His shrine is usually covered with different white cloths for this reason. By day and in my sleep Sweet potato Pudding. He is widely respected as a fair and patient judge. 11. The Obatala worshippers dance in white costumes, offer coconut milk, white pumpkin, and light up sandalwood incense. Silver and ivory are the charms associated with Obatala. This … Obatala enjoys eating rice, eggs, coconut, cocoa butter, white yams, ñame and meringues. Your faith and charity bonanza Sacred Place in Nature: hills, mountains or high places, Tools: A horsetail fly-whisk (some roads use a sword or cane), Temperament: Calm, reasonable, quiet (some roads, like Ayáguna are youthful and fiery), Syncretized Catholic Saint: Our Lady of Mercy or Jesus Christ. She likes to knit and sew in her rocking chair all day long. He doesn’t like being bothered or disturbed. Stack these into a tower (as best you can) on a white plate and offer these to Obatala for the required amount of time as dictated by divination. Obatala is the only Orisha who has both masculine and feminine qualities. He doesn’t like spicy foods, and salt is taboo for him. Offerings to Obatala include oti (gin), obi abata (kola nut), igbin (snails), and egusi (melon soup). White is considered the most sacred of all of the colors in Santeria, as it symbolizes Obatala. ~Dip fish in the mayonnaise mixture, then in the bread crumb mixture. Preparing food offerings for the orisha should be a process that allows you time to meditate, focus and put your heart and hands at their service with a great deal of joy and thankfulness. ... Tembleque for Obatala and all all orisha. When an person receives the odu (7-8) “edigbere” in a diloggun reading he is often told to act as “Obatala’s cook” – constantly offering cooked addimus for him. He also acts as the “referee” or judge when the orishas have quarrels, working to restore and preserve peace at all times. Father of All Saints Sep 17, 2017 - Preparing an offering to Obatalá should not be complicated or stressful. All the pictures and information here is readily available online and in books. Number: 7Sacred Place in Nature: the ocean, lagoons and lakesColors: blue and clearTools: oars, boat steering wheel, anchor, life preserver, machete (for Ibú Ogunte), a scimitar (for Ibú Okoto)Temperament: Nurturing, loving, direct, frankSyncretized Catholic Saint: The Virgin of Regla Posted Wear an Obatala bracelet or Obatala necklace when heading to court to keep his protection and guidance close to you. All of his animals for sacrificemust be white in color. Obatala is known like the great God. Oxala (pronounced oh-shala) is a Brazilian corruption of the Yoruba Orisha-Nla, another name for Obatala. Obatala eats a rather bland and restricted diet. Offerings to him include milk, white foods and flowers, rice, coconut, orgeat syrup, and a perfume called lotion pompeia. The condition can be corrected by prescribing the patient with Comfrey and Sage, as an herbal tea, or applied externally by a spiritual bath. Obatala accepts only white offerings without spices. Food prepared for Obatala must not contain salt or epo (palm oil) in them. He doesn’t like spicy foods, and salt is taboo for him. Locate … Religions like Yoruba strongly focus on the … Our botanica offers over 10,000 religious and spiritual products. THE YORUBA Food and Culture PRESENT DAY NIGERIA Maryland, USA Cuba London Trinidad Brazil New York UK Okra soup, red stew and pounded yam Moin-moin - olele (beans) usually Amala & egusi with eaten with gari or ogi (made pepper soup form corn) or rice Fufu Efo-Riro (vegetable soup) Eja gbigbe (dried fish) with pepper & okra soup Giant snails Obatala Offerings to Obatala Food … Praying to Obatala. Bastide [ 9] commented on the androgynous characteristics of Obatala as an explanation of why this orisha accepts female animals as offerings. He favors bland, white foods, such as meringue, rice, coconut, cocoa butter, white yams and … Call upon Obatala to guide you through your difficulties and strengthen your resolve in times of hardship or uncertainty. Simply cook the rice in the traditional manner making sure NOT TO USE ANY SALT when cooking the rice. Babá Achó –  a young, male road of Obatala who gifted mankind with the seeds of the cotton plant, and the secrets of creating cotton cloth. As Yemaya is the patron of mothers, Obatala is the patron of fathers. Plate the rice in a tall mound or tower on a white plate. Every act of worship is linked to one or more personal biographies. Need help finding something? Oxala owns white substances. He belongs to the psychic system, that is to the belief in the being of the spirit and