As they drive away, Amari looks back for, ...notices that Amari seems to have trouble sleeping. She sits up and sees, ...the slaves and force the slaves to slather their bodies in foul-smelling oil. Fiona is a slave owner but she treats the slaves right. He kept getting sold because he would try to run away. After the story comes the drumming, Amari’s favorite part of any celebration. ... "Although Amari knew Besa was approaching, she pretended not to see him until he touched her shoulder." Contingent upon the present condition of mind-set she is in, the sun is either an inviting, well-known solace that invigorates her, or it is a removed, unfavorable, and destructive force. The night that their village was attacked, Besa was captured. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Copper Sun. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Simon Pulse edition of. English. The following morning, Amari spots, “massa” and “yessir.” One hot night, Amari can’t sleep. Besa grew up in the village called, Ziavi. Teachers and parents! • Amari is a strong 15-year-old slave, and the main character who endures the horrors of slavery. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. When the white men come and take their village away, Amari has now became a slave as Besa has also and the rest of the village's young people. Amari has fallen in love with this man who's name is Besa. Amari splashes water from a stream on her face and strolls along behind Kwasi, waiting for Besa. That happened 5 times. ISBN 0689821816. ...After another generous meal, guards kick the men, shackle them together, and march them away. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ...Amari wouldn’t even use such a thing on animals. The only family he had left, was a … She also would help her mom dye fabrics, seeing that as a form of art as well. He loved to play the drums. Amari perceives Buck’s face; it is Besa, from her town. Amari was born at Ziavi, which was a village in Africa. Our. She would climb trees They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. She leaves and sends her slave, “Buck,” to hitch the wagon up. He said that he no longer believed in anything. answer choices . Start studying Copper Sun Part 1. One day, when Amari was thirteen, her father announced that she was to be engaged to the most handsome boy in her tribe, Besa. She thinks of her love for her village as she watches a friend, Tirza, chase a goat and sees the chief elder’s wives pounding cassava fufu for supper. Mr. Derby is the slave master that passes his point of view down to his son Clay. Then, he got sold for being bad and trying to run away. Copper Sun (Chapter 1- 7) DRAFT. Finally, Amari notices. We would never judge people simply by how they looked—that would be uncivilized,” her mother told her. History. Sharon M. Draper uses symbolism, descriptive language, and comparisons to teach us the controversial history of African Americans in Copper Sun. Charles Town, South Carolina. Amari watches, Amari drifts in and out of consciousness. He is the one who spots the slavers and also becomes a slave after capture from the slavers. However, before their nuptials are performed, they are both taken into slavery. Before, it was an emblem of home and it brought comfort. Personification. Unhealthy looking men with skin the color milk were coming to their village with Ashanti warriors. Besa - Copper Sun. She would also participate in the games that Besa made up, and would bring her brother along with her. People. Amari puts her head in her hands and wonders if, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. He loved to play the drums. He is a powerful and influential man, who is betrothed to Amari. On the last day of the week Besa is snatched out of the cell and put on a small row boat after seeing Amari on the other side of the small prison. Besa said that a band of unusual-looking strangers are coming this way, Mother,” Amari informed her. “The spirit of the copper sun seemed to bleed for them as it glowed bright red against the deepening blue of the great water.” (Chapter 5, Page 34) Amari’s attitude about the copper sun has shifted since it was first described. Edit. LitCharts Teacher Editions. 71% average accuracy. Besa grew up playing with the children of Ziavi and liked one girl called Amari. Besa had put something on to cover his face. She was very excited and was to be married to him a few months after she turned fourteen. Characters Critical Analysis; In the early seventeen-hundreds, there lived a girl by the name of Amari. She was supposed to marry Besa, but she never did. Besa and Amari loved each other and were supposed to marry each other when they were old enough. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Amari is the type of girl who is shy and quite. The title itself, “A Far Cry From Africa”, sums up Amari’s feelings at everything she sees in North Carolina, from raised beds to the pale people to Besa’s torn up body. Besa "Buck" is a drummer from Amari's village and her fiance who becomes a slave after being captured. Start studying Copper Sun Questions. Besa was a young boy from the village of Ziavi, taken to be a slave by some men with white skin, and some people from the Ashanti tribe.