and depression in terms of how it permeates in the entire chapter. 9. Who is Ernie? 10. Ch. 2. If she is as Holden remembers her, Jane is probably the one whom Holden should be dating instead of Sally Hayes. How did Jane and Holden become friends? Title: Guided Reading Questions Author: Administrator Last modified by: Administrator Created Date: 11/21/2008 2:27:00 AM Company: Jane lived next door to his family's summer home in Maine. Analysis. used to frequent, called, "Ernie's" in Greenwich Village. So, he decides to go out to a bar that his brother, D.B. But eventually he leaves after meeting up with one of D.B's old girlfriends. He used to take me with him once in a while. What does Holden find especially irritating about Ernie? Often Holden uses his brilliant talent of …show more content… When Holden takes a cab to "Ernie's" in Greenwich Village he has a conversation with the cab driver, Horwitz. 10. Holden checks into a “very crumby” hotel, tries to pick up some women in the bar, visits a Greenwich Village nightclub, then walks 41 blocks back to the hotel. What does Holden find especially irritating about Ernie?--What does this say about Holden? 10. 9. Who is Ernie? "Ernie's is this night club in Greenwich Village that my brother D.B. Holden takes a cab to a Greenwich Village nightclub called Ernie’s, a spot he used to frequent with D. B. 24.04.2012 - The Greenwich Village Nightclub called Ernie's is an important memory of Holden's life because he used to come here with D.B frequently in his older days. 2. His cab driver is named Horwitz, and Holden takes a liking to him. Holden attacks various weaknesses in the 50's society. But when Holden tries to ask him about the ducks in the Central Park lagoon, Horwitz unexpectedly becomes angry. He reminices about these memories when he visits the club after spending a night in a hotel. What does Holden find especially irritating about him? How does Holden know about Ernie’s in Greenwich Village? How does Holden describe Horwitz’s personality? Chapter 12 1. 8.