the soul. Also he prefers his offering to be made on … His unwavering dedication to truth and clarity are symbolized by his all white attire. For food offerings, like her wife Oshun, Aje Shaluga enjoys She also enjoys very high-carb foods like dumplings. You can honor Hecate and her hounds by doing the same. Obatala prefers his offerings be made on Sunday. Feel free to ask questions. Obatala, meaning king of the white cloth, is the eldest of all Orishas. Offerings to her can be water or scented water sprayed or splashed into the air, watering a plant with large leaves or one of her sacred plants, a bowl of liquid left to evaporate, or steam such as potpourri. Two Simple Offerings to Obatalá, the King of the White Cloth Preparing an offering to Obatalá should not be complicated or stressful. Orula’s feast day is October 4, which is the same as the catholic saint St. Francis of Assisi. Welcome to Prayers and Altars for Oshun and Orisha. Once a strong warrior who witnessed terrible acts of violence, this patient and compassionate deity provides kindness to those who pray to him. The color associated with Obatala is white. Altar offerings for Olokun include cooked yams, grains, melons, and molasses. Cut the four eggs lengthwise and arrange them around the edge of the mound of rice. Obatala accepts only white offerings without spices. Obatala’s animal sacrifices include she-goat, hens, doves, and guinea hen. Preparing food offerings for the orisha should be a process that allows you time to meditate, focus and put your heart and hands at their service with a great deal of joy and thankfulness. People tend to spread a white cotton ball on the offerings they make to Obatala to please him. He dominates in the adoration and respect to a great number of Yoruba's and influences easily in their religious feelings.His anthropomorphic description (that attributes to God in human figure) … Obatala. yemaya / yemonja / yemÒja offerings The offerings to Yemayá or Yemonja or Yemoja are ram, pigeon, turtle, duck, hen, guano, quail, pork, shrimp stew with capers, boiled eggs, spinach and tomato corn tamale; that is soaked all day, grind in a pestle and cooked in a saucepan without fat and unsalted, is shaped like a … Oshanlá – an old, female road of Obatala who was married to Oshagiyán. 10. His offerings are always white or light in color. When honoring this beloved Orisha, be sure to have a polvera de Orula on your altar. on 1st Dec 2015  |  Tags:  ObatalaOrishas. However his offering par excellence is a white, uncooked egg on a mound of white flour. Seen as the quintessential father figure, Obatala watches over all younger Orishas. He is honored with White hens, snails, White melon soup, pounded yams, and other white food such as eko, fermented corn wrapped in plantain leaves. Top the rice and eggs with a sprinkle of more cocoa butter and a powdering of cascarilla (powdered egg shell). Place the rice beside Obatala’s shrine for the proper amount of time then remove it and dispose of it in nature as dictated through divination. Always remember that Obatala aids the innocent and punishes the guilty. To call upon Olokun, begin by spreading a white handkerchief on your altar. Call or email us at info@originalbotanica.com. Black eyed pea cakes and Corn Cakes ..Abara / Adalu / Ekuru aro / Olele. Remove the eggs and submerge them in a bowl of cold water to completely cool them before peeling the shells off. All Rights Reserved. The goddess’ favorite food offerings were lamb dishes, watermelon, fish, duck and some say she enjoyed eating pork … Obatala’s animal sacrifices include she-goat, hens, doves, and guinea hen. Father of all the good, all in white Then the time has elapsed remove the meringues and dispose of them in nature in the appropriate place as determined through divination. Place an Olokun statue on the handkerchief. Obatala presides over the other Orishas and intervenes with their arguments and disagreements. Always Give me wisdom to understand what I cannot Oxala and Obatala are the same deity, although details of their veneration may differ depending on location and spiritual tradition. Porridge, baked or boiled chicken breasts seasoned with very little salt, white raisins, rice, and bread are some examples. He finds clarity and pureness of thought by connecting to nature high above the distractions of everyday life. diaspora, we make her sweet filled dumplings from wheat, rice, or bean flour, or stew with dumplings. In … Our church’s shrine for the orisha Obatala Obamoro. My formula for Obatala does contain one synthetic oil, Coconut, since the mild White flesh of fresh coconut is one of his