Describe Holden’s sister, Phoebe, providing at least four significant details: … Why doesn’t he make these calls? Why doesn’t Holden sleep in Ely’s bed in Ackley’s room instead of leaving in the middle of the night? For example, when he sneaks home in the middle of the night to talk to her, she gently … Holden sees and buys the red hunting hat in New York after losing the fencing equipment for the Pencey Prep team. What does Holden ask the taxi driver? While Holden sits in the “vomity-looking chair,” what does he think about? By the time he gets to the phone booth, Holden decides he is too drunk to talk to Jane, so he calls Sally Hayes instead. Q. Tags: Question 3 . Why doesn’t Holden call anyone when he gets to New York? Why doesn’t he call her? I installed windows 7 from an external hdd by making a partion active. He’s singing “Coming thru the rye”. Salinger's Rye J.D. Who does Holden want to call at the beginning of the chapter? How does he describe her hearing? He explains that due to his height and his gray hair, he is often able to order alcohol, but, in this case, the waiter refuses. 3. Who is the next person Holden calls? Chapter 18. Once in the hotel, what does Holden see when he looks out his window? Chapters 10-13 1. Who is Phoebe… Where does Holden go after the club? Chapter 10. 2) Why doesn’t Holden call anyone from the phone booth immediately after he gets off the train in New York? Why doesn’t he make the calls? This quote represents the first time Holden speaks about his younger sister at length, and it appears in Chapter 10. When she has a date with Stradlater, Holden does not go to the Annex to say hello. After all, why else would he invite the … Holden leaves Phoebe’s room for a moment to call Mr. Antolini, an English teacher he had at Elkton Hills. Why does Holden want to know? How does Holden feel about movies and shows? (Like adults.) To him?" Why doesn't he just go home? They seem amused but uninterested in … He wants to stand at the edge of the cliff and catch the children when they come too … Why did Stradlater hit Holden? Why do … He keeps sarcastically saying that this makes her witty. 37. Ackley, who was awakened by the fight, comes in Holden's room to ask what happened. answer. The counter settings will load in a popup window. Why doesn’t Holden call anyone from the phone booth immediately after he gets off the train in New York? Why did Holden tear up the composition he had written for Stradlater?. I think that Holden has a hard time dealing with the fact that Mr.Antolini behaved so strange, he's confused and doesn't really know what to believe. He mentions several times he should go see her, or even call her, but doesn't. According to Holden, Phoebe’s one flaw is that she is perhaps too emotional. What did Holden and Phoebe do in her bedroom? She is a voice of reason throughout the novel, both in Holden's thoughts and in the advice she gives to him in person. … Holden doesn’t like when people want to go see a movie. why his sister phoebe interesting holden review; good on you, and glad to hear you’re happy with your provider.looking at cPanel bandwidth widget stats and Awstats through cPanel. Why? Amanda Holden poses in spring dress but fans are making cheeky comments about her choice of underwear Leave a comment. After disrupting her sleep and irritating her ... Holden takes Phoebe to the zoo and before he takes off, he took Phoebe for the carousel, where it started to rain. Why did Holden lie to her about Ernie? How does Holden describe Mr. Antolini? Sally. Who are all the people Holden wants to call? What question does he ask the cab driver? Like his brother Allie who died of cancer, Phoebe represents innocence […] In the Lavender Room, Holden takes a table and tries to order a cocktail. 2. Why doesn’t he end up calling any of these people? In the post, Amanda is pictured in a yellow spring dress with a flowy bottom, belt detail … In what sort of hotel does Holden stay? When Holden gets checked into his hotel room, he comments that he “was probably the most normal bastard in the whole place” (62). Why does Holden want to know? That doesn't happen much, though.â I donâ t know why. He doesn't want to grow up and get a job and play golf and drink martinis and go to an office, and he certainly doesn't want anything to do with the "bastards" that do. Why does Holden want to know? What does Laverne keep asking Holden? How … He seems a little more mature since he doesn't run over to save Phoebe when he thinks she might fall of the carousel. He can’t call D.B. Chapter 10. Though only 10 years old, she is considerably more mature than Holden, though Holden actually covets her because of her youthful innocence. At Stradlater's command, Holden then goes to the bathroom to wash the blood off his face. 2. Mr. Spencer. SURVEY . He calls her a "royal pain in the ass," and Sally starts to cry. Except that, really, he sort of does. Why doesn’t he like actors? 4) What is ironic about Holden’s concern with his appearance when he enters the Edmont? Holden mentions to us that Mr. Antolini was the only teacher who approached James Castle’s body after his death, the only one who demonstrated … How to Change Your PSN ID & PS4 Username. Nginx Phoebe is Holden’s last hold out in his world of phony people who surround him. Holden once again considers giving Jane a call to invite her to go dancing. 5. Who did Holden meet on his train ride? Why do you suppose he doesn't arrange to meet her the next day as she suggests? Phoebeâ s character challenges Holdenâ s view of the world: she is a child, but she does … Why doesn’t Holden call anyone from the phone booth immediately after he gets off the train in New York? Why does he take off his red hunting cap before he checks in at the Edmont? She tells Holden that he doesn't like anyone or anything, and that Allie doesn't count since he's dead. He tells Holden that he is still bleeding … ” Describe a time when a present made you sad, or invent a situation that … 33. He's dumb but nice. For what … 35. Who does Holden call up and invite? Salinger. What does he see when he looks out the window of his hotel room? While Holden is hiding from their parents, Phoebe talks with their mom and takes the rap for the cigarette smoke. We’re not psychoanalysts but here’s our take: if Holden calls everyone a phony, he can feel better when they reject him. 3. 