Learn how to make long shadow text effect in photoshop click link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdysV9YNA4U&t=409s Below is a quick and dirty example - I've not tried to emulate the font but it is just : 1. Select the font you would like. Discover how to create a long shadow. Select Type Tool. Posted on 8th May 2017 . 3- Select your text tool and type your text. As an added bonus, I’ve included two different types of long shadows; traditional and multi-colored. The Pen Tool is a complicated way to create a long shadow effect.While is might be more complicated than other techniques mentioned in this tutorial, the great thing about this technique is that it gives you a lot of control over the look of the effect. 1- Open Photoshop 2- Create a new document. Also choose a colour to use by clicking on the colour swatch at the bottom of the toolbar. Step 2. And Guess what you have successfully Created long shadow effect in Photoshop. If you’ve got any questions or want to see another future article topics, leave us a comment down below. And now click inside the section right under your Text or Image in my case it was under the image. Here's what the final result will look like: Hit Control-N to create a new document. Create Long Shadows Using the Pen Tool. 1. Download The Free After Effects Long Shadow Preset Here. Bonus Long Shadow Generator In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we'll learn how to create a popular, classic effect by giving text a perspective shadow as if a light source behind the text was casting a shadow onto the ground in front of it. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, enter 850 in the width box and 610 in the height box, and then click that More Settings button. If you liked this tutorial, we’ve got lots of other tutorials for Premiere Pro , After Effects , and filmmaking in general! As far as the long shadows are concerned - have you tried using Photoshop's 3D tools to do this. Create a new document and select the type tool from the toolbar. This effect is a good way to create icons. Hello and welcome to today’s Photoshop text effects tutorial. In this Adobe Photoshop tutorial I’ll show you how to create a great looking quick and easy text effect called the Long Shadow for text, logos and icons. 3. Follow these easy steps to learn how to add a drop shadow to text in Photoshop. This can be applied to any raster or vector object in Photoshop as well as type. I really hope you enjoy this text effect tutorial and if you have any questions ask me in the comments below and … Long shadow effect on text in Photoshop; Long shadow effect on text in Photoshop. Step 1. How To Create a Long Shadow Text Effect in Photoshop Quickly & Easily. 4- Select the shape tool and draw a rectangle around your text. How to Create the Text Step 1. Select RGB for the Color Mode, set the Raster Effects to Screen (72 ppi), and then click that Create Document button. Long Shadow Photoshop Effects. Add eye-catching shadow effect to the text of your design thereby making the same look a bit more impressive and exciting by using our fine-looking Smart Shadow Photoshop Action. Isn’t that easy, still confused i have something bonus for you, with that bonus you can easily create long shadows with 1 click. Download Now. I'll be using Photoshop CS5 throughout this tutorial, but any recent version will work. Long Shadow Photoshop Effects have …