There was, however, statistically significant variation between countries (χ2(77) = 151.463, p = <0.001). Answer: A 0 votes. It might be that the relation between neural activity and conscious states is of a similar kind as the relation between mechanics and thermodynamics. Study design: PV, ZT, KG, AJ, JB, CW, IP; data collection and analysis: PV, ZT, IP; and manuscript preparation: PV, ZT, KG, AJ, JB, CW, IP. Where is the line between art and not art? The countries participated in 2016 with a response period of 3 months for each country. Most patients who awaken from a coma soon recuperate. How does the changing consciousness, the developing awareness of the major characters, affect the story and help the audience discover theme? The researchers used Health Anxiety Inventory and open ended questions regarding the feelings, thoughts and actions of … This emphasises the need for well‐established networks both within and between countries in Europe. To increase participation and completion rate, participants would receive a reminder by email every week, until they had completed the questionnaire or the study period ended. Racial, ethnic, and … All gender questions are optional. That said, having a bunch of great questions in your metaphorical Bible Study Toolbox can help when you study a … It cannot represent relations between objects, for example. All countries with less than previously stated data saturation were excluded in the analysis. My Favorite Book Club Questions. Even though frequencies varied widely among the participants, consciousness assessment is performed about six times per shift in hospital settings and two times per shift in the rehabilitation centres. Assessment of consciousness was part of the daily routine for a majority of bedside nurses (95%), with an estimated median frequency of six times per shift. If possible, differences were compared between countries, between positions (bedside nurses vs. other nurse positions), educational level and kind of institution. In Finland, 45% (n = 5) replied “reporting” and the same proportion “clinical decision‐making.” In Malta, the main purpose was divided among participants between “clinical decision‐making” (28%, n = 2), “reporting” (28%, n = 2) and “communication with medical staff” (28%, n = 2). The greatest variation existed in training methods for the use of the instruments, and we recommend standardised practice in the use of assessment scales. Is there a meaning to life? Let us say that one neuron represents “red”, another represents “car”, then the assembly of the two neurons represents the red car. “Well-crafted and open-ended questions typically begin with What, Why, When, Who, How, and Where, all of which can prompt the most delightful of conversations.” ― Susan C. Young, The Art of Connection: 8 Ways to Enrich Rapport & Kinship for Positive Impact But the big question is: how can there be a unique conscious state at any given moment in time when all the elements of the conscious network interact with some delay (since they are physical elements), typically of a few milliseconds? 111 Loaded Questions That Reveal Someone’s Biggest Insecurities, Vulnerabilities And Emotional Baggage By Shahida Arabi Updated April 5, 2019. The authors would like to express their gratitude to all EANN members who assisted in translating and spreading the questionnaire and to Dr. Dimitris Theofanidis for the Greek translation. A closed-ended question is narrow and typically elicits a "yes" or "no" response, which limits the quality of information given. Epidemiology of stroke in Europe and trends for the 21st century, The Glasgow Coma Scale and evidence‐informed practice: A critical review of where we are and where we need to be, Assessment of sedated head‐injured patients using the Glasgow Coma Scale: An audit, Interrater reliability of the Glasgow Coma Scale scoring among nurses in sub‐specialties of critical care, Variability in agreement between physicians and nurses when measuring the Glasgow Coma Scale in the emergency department limits its clinical usefulness, Comparison of consciousness level assessment in the poisoned patient using the alert/verbal/painful/unresponsive scale and the Glasgow Coma Scale, Evaluation of coma: A critical appraisal of popular scoring systems, Epidemiology of traumatic brain injuries in Europe: A cross‐sectional analysis, A study to explore nurses’ knowledge in using the Glasgow Coma Scale in an acute care hospital, Process of translation and adaption of instruments, Lack of standardization in the use of the Glasgow coma scale: Results of international surveys, Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness. If we cannot explain it without referring to what happened before, then we are denying that the pattern of neural activity itself determines experience, and again this is a strong dualist view. Open-ended questions are free-form survey questions that allow respondents to answer in open text format so that they can answer based on their complete knowledge, feeling, and understanding. This may also increase the professionalism in the neuroscience nurses’ role and performance. The greatest variation existed in training methods for the use of the instruments, and we recommend standardised practice in the use of assessment scales. In fact, "listened to me" and "understood my needs" are two of the top five factors most separating sales winners from second-place finishers. 2) (adapted from Chalmers) Replace randomly every other neuron in the brain by an artificial neuron that interacts with other neurons in exactly same way as the neuron it replaces, would there be a conscious experience? On each branch, I ask … ... Not an answer with a question mark attached. The majority uses a standardised instrument, in particular the Glasgow Coma Scale. An employer might ask an open-ended question for a variety of reasons. An example for the need of international standards in education or training for clinically relevant nursing assessment tasks. A loaded question is one that is ripe with assumption and the ability to unravel someone’s deepest desires, vulnerabilities and emotional baggage. Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. The way nurses were trained was very diverse among the participants. In the first salamander, the neuron reacts to red stimuli; in the second salamander, the neuron reacts to blue stimuli. Of 254 participants who use a standardised instrument, 68% (n = 174) stated that they had been formally trained or educated in the use of the assessment scale. 9 unanswered questions about the human brain Much has been revealed about the inner workings of the human brain, but many mysteries remain unsolved. There was a statistically significant difference in the estimated frequency per country (χ2(10) = 48.132, p = <0.001). The study was proposed by the EANN Research Committee to the representatives of the member countries at the 2015 annual EANN board meeting, and the questionnaire (in English) was distributed to the board members. Related: 21 Tough Open-Ended Questions (and How to Answer Them) 3. Rene Descartesa French. Besides the estimated frequency of assessments and training, no significant difference was found between bedside nurses and other nurse positions, educational level or kind of institution. Open-ended questions are also helpful in finding out more about a person or a situation, whether it's during an interview, at a party, or when getting to know a new friend. So ask questions that give room for response. 6. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered,