Working with them is less intense than many other gemstones and can be a stabilizing influence, but that doesn’t mean they are less effective. Agate was discovered in France between 20,000 to 16,000 B.C. They vary in shade from coral pink to a darker but no less striking burgundy red, with their indivisible lines arcing to mesmerize the eye when the faintest sliver of light strikes. In Ancient China, wearing Agate was believed to purify the mind and energize a person’s chi. Apart from the medical treatments, Agate also creates a balance between the physical, emotional, and spiritual states anyone who wears it. Any of these stones that you may choose will help you to remain balanced and healthy. Agate is one of the oldest healing stones in the world. It is a type of plume agate (agate with plume-like inclusions). It was named after the Achates River on the Mediterranean island of Sicily during the 4th Century BC and comes in every color of the rainbow. Another meaning one can give to this stone is to be honest once again. The stabilizing effect is what gives the Agate crystal meaning such a powerful grounding energy. During medieval times, Agate was tied to the horns of oxen to promote good harvest. Place it somewhere you will see it each day as a reminder to spend your energy in a way that serves you best so you can maintain a sense of balance in your life. The stones are quite beautiful to look at and handle, and the polished tumbles specimens often feel cool to the touch. This stone will strengthen your sense of reality and encourage pragmatic thinking, which can be very beneficial for decision-making, especially if you’re working on a budget. In terms of increasing your mental sharpness overall, you will find that many Agate colors come recommended because of how their natural colors enhance the existing powers of mental clarity within the crystal itself. Agate is a member of the quartz family of stones known as silicates. However, it is has been known so for a long time and the name is still there even today. It helps us let go of negative feelings towards others, foster love, and the courage to start again after a traumatic emotional experience. Agate will direct your focus onto the things that truly matter. It’s said to radiate powerful energy that can have potentially life-changing effects. It is a gemstone to enhance "financial luck", "love luck" and "health luck" in a well-balanced manner. Although Agate is hard and does not require a lot of upkeep, taking good care of it will make your Agate jewelry looking like brand new. It will help you feel empowered and in harmony with yourself. It is idyllic for jewelry wear on a daily basis. It will inspire you to fill your life with only good and beautiful things. These crystals appear to have cherry blossom trees growing within them, which evokes feelings of growth and transformation within. Carry: To enhance your crystal practice for getting grounded, keep an Agate stone in your purse or pocket and hold your crystal whenever you need to regain a sense of stability and foundation. Do you feel depleted or burnt-out? Shop For Blue Lace Agate . This stone helps one activate their psychic abilities and … It refers to a stone banded in streaks or layers. Everything you need to know about clearing and cleansing your crystals, your space, and yourself (plus how to do it!). It has a soft, cooling healing energy that is especially effective in healing the Throat chakra. This stone will show you how you can let go of your anger, expand the love in your heart, and gather the courage to make a new beginning. Estimated payment amounts shown on product pages exclude taxes and shipping charges, which are added at checkout. It was used in the breastplates and swords in ancient times. You will find plenty of options while shopping for the perfect Agate stone jewelry. Agate has also been known to fill veins or cracks in volcanic or altered rock underlain by granitic intrusive masses. Agate works by anchoring your energy and helping you get back into your body so you can avoid spinning out. It can help resolve disputes with grace and intelligence and is especially recommended to be kept in a pocket or around your neck if you’re getting into a conversation you don’t want to turn into an argument. Banded Agate has been popular as a "lucky charm" since ancient times. By anchoring you to the Earth, the Agate crystal stone meaning can help boost your sense of balance and equilibrium. Agate can be used in meditation, healing grids, and chakra balancing. Banded Agate has the meaning and properties of enriching life. Agate is one of the birthstones for the zodiac sign of Gemini (May 21 – June 20). *You must be over 18, a resident of the U.S. and meet additional eligibility criteria to qualify. Individual types of agate have their own personal healing properties. Flower Agate Meaning. In the image above you can see the layers of the stone, and this is how it naturally occurs. Handcrafted jewelry items are made from the well-created Agate stones of different carat weights. They consist primarily of quartz and chalcedony and form within spaces inside other rocks. Gain in-depth knowledge about crystals, their healing properties, meanings, and practices to achieve a specific intention. Agate will also help you accept the fact that you will not get your way every single time. The