Non Profit Organization that provides housing assistance, 217 Pearl Ave (714) 751-1101 1662 Newport Blvd. Santa Ana, CA - 92703 714-534-6450 949-646-2271 Find homeless shelters or transitional housing for adults, families, single parents with children and teenagers. Los Alamitos, CA - 90720 Since 1998 the County of Orange has coordinated a comprehensive regional Continuum of Care (CoC) strategy that includes the participation of all thirty-four cities in Orange County, County Agencies, the County’s homeless housing and service providers, and other community groups (including non-profits, local governmental … © Copyright 2007 - 2021. transitional care for women in crisis and hungry children. Newport Beach, CA - 92660 1600 North Broadway, Suite 100 562-431-5025 halfway house for men and women. 714-846-5462 (714) 542-9576 Orange, CA - 92856 409 N. Cooper St. Tustin, CA - 92782 Garden Grove, CA - 92844 Recommendations Stanton, CA - 90680 Box 1905 Motel Vouchers. Orange County Animal Services Houses Dog for More Than 200 Days, Seeks an Adopter for Rocket. PO Box 414 714-836-7188, P.o. Transitional housing and shelter for victims of domestic violence, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd, Bldg 20 Civic Center Plaza 224 E Commonwealth 611 S Ford Ave Santa Ana, CA - 92702 714/758-0414 Box 1905 7372 Prince Drive, Suite 106 The County of Orange has built a safety net for homeless females with children, and there are fewer resources for single men and women who are chronically homeless. Orange, CA - 92856 Transitional Housing. (800) 605-1580 You Are Now Leaving the County of Orange Official Portal Winter emergency shelter opens for homeless people in Orange County ... street outreach workers, homeless services providers, shelter operators and community organizations. Visit Emergency Assistance for more information. PO Box 6326 Housing Authority, Low Income Affordable Housing, Public Housing, 11277 Garden Grove Blvd Ste 101c Non Profit Organization that provides housing assistance, 1207 East Fruit Street We've had to really innovate and adjust to our current circumstances during this COVID-19 crisis. 7 Whatney B 801 E. Chapman, Suite 230 11022 Acacia Parkway, Ste C Non Profit Organization that provides housing assistance, One Hope Drive This facility supports the mission of The Salvation Army by providing warmth and shelter to homeless men. Irvine, CA - 92614 Seal Beach, CA - 90740 Transitional Housing, 501 N Golden Cir Dr #200 Irvine, CA - 92612 Santa Ana, CA - 92705 12601 Morningside Avenue Transitional housing for women with children, permanent housing, meals, etc. Emergency shelter for men and women. 714-836-7188 ex. Orange, CA - 92867 929 Calle Negocio, Suite G Transitional housing, recovery center.This is not free. Orange, CA - 92856 2810 Warner Ave. Anaheim, CA - 92805 818 E. 3 rd St 714-680-3691 Shelter Listings is dedicated to serving the homeless and low-income. Lake Forest, CA - 92630 714-836-7188, 26776 Vista Terrace (Homeless Intervention Shelter) 907 N Bradford Ave Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 993-5774 A residence-based transitional home offering shelter and support services, such as case management, career development, and education assistance, for up to 180 days. Homeless Services, 151 Kalmus Drive, H-2 (714) 596-1380 Santa Ana, CA - 92702 Residents are offered both emergency shelter services and transitio. 714-538-4860 Transitional housing for men. 23162 Los Alisos Boulevard 215b Call for costs. This was the first homeless shelter G|M has ever done, and is currently the largest in Orange County. is insufficient to meet current needs in the County. (949) 380-8144 714-836-7188 Halfway house for all. RE: COVID-19 Public Health Policy for Orange County’s Homeless Shelters. RCS - TheHaven Clearwater 442-4128 Services and shelter for survivors of domestic violence includes the Emergency Safe House. 714-832-0207 Santa Ana, CA - 92701 949-492-6255 family support center. Of emergency shelter resources, 71% are for families, single mothers or pregnant women. 129 W. Canada Shelter Listings is dedicated to serving the homeless and low-income. Remote and Other Ways to Help in Orange County During COVID-19 Crisis. Irvine, CA - 92614 714-842-6600, 10911 Reagan Street Overnight shelter, meals, showers, and case management services. 730 Garfield halfway house, Sober living facility. 949-753-1514 Housing Authority, Low Income Affordable Housing, Public Housing, 20 Civic Center Plaza Garden Grove, CA - 92842 Orange County Department of Social Services 919-968-2000 (Chapel Hill), 919-245-2800 (Hillsborough) 2501 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 113 Mayo St, Hillsborough, NC Provides rapid re-housing and emergency assistance.