favorite food offerings. This unique Obatala eleke has mother-of-pearl and purple beads added for the road Oba Moro. Obatala is honored with brilliant White cloth, White lace, White beads and cowries, White flowers, silver coins, and silver jewelry. I trust your wing, your protective mantle He has dominion over all white things, from bones to the clouds in the sky. Agidi...for Oya and Aganju. In ancient times, Hecate’s devotees left offerings to her and her hounds outside by their door. The offerings are presented on a white cloth and white covering. He is the Orisha of leadership, knowledge, justice, those who are handicapped and the military. Ingredients for traditional foods for the orisha. This site was created by Lighthaus Design. Offerings made to Obatala should follow the rules of purity that this Orisha embodies. Obatala enjoys eating rice, eggs, coconut, cocoa butter, white yams, ñame and meringues. Arrange coated fish fillets in the prepared baking dish. Your kingdom is heaven Put some … Food offerings to Obatala should be simple, plain, but hearty and tasty food such as one would serve a visitor whose allergies and preferences you weren’t quite sure of. Patience and resignation, in order to cope Another simple addimú you can make for Obatala is to go to a local bakery and purchase simple white meringue cookies. Obatala is the owner of all heads, because it is said that he molded the bodies of humans before Olodumare breathed life into them. Oshagiyán – also called Ochagriñán, this is an old, male road of Obatala who walks with a staff or two crutches, he is the father of Orunla. The Obatala worshippers dance in white costumes, offer coconut milk, white pumpkin, and light up sandalwood incense. What’s the Difference Between Legba, Eleggua, Eshu and Exu?! Get exclusive offers, email-only coupons and other surprises by signing up for our newsletter. Open Your Third Eye and Super Charge Your Intuition. Please read, comment and share. The Christian image of Our Lady of Mercy is linked to and associated with the female form of the Orisha Obatala. He is also the father of many of the orishas and as such is given great respect and deference by the other orishas in matters of great importance. All of his animals for sacrifice must be white in color. For this you’ll need some long-grain white rice and 4 white eggs. His offerings are always white or light in color. To reflect his place of importance in the Lukumí pantheon, Obatala’s shrine is always placed higher than any other orisha in the home. A white peace and wisdom candle or 7 Day Obatala Orisha candle can also be placed on his shrine. The peace of mind Your offerings to Obatala must be white foods: white hens, rice, milk, etc. Oba Moro – a male road of Obatala that is very old and requires quiet in the home. The name “Obatala” is actually a title of honor that means “King of the White Cloth (or caul)”, and there are many orishas that are called “obatala”. until they are hard-boiled: about 17 minutes time. Trust your power, sovereign redeemer. Anoint the candle with good luck oil or justice oil and recite the following prayer: King of kings, I call you It arose through a process of syncretism between the traditional Yoruba religion of West Africa and the Roman Catholic form of Christianity.Adherents are known … Copyright © 2021 Original Products. Your blessing I will bear ALL IMAGES AND TEXT COPYRIGHT 2014 santeriachurch.org except where noted otherwise. Give me the right words for those who will listen These various orishas are the roads of avatars of Obatala within Santeria. As such, Obatala protects all people, and acts as a guardian for those who do not yet know who their guardian orisha is. Here is a sample of Obatala’s roads: Ayaguna – a male, fiery-tempered, warrior Obatala, who rides a horse and fights with a sword. Obatala’s eleke is always made with white beads. Unlike the other gods, Obatala abhors alcohol. ~Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until fish is easily flaked with a fork. He is a calm, cerebral, intellectual spirit who dislikes … Obatala is an Orisha of the Seven African Powers known as a “cool” … Obatala is married to Yemana, the goddess of the ocean, and is father to many Orishas. Offerings made to Obatala should follow the rules of purity that this Orisha embodies. Some of the icons representing Obatala are ota Obatala, oje (lead), ada Orisa (Obatala’s cutlass). The Obatala Orisha is responsible for white fluids of the body which is located in the throat region of Orisha/Obatala (also known in Yaga as the 5th Chakra, see diagram 3). Rev. Obatala worshippers dance in white costumes and offer