plague four. So I decided not to pick one of these insects specifically and will leave it … Egyptian Plague- Frogs coming from the Nile River Still, Pharaoh refused to let the children of Israel go from the presence of Egypt. And the Lord did as Moses asked, and removed the swarms of insects from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from the people. So let’s hear God’s word beginning in verse 16: “Then the Lord said to Moses, say to Aaron out your staff and strike the dust of the earth, that it may become knats through all the land of Egypt. He has authored, co-authored, edited, or contributed to numerous books. Then Moses said, “Behold, I am going out from you, and I shall make supplication to the Lord that the swarms of insects may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, from his people tomorrow. 2. I’m the God of My people, I’m going to spare them the plague. Now any of these insects would be awful. You may read Exodus 8:16-19 here: Bible Gateway . I have to wonder whether Pharaoh was a bit relieved. This question cannot be definitively answered. 2. Notice that it is described as the source of this plague being the dust of the earth. Log in. Fred Hineman in his commentary said the reader is left with the image that there will no dust left in the entire country. There were so many of them. Now the Lord had just made a mockery of the goddess of the Nile, is Pharaoh back there worshiping her again? That’s the first thing we see. Lice and flies. Then in verse 18 and the first part of 19 we see the failure of the Egyptian magicians. According to the story of Exodus, the Hebrew people living in Egypt were suffering under the cruel rule of the Pharaoh. If you have your Bibles, I’d invite you to turn with me to Exodus, chapter 8, as we continue to work our way through the various plagues of Egypt. If you have ever been vexed by midges then you know how horrible that particular thing is. He is the poster child for the apostle Paul in Romans 9 of someone who rejects clear revelation. Notice how that pattern will also follow, by the way, in the gospels. Make supplication for me. The frogs came up from the river and were in their houses, in their food, in their clothing, in every place possible. The first plague turned all the surface water in Egypt to blood. And they did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and there were gnats upon man, and upon beast; all the dust of the earth became gnats throughout all the land of Egypt.-- Exodus 8: 12-13. This plague was especially destructive. But you have riverfull of dead fish, and now dead frogs. Pharaoh makes sort of an outrageous statement, you may be assured that God is going to deal with Pharaoh about that statement pretty soon. Seminary students are looking at their Hebrew text, and trying to remember the vocabulary that they had been memorizing for the last six months. I’m sovereign here, Pharaoh, and you will let them go when I am ready for you to do it. We then practiced our counting skills, by counting the gnats. Anytime we want, we can take you out. Fish eat frog eggs. Exodus: Gods and Kings: From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes the epic adventure "Exodus: Gods … Now we must hasten on very quickly. But we’re going to see, look at verse 28, that it’s going to be God who lets His people go, not Pharaoh. And Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff and struck the dust of the earth and there were gnats on man and beast. The third plague of the 10 plagues that the God of the Israelites sent as judgment upon Egypt, through Aaron, was gnats (or lice), as recorded in the book of Exodus. The Plagues of Egypt were a series of calamities that, according to the biblical Book of Exodus, God inflicted on Egypt to convince the Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. You remember in the first two plagues Moses is told to go to Pharaoh first. Ex 8.17 The “gnats came upon men and animals” because Aaron stretched out his staff, Ex 8.18 The “gnats were on men and animals” because the magicians “could not.”. First of all, by the magicians saying, this is the finger of God, they are themselves acknowledging the plague, administered by Aaron at the command of Moses, they are acknowledging this plague as a supernatural event, beyond human control. All the dust of the earth became gnats through all the land of Egypt. He is the one who has special providence over every circumstances, and He is the only one who can set us free. God sent to swarms of insects as the third and fourth plagues of Egypt—first gnats and then flies. No fish, record number of frogs. The Book of Exodus, various translations, chapters 7 to 12--The plagues: 1. Okay, I’m about to cold cock you. The point of the passage though is that the Lord’s power is greater than the magic of Egypt. Tomorrow this sign shall occur. 4. The plague would show that the Egyptian gods were without power when … He can use those kinds of things to bring down Egypt. So Moses is confirming in Exodus 7:13, in Exodus 7:22, in Exodus 8:15 and in Exodus 8:19 that just what the Lord had said happened. The fourth plague, flies, was a … 3rd and 4th Plague. Third, and finally, with the third plague, we see this. Then Moses hit the Nile River with Aaron's staff and it was changed to blood i… Todays crafts are based on the third plague on Egypt, the plague of lice, gnats, fleas. Then when you look at verse 18 and 19, we see the failure of the Egyptians officials to duplicate the play, and we see their confession. The Plague: The third plague afflicting Egypt was lice. Swarms of gnats attacked the people and their animals 4. Pharaoh doesn’t. When he got there, he said, at the eating time they went out to the river to bathe. And notice again we are told in these first three plagues, that God can use anything He wants to touch the Egyptians. And so we dropped a missile in on his house. Thirdly, notice that when the magicians met and report that this is God’s doing, that they themselves are beginning to acknowledge God, just like the Lord had told Moses that He would make the Egyptians to do. STUDY. There’s no rejoinder there. Kids today have a wonderful opportunity that I didn’t have years ago. He made his way first by bus and then by boat, all the way to the place that he was going to be working in the Amazon, right near the source of the Amazon, which I didn’t know until recently is in Peru. You will note that just like we saw with the frogs, the Hebrew says croakers. And he’s to meet him with a ‘thus sayeth the Lord.’ And what’s the message? This yet another warning from God against the Egyptians resistance. Notice for the last time in the plague story, you’ll see this phrase, as the Lord had said. It’s a consistent pattern. Unlike the previous plagues, the magicians were unable to duplicate this one and declared to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 8:19). And Pharaoh is such a blind man. But there may be natural explanations for why these ten plagues occurred. The Third Plague: Gnats. The priests mimicked the other signs– staff into snakes, in Nile to blood, frogs from the water. They weren’t frogs. God then spoke to Moses about Egypt's refusal to release His people, and gave him instructions on what to do. blood to water: and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood. 3. 2018-06-27 2019-08-10. You see the fist? It gives Pharaoh the opportunity to acknowledge the Lord. The negotiations between Moses and Pharaoh and the termination of this plague, and Pharaoh’s second lie, simply emphasize the hardness of his heart and emphasized if the children of Israel are to be freed, it’s going to God that does it. The Hebrew word used we usually translate as Keenim can also mean fleas or lice. This is going to be a rout by the time it’s over. In this plague there is no prior warning. And the magicians tried with their arts to bring forth gnats but they could not. In fact, there are about four things that I’d like to mention to you about their use of that phrase. Well this happened because this happened, and it was this time of the year, it was rainy season, and it was flooding; and there were dead frogs and then there were a bunch of insects swarming around all the bodies of the dead frogs, okay? The algae is killing fish. Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff and struck the dust of the earth, and () there were gnats on man and beast. That image itself, my friend, suggests the end of the Egyptians. This is one of the new things that we are going to discover in the passage tonight. These things we ask in Jesus name, Amen. Pharaoh’s backed into a corner. And they did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and there were gnats upon man, and upon beast; all the dust of the earth became gnats throughout all the land of Egypt.-- Exodus 8: 12-13. And the magicians tried with their arts to bring forth gnats but they could not. The word used in Exodus to describe the third plague is כִּנִּים which can be translated as lice, gnats or fleas. Fleas, aphids, lice, mosquitoes and gnats abound in great numbers in certain areas. All the dust of the earth became gnats through all the land of Egypt. They are more and more serious. No magic is equal to the power of God. And so God is saying there are going to be innumerable gnats or flying insects of some sort all over Egypt. Perhaps I can outline the material for you and it will give you a better idea of where we are going. He says the same thing again to Jacob in Genesis, 28:14: Jacob, your descendants are going to be as the dust of the earth. Each Lesson is broken down. This is clearly the finger of God, and even His enemies admit it. And we see there something about God’s special providence. Dr. Ligon Duncan Lice and flees infest and bite. Moses is to meet him there. Now any of these insects would be awful. Had never heard of Him. A violent hail storm ruined the crops … I said, “You, of course, had medicine for malaria.” He said, “No, my brother, why would we have that?” No medicine for me. An Egyptian deity, Heqa, was a goddess with a frog head. We learn that God is sovereign over all of life all the way down to the dust from which we are made. Well, it’s the same thing here. He said there going to be as the dust of the earth. We come from the dust of the earth, we return to the dust of the earth; God will make this plague as numerous as the dust of the earth. Remember back in Genesis verses 13 when God was speaking to Abraham and telling him how many descendants He was going to give him? The Plague: The third plague afflicting Egypt was lice. And yes, there were the Thera volcanic eruptions in around 1630-1600 BC, one of which is described as the largest on record, but it was 1,050 … Anytime I want, this time I use gnats, anytime I want I can take you out. Water turned to blood. Not one remained. There are piranhas in the Amazon.” “Oh yeah,” he said, “we bathe in the Amazon. If we sacrifice what is an abomination before their eyes will they not then stone us? And we learn something in this passage. 6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt..7 And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt. Hapi, the Nile god. Thirdly, in verse nineteen the second half of the verse, at the very end of the play, we’re going to see Pharaoh’s hard-hearted obstinence displayed. 4. I would not go in there having cut myself shaving.” At any rate he said that the sound of the mosquitoes was like a gigantic aircraft landing. Pharaoh is not given an opportunity to concede nor is he offered reprieve afterward. And so by sparing them of the plagues in this place, He not only emphasizes His sovereignty, He has the power to spare His own people. This is almost a challenge. That’s how vast this scale of this plague is. The second plague that was extended upon Egypt, from the "rod" by Aaron, was that of frogs. We have been learning about the Plagues of Egypt in our preschool class at church. That admission through further visitations. And Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Go sacrifice to your God within the land.” But Moses said, “It is not right to do so for we shall sacrifice to the Lord our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians. Frogs can't live in polluted water and so leave the river. When I think back as a kid, I remember listening to Bible stories and being super confused and downright bored. That gives you some taste of what’s happening here. The second plague sent to Egypt was frogs (which they worshipped as gods). In the first part of Moses’ accounts of the plagues, as the Lord had said, and every time it accompanies something very interesting. 2 - If thou refuse ... frogs The creatures were considered sacred. Boils and skin sores broke out on the people and their animals 7. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. You remember when we were in the midst of conflict with Libya and Colonel Qaddafy had made various threatening noises to the United States. The priests admit this is of divine origin. He can use their water, He can use frogs, He can use gnats or midges, or whatever they are. The frogs. Attributes of God: Lesson 12: Other Attributes, In Ex 7.15, Moses was told to “go to Pharaoh” and warn about the Nile River turning to Blood, In Ex 8.1, Moses was told to “go to Pharaoh” and warn about the Frogs, The two nouns, “man and beast,” when used together, includes every creature. Exodus 8 – The Third Plague: Gnats – Ten Plagues of Egypt. We must go three days journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He commands us.” And Pharaoh said, “I will let you go that you may sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness, only you shall not go very far away.