10).Adults live in marine environment and juveniles live in estuarine environment (Ref. Abstract Splitting of the genus Penaeus sensu lato into six new genera based on morphological features alone has been controversial in penaeid shrimp taxonomy. King and C. G. Alexander ABSTRACT The morphology and gastric armature of the proventriculus of Penaeus merguiensis closely resembles that of predominantly macrophagous decapods. Penaeus merguiensis Fenneropenaeus merguiensis Banana shrimp ... 1.3 Penaeid shrimp morphology The body of P. merguiensis , banana shrimp, is pale yellow or translucent and speckled with reddish brown dots. Until now there is no report on stock structure of banana shrimp in the area. 110177).To be replaced with a better reference. However, it has lots of misleading due to cryptic characters, such as dimorphism, larval and adult variation etc. Cephalothorax is formed by the fusion of thirteen segments,namely five cephalic and eight thoracic. 8). Gastric mill activity typically began with several Penaeus indicus Penaeus is the marine prawn,widely distributed in tropical and temparate seas. PENAEUS MERGUIENSIS DE MAN R. A. This … About 10 cryopreserved groups as 6, 12 and 24 h, 7, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days and fresh as control was examined from each of three replication were evaluated for sperm gross morphology evaluations. The segmented body of prawn has two regions,cephalothorax and abdomen. Methods and Results: Whole guts were dissected from wild and cultured prawns and divided into sections … Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis de Man, 1888) is a high valuable penaeid shrimp which occurs widely in Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 573 of Indonesia. DNA barcoding is a vital tool for assessing non described and cryptic morphological species. In the present study, fourteen marine shrimp species (Penaeus semisulcatus, Penaeus … Literature revealed that a number of marine shrimp species have morphologically been described. Panimbang, northern West Java, Mayangan, Cilacap, and Bone waters where the Lc were 27,02 mm, 22,1 mm, 28,9 mm, 18 mm, and 21,33 mm, respectively (Suman & Nugroho, 1988; Suman et al ., Abstract: The spermatophore morphology of the P. merguiensis from Kedah, Malaysia is described. F. merguiensis is an important species for prawn fisheries and extensive prawn farming in South-East Asia and Australia (New and Rabanal, 1985; Tseng, 1987; Weidner and Rosenberry, 1992).World production of cultured P. merguiensis was … 121464).Prefers sand or mud bottom and can tolerate high salinity (Ref. Abdominal region has segments and a … In Indonesia it is taken by trawlers off E. Sumatra, the south coast of Java, off Borneo and in the Arafura Sea, being the dominant species there. Feeding Morphology Penaeus indicus Penaeus japonicus Penaeus merguiensis Penaeus monodon Penaeus stylirostris Penaeus vannamei Reproduction Taxonomy Zoogeography Arthropoda Crustacea Decapoda Invertebrata Macrura Marine environment Keyword (es) This study compared the bacterial flora from the digestive system of the wild and cultured prawn, Penaeus merguiensis. Minimum depth range based on occurrence (Ref. (Penaeus merguiensis ) in Tarakan waters was higher than banana shrimp from others Indonesian waters i.e. Several studies focused on … Juveniles are found in mangrove creek-inlets, intertidal mud flats and far inshore waters (Ref. Two modes of gastric mill operation were observed, chewing and compression. P. merguiensis is also important off the northwestern coast of Malaya, and possibly the west coast of Thailand, and the Philippines (Longhurst, 1970:284-290). Aims: There is growing awareness of the influence of the bacterial composition of the gut on the health and growth of the host. Fenneropenaeus merguiensis is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific region in both tropical and subtropical waters (Grey et al., 1983). MORPHOLOGY OF PRAWN (Penaeus indicus) 1.