They will need to turn-in their JP4 player to the property room to receive the new JP5 device. Meaning inmates either have to go back to using the 15min slot of kiosks and wait until they have sufficient funds to order a new one. The JPay website is set up so you can only schedule a visit when the kiosk is available in the inmate's living unit. I'm talking about prisons where they recieve the messages electronically (i.e. Most prisons use JPay for inmate accounts. And if on lockdown there will be less time for everyone to use them.I was also told that sometimes when Jpay do these big maintenance updates it often fries tablets! That does not mean, however, that the inmate is available. With JPay becoming the sole provider of money transfer services, you can expect a variety of fast, convenient ways to send your loved ones money, as well as a reduced rate for walk-in cash payments at any MoneyGram agent location. Yes, inmates can purchase or upgrade to the JP5mini or JP5s through the JPay kiosk using funds from their Media Account. In some states, such as Washington, Michigan, and Ohio, you can add the inmates contact details to your account and send an email straight away and they can use Jpay kiosks at their facility to write reply emails. Who We Serve JPay serves millions of incarcerated individuals, their loved ones, parolees and probationers, as well as returning citizens through continuous corrections technology innovation – simplifying, supporting, and connecting. How Jpay works varies from state to state. They certainly don't get replaced by jpay. However, you will have to help them out. One can also visit a MoneyGram agent to send funds through JPay. Your inmate can get their money through a tax refund, but you will have to fill out these forms for your inmate. You can't send them stamps, they do get 10 a month and what they don't use is carried over to the next month. Sending photos may be less expensive by snail mail, and they can't print them in color, only black and white. Inmates can purchase the $69.99 tablet from a kiosk in their facility or someone can purchase it for them. Effective July 1st, 2013, JPay will be your way to send money to inmates in the Florida Department of Correction. How is an inmate notified when funds have been put into his/her account? Talk about easy, there is also an app that can be used to send funds. I've never seen any of my JPay's have a 'pending' status or anything, … When you use jpay to send email, don't forget that each photo that you attach costs you a stamp. So I just sent off a JPay and I'm curious about two things that I can't seem to find the answers to: 1) When a JPay emails status says 'Sent', does that mean it's already gone through to the prisoner? Depending on the inmate or the institution, access to services such as JPay (the message service I am used to) can be limited. What We Do JPay designs, builds and deploys its technology to prisons and jails across the country, establishing correspondence to help … not Texas prisons). It is best to check with the inmate you are visiting to agree upon a time before you schedule. JPay deposits can be made online with a credit or debit card, or by calling 1-800-574-5729. If your inmate hasn’t received their stimulus checks, there is still hope. Simple answer … as often as they can. The inmate ID must be referenced and the check can be mailed to the institution where the inmate is housed. JPay prides itself on offering an easy and efficient way to send funds to your inmate.