white pumpkin, coconut milk and light up … Santería, also known as Regla de Ocha, Regla Lucumí, or Lucumí, is an African diasporic religion that developed in Cuba between the 16th and 19th centuries. He taught mankind how to speak and the arts of the tongue. Dr. E. at the Missionary Independent Hoodoo Workshops 2013, Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. Cooked addimús are a wonderful offering for any of the orishas, but specifically for Obatala. He is revered as the king of kings and the creator of all mankind. They decorated the altar with things like nets, sea stars, sea horses and sea shells. For example, in Cuba it is not uncommon to find objects placed at the base of ceibas trees or royal palms. Obanlá – a vibrant, young, female Obatala that was wed to Ayaguna. Leave an offering for Hecate and one of her dogs. If your offering is an organic item, such as blood, fruits and vegetables, tobacco, or other plant material, you may want to consider burying it. Salty and spicy foods are also no-no’s for his altar. Carry his prayer card in your wallet or pocketbook and read it to reaffirm and focus your dedication. Your peace, an emblem of trust This is something fun to do in Hecate’s honor. Your glory hope Leave your offering to Obatala at the base of a tree. People can even offer him eggs, rice, mushrooms, water, milk, crushed egg shells, snail shells, myrrh or tobacco. Present the offerings on a white cloth and cover with pure cotton. Mountains, hills and other high places are favorites of this Orisha. She fights with a scimitar better than any other Obatala. He is portrayed as an older man in white robes holding a staff or torch. Casava cooked in coconut milk and sweet palm sugar (Flan de calabaza) ....Pumpkin … When anger wants to be my counselor and friend Powered by WordPress and the Graphene Theme. A garden is a good place to do this, particularly if you have a compost bin, because the nutrients will go back into the soil as the offering biodegrades, continuing the cycle of life. Obatala eats a rather bland and restricted diet. Decorate his altar with a sacred crown or dove-handled bell, representing his status as a king and his belief in purity and justice. The orisha Obatala is the only male orisha who " eats " in the Iabás circle, thus accepting sacrifices of female animals in his honor. He is said to resemble Chango’s behavior in many ways This wooden bowl is the vessel which … This blog is dedicated to the Oshun. Be sure that your intentions are pure when praying to this powerful Orisha, as you will suffer the consequences of your guilt if you are not being truthful. Damballa, like many other loa, is subdivided into different spirits who play different roles. Honoring Ancestors in the Traditional Lucumí Way, How to Learn Santería – Studying the Religion. In a medium bowl, mix dry bread crumbs, shredded coconut, chopped mixed nuts, sugar, salt, and cayenne pepper. Silver and ivory are the charms associated with Obatala. White rice with boiled eggs is one of the easiest cooked addimus to offer him. There are, therefore, some female depictions of Obatala. Their offerings to her were usually sparkling, shiny things like jewelry or fragrant objects such as scented soap. Once the rice is done cooking, chop up some cocoa butter over the hot rice and stir it in so it melts and coats the grains of rice. Offerings by the Door. Boil the four eggs in a pot of water (NO SALT!) Each orisha has its own history. Obatala is often prayed to by those dealing with court cases and legal matters. Addimu Orisa / Idana fun. Pay homage to him on this day and make offerings to him of coconuts, wine, sweet cakes and candles. He favors bland, white foods, such as meringue, rice, coconut, cocoa butter, white yams and eggs. Offerings to other orishas can be found in other locations. Always dressed in white, Obatala represents purity and calmness. Do not, under any circumstances, offer Obatala alcohol. Obatalá (also spells Obbatala or Obatala) is the eldest of the orishas in Santeria and king of the religion in orun (heaven). Obatala Festival and Dance During the Feast of Obatala that is usually held on September 24 th, the worshippers dance in white costumes, offer snails, coconut milk, white pumpkin, and burn incense to this god. Locate the Dog Star. You may have found us here because you were seeking help or support. Use Obatala oil to honor the king of White Cloth, and to work towards purity and clarity. Ochalufón – an, old, wise, male Obatala who works at the right hand of Olofi. Under the power of his father Olorun, Obatala created the Earth and all of the living things that inhabit it.