They will work in any full sized Uzi SMG without a blocking bar or barrel restrictor ring. Weight: 5.5 lbs (empty) ... $12K for an Uzi and over $30K for an MP5. Original manufacture UC9 UZI Bolt, machined for semi-auto builds, parkerized, Used in *Excellent* condition. We Sell Uzi Parts & Accessories for sale,Uzi Barrel Shrouds Bolts,Barrel ,Grips,sear,lowers, 45 Conversion kits, Bayonet,smg full auto Machine Gun Parts Fullauto Sear.Also a complete line of semi auto parts you name it we have it.Uzi Repair Channel. They wouldn't have a buffer in the equation, but is there enough similarity to the functionality of the bolts to extrapolate that weight to what a 9mm AR needs for bolt+buffer? Overall length with stock rectracted 24.4 inches. Uzi, Parts kit ,Gun,fullauto,semi auto, smg, sub machine gun, Barrel, Shrouds, Bayonet ,Scabbard, top,for sale covers,Mini,Micro, D E … Compare. Rated 5 out of 5. The Uzi carbine is the largest and heaviest (8.6 pounds) of the Uzi design, and it utilizes a 16" barrel with an under-folding stock. Weight: 1.9 lbs: Dimensions: 6 × 1.5 × 1.5 in: 1 review for Uzi 9mm SMG Bolt. A blocking catch similar to the then recently released model ‘B’ UZI Carbine, was fitted to the bolt. It fires from an open bolt. In 1986 followed the Micro UZI, a more compact form with a 4.6" barrel assembly. Beyond this reduction was a reduction in overall weight to just 3.3lb. These Uzi bolts do not come with the extractor, extractor retaining pin or the recoil spring assembly. Special units and Special Police Units also use them. I'm in the dark on the Uzi topic. The Uzi (officially cased as UZI) is a blowback-operated, magazine-fed, shoulder-fired, select-fire Israeli submachine gun. The Uzi mini-carbine is a little lighter in weight (7.4 pounds), and it utilizes a 19" barrel with a side-folding stock. It should also be noted that the Uzi Pro Pistol operates as a blowback gun, so the weight of the bolt is all that keeps the action shut until chamber pressures drop to a safe level. The standard-length UZI sported a 10" barrel assembly with a 7.7lb overall weight. Walther Uzi .22 LR. This was … Any thoughts on the other link in the first post, mentioning sub-18 oz bolt weight for Uzi's? The Mini & Micro UZI versions are a very popular weapon for bodyguards and many groups guarding Heads of State and High executives worldwide. The bolt on the APC9 is significantly more hefty than the MPX for that exact reason, but instead of simply throwing a big chunk of metal in the gun and calling it good B&T created a masterpiece of metalwork to fit in the receiver. The bolt was based on the Mini UZI bolt and the striker but redesigned to be more compact to fit the much shorter receiver. Actual weight values may vary from those provided here and, though we try to make the values as accurate as possible, Portland Bolt makes no claims about accuracy and accepts no liability resulting from the use of the values provided on this page. This was followed by the Mini UZI which carried a 7.76" barrel while weighing 6lb and saw introduction in 1980. For those moments, rifles like the Walther Uzi Semi Auto Rifle are great to have. For many, some of the most memorable times in one’s life are those spent hunting with family and friends. As such, you have a fairly heavy bolt which makes up a large portion of this pistol’s 58.5 ounces. The values provided by this calculator are for estimation purposes only. 1 History 2 Design details 2.1 Sights 3 Manual of arms 4 Variants 4.1 Mini Uzi 4.2 Micro Uzi 4.2.1 Uzi Pro 4.3 Uzi SMGs built for the U.S. civilian market 4.4 Ruger MP9 4.5 Norinco Model 320 5 Trivia 6 Gallery 7 References Based on the … The UZI SMG was up-dated and modernized many times during the years since its development half a century ago.