These absorb into the food, where the food is; these qualities are all absorbed into the food. You cannot ignore any of this while you are living consciously. From Visualize a blue HUM and numberless buddhas’ and bodhisattvas’ holy body, speech and mind all absorb into that. Yet, at the level of this gross material world that we are in, we pray to GOD who is the ultimate nurturer, for the HAPPINESS and well-being of these three people who help to provide us with food. To the unsurpassed teacher, the precious Buddha, KYOB PA LA MED DAM CHÖ RINPOCHE Bless This Food Giving thanks before meals is the most common form of spiritual nourishment. SHORT CHENREZIG MEAL BLESSING THE BLESSING: Visualize that the offerings are purified and increase. Stay tuned for more rocking mantras, beautiful vocals and uplifting music to let your spirits soar. The food, of course, didn't grow and cook itself. Gurunam Singh shares a mantra to purify your food and the original song “Coming Your Way. Bless our appetites, both physical and spiritual, to honor You in all we do. And, as long as I don’t over-indulge, He blesses the food by using it to fuel activity—such as work, exercise or playing with a grandchild—that honors Him and helps others. OM AH HUNG. You shall have them for food. There are cooks; there are farmers; there are groceries; there is transportation. Beliefnet Saying grace before a meal is one of the most common and … We all should CHANT this every day, both before and after our meals. ” Day 2 on the road to the tour. Bhojana Mantra "Food-blessing chant." Send an email to if you are in the DC area and want to host a slot on the road to the tour. He can even bless it by reminding me that I don’t eat only for the enjoyment of tasty food but also for the nutrition that keeps me alive and supplies energy and health. Bless them BEFORE and AFTER you have had your food. If you think about every hand and transaction between a spinach seed and the pasta primavera on your plate, you realize that this food is the culmination of countless labors. TÖN PA LA MED SANGYE RINPOCHE. Bible Verses about the Blessing of Food. As each meal is served, reciting the food-blessing chant, silently or aloud as a group, is an expression of gratitude, an acknowledgement of food's ultimate source and an invocation of spiritual benefits. Moreover, blessing food is something beyond cleanliness and hygiene, which is very important too like using chemical-free dishwashing detergent/cookware and organic eating with hygienic cooking. Then do quite a number of malas of the mantra OM AH HUM. And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. THE OFFERING PRAYER: Remembering the Three Jewels, take refuge and offer the food visualized as a vast display. Next, when you have a plate of food in front of you, there’s a couple of ways you can raise the vibration of your food by blessing it with light. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Visualize every grain or every part of the food as HUM. A simple mantra of “I love you” while cooking can actually make a big difference in helping cooked foods to retain a higher vibration. No! So, recite OM AH HUM.