1. Who sits down next to Holden on the train? 30. Holden decides that he's ready to call Jane Gallagher. HIS plan is to go to Grand Central, and he sleeps for a little while in the waiting room. Explain Holden’s experiences at the Lavender. What is the little boy who is walking with his parents singing? Cause of Ackleys so called phoniness 11. Why doesn’t he want to stay at any hotels on the East Side? Suddenly, Holden starts to think that Mr.Antolini is a pervert. What does Holden want to be when he grows up? Chapters 5-9 1. SURVEY . Why doesn’t Holden go down to see Jane? 2. Where did Holden decide to go? He's the best teacher he ever had. How does Holden try to mitigate his drunkenness? Chapter 10. “Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad. List at least two details provided by Holden when he’s … When Holden asks the taxi cab driver where the ducks go in the winter it … But when Holden calls Stradlater a moron, Stradlater knocks him out. Phoebe corrects Holden in his altered rendition of "If a body meet a body" and tells him that it's a poem by Robert Burns. Holden is unwilling to acknowledge his loneliness and sadness, but this doesn’t mean he can keep himself from exhibiting his emotions. Mr. Antolini is shocked that Holden has been kicked out of another school and invites Holden to stay the night at his house. He flirts and dances with three women who are visiting from Seattle. Holden wanted to find a record called “Little Shirley Bean” for Phoebe. Holden views adulthood as phony, hypocritical and fake while childhood in his mind is a world of innocence, honesty, and joy. On page 52, Holden mentions that the skates his mother gave him made him sad. What is the significance of the question Holden asks the taxi driver about the ducks? It could be a symbol of Allie and Phoebe's innocence, something Holden is … Does that make Holden feel better or worse? Why does he want to call her? About what did Holden write Stradlater’s composition? 30 seconds . What is the significance of the question Holden asks the taxi driver about the ducks? we may recall that at the conclusion of Huckleberry Finn Huck says: Whom does Holden call and why? He’s afraid he’ll have to interact with someone he doesn’t like. 1. Who does Holden call? Aside February 24, 2021. Why does he lie to her? After the park, where does Holden go? What question does Holden ask the Taxi Driver and how does this question fit his character traits? Chapter 7. What does he do with some of it? because he’s in Hollywood, his parents might answer his call to Phoebe and he just didn’t feel like calling the rest. Holden finds this very awkward and rather strange so he quickly comes up with an excuse to leave the house in the middle of the night. In keeping with this, he discovers that he’s crying as he exits the bathroom, and although he claims to not know why, it seems likely that he must understand—on a certain level—that he’s deeply lonely. 30 seconds . 4. Why doesn’t he call Jane? What causes Holden … Once in the hotel, what does Holden see when he looks out his … 34. By wanting to save others Holden was saving himself and did so, with Phoebe's help. 32. 5. A new Instagram post from Amanda Holden has caught the attention of social media fans – but not for the reason you’d think. How does Phoebe look, sleeping? Better. 5. Holden Morrisey Caulfield is a fictional character in author J. D. Salinger's 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye.Since the book's publication, Holden has become an icon for teenage rebellion and angst, and is considered among the most important characters of 20th-century American literature.The name Holden Caulfield was used in an unpublished short story written in 1941 … I see the the carousel is a metaphor for the inter-connectedness of humanity. He tries to hit on one of the performers, but when that doesn't work, he calls Sally Hayes. It is phony of Holden to say that he really cares about Jane Gallagher, yet he never calls her. 3) What is the significance of the question Holden asks the taxi driver about the ducks? He's mean but respectful. 39. How much money does Holden have left? answer choices . 4. He's strict but smart. He remembers how she danced with Al Pike from Choate. 2. Chapter 21: What do we learn about Holden’s mother? What is ironic about Holden’s concern with his appearance when he enters the Edmont? Phoebe is Holden 's younger sister. How does Holden feel about Phoebe? Q. Chapter 11. 40. What is Phoebe like> Holden you tell that Holden adores her? What does he mean by that? Salinger first published The Catcher in the Rye as a novel in 1951. Tags: Question 4 . Auchy wrote: "If Holden is so obsessed with saving children's innocence, why doesn't he worry more about his own? Even though he claims to be a pacifist, Holden enjoys the look of blood on his face. Holden feels somewhat guilty, and realizes that he doesn't even know where he got the idea about going to New England. Mr. Antolini. Who are all the people Holden wants to call? answer choices . Jane. question . What is he looking for? What does "innocence" mean for him? He wanted to call D.B., Phoebe, Jane Gallagher’s mom, Sally Hayes and Carl Luce. Perhaps this is a reason why Holden wears the hat. Chapter 10 5) List at least two details provided by Holden … Holden - awaking from sleep (important point) was aware of Mr. Antolini, in Holden's words, Whether or not Mr.Antolini was … What sorts of "perverts" are there? 38. What is ironic about Holden not wanting to look like a “screwball”?