Look for your local noise ordinance, searching in particular for: Quiet times. O2009-16: Ordinance No. O2006-55: Ordinance No. The noise ordinance from Cincinnati, Ohio. Most noise laws designate certain “quiet” times. Fortunately, most communities have local noise ordinances that prohibit excessive, unnecessary, and unreasonable noise. Except as provided by this section, a succinct summary of all ordinances, including emergency ordinances, shall be published in accordance with section 731.21 of the Revised Code. 3767.04 Procedure in injunction action. 3767.01 Nuisances - disorderly houses definitions. 138-1996. Noise Ordinance. ANYONE born in the State of Ohio may obtain their birth certificate at the Euclid Municipal Center. (4) "Device" means any system or machine devised or constructed to perform one or more tasks. Cincinnati, Ohio Noise Related Regulations. Background sound level means the level of all sounds in a given environment, independent of the specific source being measured. 3767.03 Abatement of nuisance - bond. TO MODIFY Division 910 of Chapter 904 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code by enacting a new ordinance, Section 910-10, Excessive Sound from a Motor Vehicle, to provide for the control of the amplification of sound coming from a motor vehicle sound system when the sound is of such … O2010-30: Ordinance No. O2011-35: Ordinance No. Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.28, HB 153, §101.01, eff. (3) "Decibel" means a unit for measuring the intensity of a sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micropascals. Box 1137, Montpelier VT 05601-1137 1-888-200-8332 (toll free) email Design by Tim Myotte Web Design Decibel is denoted as "dB." The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, P.O. 9/29/2011. 3767.02 Nuisance. While the code can be a little misleading, The best course of action for a Resident is to make sure they are not creating sound that can be heard more than 25 feet from adjoining property lines. The City of Columbus Code (OH) sets forth a sound ordinance for two specific time periods for properties zoned Residential. Kent City Code Chapter 8.05 NOISE CONTROL* Page 2/9 The Kent City Code is current through Ordinance 4175, passed November 17, 2015. 503-38. Some types of noise might be allowed at some times, but not at others. CHAPTER 503 Sec. When you do find the local noise ordinances that apply to the area that you live in, don't be surprised to find out that the laws set aside certain times of the day when there is supposed to be a general quiet. City of Cincinnati An Ordinance No. City Of Middletown, Ohio Code Of Ordinances: Directory Of City Officials City Of Middletown, Ohio (2012) Adopting Ordinance: Ordinance No. O2007-89: Ordinance No. O2011-61: Charter: Preamble: Part TWO. ... fence or leash at all times and may not run free at any time within the City. The Codified Ordinances of the City of Euclid are the city's web site, under the City Hall Tab. In almost every community, there are laws and ordinances that prohibit excessive, unnecessary, and unreasonable levels of noise. Administration Code