Everyone would like to be near a Leo that is happy. Leo women tend to get labelled as being angry or aggressive because of the belief that because Leo women tend to be more assertive than compared to women … You aren't afraid to … However, if they do get angry, give them their space, because they don’t want you suffocating them as they try to cool down. If you are someone who is attracted to an alpha female, then a Leo woman is your perfect match. They are outgoing and they like to make themselves noticed. Leo is a fixed fire sign, and its members are born between July 23 … If you’ve done anything that has caused your man to pull back, there is a way for you to get his interest back now.. She has female intuition that is unmatched by any other sign in the Zodiac. She is confident and knows what she deserves in life, so she is not going to put up with being just an option when she deserves a real relationship. When a Leo woman is dealing with negative emotions, she is more than willing to dump you and forget about you completely. When a woman makes a critical mistake in her relationship it can damage it forever. They might try to come talk to you, if they feel like. This majestic Leo will completely lose interest if the woman on his side does not want him too much! An angry, sexually frustrated Leo woman will eat you alive. Once they calm down a bit, Leos think more clearly and logically. Learn how to erase just about any mistake with your Leo man by visiting romanceadviceforwomen.com. Their personality inspires devotion and happiness. When he or she is angry, it is rarely because of love problems, but more because they no longer are in charge of the situation. A Leo needs a woman that is a bit clingy-- a woman who is too independent will turn a Leo off instead. If you make the mistake of angering a Leo woman, you had better watch out. A Leo’s fiery temperament makes it very difficult to approach them immediately after they’ve been angered. Leo's are huge on honesty, so if you lie to a Leo man he will feel betrayed and you will lose your chance at any hope of a relationship. While this task isn`t something everyone would cope with, here are a few simple things to remember if you want to make your relationship with a Leo woman … If you believe in astrology, a system of personality typing based on your birth date, people born under the sign of Leo have certain personality traits. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Roaring Anger When you get angry, Leo, you go beyond anger and end up storming with rage. The literal symbol of the Sun (Leo's planetary ruler) spells out the flip side—the dark.The dark feels as though the Sun has been rubbed out of the sky. A Leo can brood in these places longer than perhaps necessary, this intense feeling can be misconstrued as drama. Represented by the lion, Leo makes friends easily because of their confidence that confidence makes them difficult to resist. Even though this woman can make you as happy as no one else can, she`ll do that only if you`re able to give her what she needs. Finally, Leo women are confident and natural born leaders. It really is a toss up with them, as sometimes they can be passive aggressive and will expect you to make the first move. This means that … If you attempt to rationally engage too quickly, Leos are likely to lash out. While Leo's time has come and gone this year, the sun never sets on a Leo woman. Cut the Crap: A Leo woman will see through a silk tongue in seconds. This means they get upset for different reasons and express their feelings in different ways than people born under other signs. The Leo woman personality is much more sedate than her male Leo counterpart and is actually quite calm compared to the Leo man. Lie to her once and you are finished dating her.