Beowulf was written in England in the late 1st millennium. The pagan elements in the epic poem Beowulf are evident in the characters superhuman personifications. Contrary to Pagan belief Beowulf is seen as the epitome of good and beneficent to all of mankind. Beowulf was written in atime when Christianity was going a major faith and Paganism was still widelypracticed. Because of its complicated origin, Beowulf has elements of both pagan Germanic culture and Christianity. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. The poem Beowulf relates to his heroic deeds against Grendel, His mother, and the dragon while combining elements of christian ideas as well as pagan ideas. The narrator notes, “But God’s dread loom / Was woven with defeat for the monster, good fortune / For the Seats” (696-98). The Old Testament character Cain and the pagan idea of fate have been merged to characterize Grendel's mother. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. The Pagans worshiped Gods such as Woden (Odin), Thunor, Freya, and many others. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Beowulf could be seen as Christ when trying to help the people as Grendel could be compared to Satan who tries to destroy happiness and well-doing. Beowulf had a good heart but was sometimes overturned by the bad influences in life. Christian and Pagan symbols in Beowulf. The idea of loyalty, a hero, and a giver are all signs of Christianity. While this allusion calls upon the power of God, the second example of specifically mentioned allusion is a direct reference to the biblical story of Cain and Able. Dutifully, the author mentions, “Then and now / man must lie in their Maker’s holy / Hands, moved only as He wills: / Our hearts must seek out that will” (1057-60). Among these is the heroic value of fame. Beowulf was written after the Anglo-Saxons were already Christianized, however the pagan traditions were still present in their culture. Perhaps this transition is necessary for the acceptance of Christianity reader may notice a direct use of foreshadowing for the events to follow. During the late 10th century, there was affirmation of warrior and Christian cultures in literary works. One of the clashes between Christianity and paganism is attitude to revenge. This provides us with an idea that the poem that was written during a time when the society was in the process of converted from paganism to Christianity. At the crossroads of paganism and Christianity, the characters in Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon people alike faced the essential blending of two religious lifestyles in overall life-affecting scenarios into one semi-coherent religious viewpoint. Remarkably, the utilization of weapons is a characteristic of pagans hence the presence of both Christianity and Paganism among the people of Denmark (Riggs and Strafford 70). Likewise, in this instance, man-made issues serves as a mirror of paganism and trust in God becomes Christianity. More clearly, the author couples these religiously different entitles together In order to faceplate the arrival and cultivation of Christianity Into the Anglo- Saxon culture. Beowulf himself is defined in terms of wyrd. This statement reverses several purposes to the advancement of the plot and the role of religion in the Anglo-Saxon era. Contrary to Pagan belief Beowulf is seen as the epitome of good and beneficent to all of mankind. The inaccurate indication of Beowulf’s victory was related to God’s influence, but he allowed Beowulf to get back on his feet. The pagan elements in the epic poem Beowulf are evident in the characters superhuman personifications. Like Christ, Beowulf must face a task that will benefit all who follow him even though he must accomplish this alone. Essentially, Beowulf emboldens the other characters with a reminder of a traditional value: that legacy is the only reward that a good soldier may hope to achieve. Beowulf was written in atime when Christianity was going a major faith and Paganism was still widelypracticed. He was selfish and represents what most people would not want to be, but not many people would understand Grendel. Beowulf: Christianity Versus Paganism The poem of Beowulf stands as one of the earliest works in English in which it deals with feuding, religion and fate. In addition the explicit elucidation of Christianity in allusion, the author also treats the subject of religion implicitly using symbolism. The synthesis between paganism and Christianity, beowulf allowed by this textual obscurity, creates a far more powerful Christian narrative to the Anglo-Saxon populous than a essay sermon. While the values differ widely, the Anglo-Saxon society seemed to approach the issue of religion with ambiguity and ambivalence. No man is without fault, but Beowulf is certainly not without a degree of wisdom when he accepts the blame. Beowulf is depicted as a superhero. Put together, this connection accentuates the transitional sentiment of such a religion. Even though many Pagan influences appear in the poem, Christian influences override them. Christianity for the English. 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your custom Beowulf is depicted as a superhero. While he acknowledges that these pagan ideals carry significance, it seems he holds contempt for the peoples of an age not much younger than this one who are to yet exposed to the views of Christianity. In case you canât find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Although there are many examples of Pagan beliefs in the poem Beowulf, the poem points more toward a Christian influence and meaning. The pagan elements in the epic poem Beowulf are evident in the characters superhuman personifications. Beowulf is known as a hero and in that aspect he believes he should be the one to defeat Grendel. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the ideals of Christianity dominate over those of paganism through the shift of pagan values to praises of God, the biblical allusions, and the role Beowulf plays as a Christ-like figure, proving the author’s bias and demonstrating the nature of the Anglo-Saxon time period. This work was written after the Anglo-Saxons were already Christianized, but there were still acts of pagan culture at the time. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. But the only surviving manuscript of Beowulf was written in the 11th century by Christian scribes, who either inserted the Christian overtones to the story, or were working from a manuscript set down by previous Christians who added the Christian … To elaborate this enigmatic coupling, one might safely infer that a new religion, mixed of the two of these was born. Essentially, the narrator outlines the symbolism of the battle with Greened when he states, “And through the might of a single man / They would win” (698-99). In spite of that, this contrast epitomizes the balance that the Anglo-Saxons may have attained. Fate becomes the Jurisdiction of God. Throughout the story the characters display actions that lead towards Paganism and Christianity. He also expressed a fair attitude towards battles when he refused to use a weapon. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. In the same way he, as a king of Geats, feels that it is his duty to serve his people and protect them. These elements, that have been so uniquely combined in the poem, define the heroic warrior, Beowulf, and the evil menace, Grendel's mother. Beowulf himself boldly proclaims, “he who can earn it should fight / For the glory of his name; fame after death / Is the noblest of goals” (1387-89). Beowulf-Christianity or Paganism. In this epic poem, these two religions come through the actions of its characters. Beowulf battles bear a strong resemblance to the crucifixion of Christ. Beowulf is depicted as a superhero. Christianity vs.Paganism In the story of Beowulf, there is a noticeable struggle between Christianity and Paganism, and the characters personal battle between the two. The poem beautifully celebrates the culture of the early Danes, while incorporating newer influences from Christianity. A particularly tempting beowulf to make is between Beowulf beowulf the figure of Christ. Throughout the story of Beowulf, a comparison between Christianity and paganism had always been a topic discussed both within the text and spoken aloud in the classroom. Many critics tend to think that the original Beowulf poet was a Christian who included both Christian and pagan elements at the time of writing and that the Christian elements are not the work of a reviser or interpolator – but it is actually what he has written. In the story of Beowulf, there is a noticeable struggle between Christianity and Paganism, and the characters personal battle between the two. It becomes difficult to apply this theme of Christian dominance to the Anglo-Saxon society as a whole, however, because the author of the tale, clearly Christian, caters to an audience with likely greater acceptance of Christianity than the characters in the time period the work represents. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. To embellish this theme, It Is necessary to acknowledge the unique dichotomy that exists In the epic tale between vastly different religious viewpoints. Beowulf battles with all his might, but the narrator ultimately comments, “That noble prince / Would end his days on earth soon but would take the dragon with him” (2341-44). When Greened trench He’d given him / And relied on the Lord for all the help, / The comfort and support he would need” (1268-72). According to the Christian faith, Jesus was the only one who could sacrifice himself to save humankind from eternal damnation. The dragon, a seemingly unstoppable force of evil for Hero and an enemy to God, confronts Beowulf as boldly s Beowulf confronts it. The difference between Hrothgar’s Christianity and Hygelac’s paganism is not related to a source but they both are thankful for Beowulf’s success (Stevick 82). It is hard to ignore the Christian and pagan elements of Beowulf. The fact that Christianity and Paganism are so closely intertwined in the poem is the reason Beowulf has both Christian and pagan influences. Meanwhile, Beowulf symbolizes a sort of overly-prideful pagan Jesusfigure. Although Beowulf was defeated, it was not shamelessly, just like Christ he saved the people. The battle with Greened, then, is innately similar to the suffering of Jesus, also a prince; though when Beowulf conquers Greened, he receives great praise. The epic poem of Beowulf inspired dozens of generations of writers to rethink it and show the story of the praised hero from the new side. Hence, in the poem, there is a definite transferal of pagan values to Christian dominion. Beowulf does contain references to both a single Deity and the old testament; however, the references are more accurately described as pertaining to monotheism (albeit of biblical origins), as the character of new testament Christianity is absent (as apposed to the "The Song of Roland" whereinn the germanic heroic tradition occurs in conjunction with, if not … This provides us with an idea that the poem that was written during a time when the society was in the process of converted from paganism to Christianity. In Beowulf, the relationship between the tribe’s pagan religion, with its code of vengeance contrasts with Christianity’s emphasis on forgiveness of one’s enemies and … Here, Christian allusion is the vehicle by which the author may emphasize his avid support for Christianity as a whole. The fact that Christianity and Paganism are so closely intertwined in the poem is the reason Beowulf has both Christian and pagan influences. Beowulf Christianity Vs Paganism Term paper. Though he wants the Christian’s respect he thrives for the satisfaction of fighting. Beowulf was originally likely a folklore fable told in early Gaelic andScandinavian civilizations that was passed through the ages by word-of-mouth and waswritten down and revised by a Christian monastic in ulterior centuries. mean that it did not have any relevance in earlier time. The acceptance of feuds and the courage of war are just a few examples of the Pagan tradition, while the Christian mortalities refrain from the two. Beowulf is seen as a God to the Geat people, and they turn to the Almighty to save them from evil. While one may learn from the accounts of each religion in this poem, the author is noticeably Christian in his interpretation of the heroic story of Beowulf. In the Bible, Jesus is said to be the good king of all mankind. By: Larry Childs Movie Clip Syncretism Reformation of the Anglo-Saxons Paganism in the world of Beowulf, is a polytheistic religion that uses rites and rituals in order to invoke the Gods. Interestingly, Beowulf is quick to lay Judgment on Unfetter, too, for the crime of killing siblings. The fact that Christianity and Paganism are so closely intertwined in the poem is the reason Beowulf has both Christian and pagan influences. Beowulf Christianity vs. Paganism The poem of Beowulf stands as one of the earliest works in English in which it deals with feuding, religion and fate. No one knows, but what ever it was drove him to his death. Beowulf takes it upon himself to save the Danes from Grendel.