agate is attributed to a strong healing effect in mental or physical complaints, such as a protective stone for pregnant women or as a consolation in separations. Let the stone tune into your unique vibration in turn, and send positive thoughts to the stone to charge it with good energy. Agate can also help you to find the confidence to carry off new looks if you’re trying to experiment, enhancing your natural allure and strength. Indian Agate is an earthy green variety with beautiful moss-colored detailing throughout and was used in ancient times by wise sages to uplift them and give them confidence. Agate has the power to harmonize Yin and Yang energies, to balance the opposing forces which hold all matter in place. Agate is one of the very few stones attuned to the unique vibrations of whatever needs healing in each person. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. Enter your email below for updates and special offers. This is because silver enhances the beauty of Agate more than yellow gold. Flower Agate is a fascinating new find from Madagascar. This multi-faceted gemstone is plain but elegant. Therefore, its care and maintenance are quite general, but precautions must still be taken if you want your Agate to last a lifetime. Support us on Patreon and get personal crystal advice! If you find yourself spending too much energy in one area and not enough in others, connecting with an Agate crystal can help you assess where to best focus your time. Some specimens, in particular, have a coating of tiny druzy crystals within or on top of the banding formations. Visit Agate Meaning & Properties for more about the benefits of agate. Agate is porous in nature and often artificially stained or dyed to enhance its appearance. When you feel overwhelmed or out of balance, coming back to the Agate crystal healing properties remind you what balance feels like so you can work toward achieving that in all aspects of your life. Filled with crystal meanings, intentions, and practices, our books will be your go-to guides on your crystal journey. Agate also combines well with clear quartz to help balance the Crown, Base, and Heart chakras. Dendritic Agate can look quite spectacular, with its clear brown or green color being patterned with small fern-like markings. Flower Agate crystals have a gentle, encouraging energy that nudges you to live up to your fullest potential. Moss Agate contains sets of mineral inclusions that imitate the looks of trees, plants, and landscapes. Different varieties of Agate can be combined with one another when doing chakra work. These pockets fill layer by layer creating the well-known banded look of agate … However, silver is used the most among all these accessible metals. When you are stressed out or overwhelmed, it can be easy to get in your head. Because of its grounding effect, the Agate crystal stone meaning also helps with relieving stress, anxiety, tension and other lower vibrations. Blue Lace Agate has a soft, soothing elegance; like sky-blue waters released from winter’s grasp. Agate is a fascinating gemstone with a long and illustrious history that stretches back to the Ancient Babylonians, Greeks and Romans. During the ancient times, Agate was used as powerful amulet or talisman to protect the wearer from all kinds of dangers. Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It also bestows anyone who wears it with the necessary strength. Blue Lace Agate is best employed on the Throat chakra, where its gentle yet persistent soothing flow of energy gently clears blockages from this area, enabling you to speak your truth, to stand up for yourself and others, and cease your negative self-talk. When it comes to physical healing, healers suggest using Agate for curing all sleep-related problems. Agate stones that have exquisite-looking scenes and bands can be priced more, but they will still be affordable to collectors and Agate fans. These stones possess several eye markings, fossilized inclusions, or colorful flecks on them. has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. It’s said to resonate with feminine energy, embracing your soul with supportive love. Some Agate found in Australia, however, can date back 2.72 to 3.50 billion years. Fluorapatite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Find The Right Crystal For Your Career, Success And Prosperity, Mordenite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Gold Pyrite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Blue Barite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Babingtonite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Agate is supportive, nurturing, and comforting in its vibration, making it a good choice for dealing with emotional disturbances and problems. While the general vibes of the Agate family are highly grounding and calming, each unique type of Agate has a particular energy. In ancient Mesopotamia, Agate signified strength and was carved into cylinder seals utilized for official documents in business transactions. Agate is rated between 6.5 to 7 Mohs on the hardness scale. When used as an elixir, Agate can stimulate the digestive system and relieve digestive pains, such as gastritis. For example, the Babylonians believed the properties of Agate could be used to dispel evil energy and would place it around their home accordingly. As always, your intuition is your best guide when deciding which stones to work with. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Like Quartz, Agate tunes into the intelligent healing energy of the universe, sending it to precisely the right place each time it is called upon to heal. Agate is believed to be as much preventative in its applications as it is curative. To ground your energy, create an Agate crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space. You will also become more secure about yourself and deal with the unexpected with confidence. Jan 31, 2015 - Agate is identical to quartz in terms of composition and physical properties. When the chakras are all open, and the energy is flowing freely, each chakra helps to support the others, and a strong current of energy, or Chi, flows continuously through our etheric bodies bringing us vitality and strength, boosting our immune system and keeping our emotions on an even keel. Its unique composition reflects the colors and shapes of a forest, bringing you closer to nature and its peaceful, soothing vibes. It also helps to eliminate cravings and destructive desires. Emotionally it supports you in remaining centered and strong when you are facing potential strife or hostility. These are often translucent agates with plume-shaped, dendritic or mossy inclusions. Agate is found in Africa, Brazil, India, Morocco, the United States, and many other places. The agate comes in a variety of colors and patterns and belongs to the group of Chalcedon – a microcrystalline form of quartz. It can help in the treatment of skin-related illnesses and irritations. Agate is a hard, robust gemstone, and you cannot damage it easily. Bright stones that consist of unique and uncommon bands are also valued more in terms of money. One unique variety of the chalcedony family, Flower Agate properties are known for inviting the energy of new beginnings. Along with its supportive energy, the Agate stone has been long admired for its incredible beauty. Agate Meaning and Healing Powers. The energies of this stone are also believed to encourage lactation. Therefore, if you have another Agate color you prefer, but are worried that choosing it might detract from its healing potential, do not worry. However, some agates do not have obvious bands. Agate, a variety of chalcedony, is a popular gemstone due to the characteristic bands that form inside of the stone and come in many colors, from deep reds and soft pinks to brilliant greens, deep blues, and everything in between. This is another reason why people who find their ideal stone tend to keep it with them at all times. It has a trigonal crystal system, is waxy in luster, and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, making it a robust, strong stone. Still, Agate is nevertheless defined as a translucent stone, with countless tiny sparkling Quartz speckles being evident in many varieties. Those who are elegant in both appearance and demeanor are likely to be those who let themselves enjoy Agate crystals in their jewelry and clothing. It will support your belief that all the challenges that you are going through are temporary. An Agate crystal stone holds the perfect energy to anchor you and offer a sense of stability, especially when you feel as though your energy is all over the place and scattered. The sculptured and carved pieces made of a single Agate stone will also cost more compared to pieces where more than one Agate stone is used. Agate will help you overcome negativity and let go of the bitterness in your heart. Its hardness rate specifies it as a sturdy and long-lasting stone. Varieties of Agate can be found all over the world, and it remains a popular stone to this day. Because of its natural beauty, there is an appreciation of Agate crystal all over the globe, and there isn’t a culture around that hasn’t featured these stones in some way. If the headache has already made its presence known, holding Agate in your left hand while sitting peacefully and sipping a good peppermint tea can work wonders – you might well be surprised how fast the symptoms pass. Overall, agates are gentle, nourishing, and strengthening, with a lower intensity than many other gemstones. It can also eliminate and cleanse the negative energies from your body. Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into people’s lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. Agate is well known for its calming, soothing effects on the mind, primarily when used over some time. Not sure what intention you’d like to explore. It will help you maintain a positive attitude even if you are going through something difficult in your relationship. It will guide you in making the best decisions without putting your finances in a precarious situation. The fire agates were formed during this … The gift of confidence is inside of us all, but sometimes it needs just the right encouragement to come out. It will help you balance your energies and direct them appropriately. When you feel unbalanced, the Agate crystal meaning has soft vibrations that can recalibrate and realign you. © Copyright 2020 Energy Muse Jewelry Inc. All Rights Reserved. The overall inner harmony of energies is said to be brought into greater balance by this stone, which can help those who feel lethargic halfway through the day or have to overcome health issues to get by.