17.6.3 Table of Known Specific Heat Capacities Table 17.5: Specific Heat Capacities Material Specific heat capacity C at 20°C in cal/(g.°C) 0.214 Aluminum, Al Brass, 72%Cu, 28%Zn Bronze, 88%Cu, 12%Sn 0.094 0.104 Copper, Cu 0.0921 Gold, Au 0.0312 Iron, pure, Fe 0.107 Lead, Pb 0.0306 Silver, Ag 0.0558 Steel 0.113 Tin, Sn 0.0542 Zinc, Zn 0.0925 Water, H2O 1.00 Ice, at -5°C 0.50 Answer Save. 2. Research Question and Hypothesis. Test tube holder 7. Download Ebook Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers Substance Specific Heat of a Metal Lab - YouTube In this lesson students design a lab to determine the identity of an unknown metal through using specific heat calculations. Table 17.3: Calculated Specific Heat Capacity Quantity Symbol Results specific heat capacity of the unknown metal | Use these values along with your data and Eqs. 1. The specific heat of water is known. awais salman. Since only one trial was performed I just did a specific heat of a metal lab, here was the steps. but Specific Heat of a Metal Lab - YouTube Specific Heat of Metals Lab Experiment. Hot plate 10. Use these values along with your data and Eqs. Favorite Answer. Download Ebook Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers As recognized, adventure as well as experience nearly lesson, amusement, as capably as concurrence can be gotten by just checking out a books specific heat of metal lab answers along with it is not directly done, you could say you will even more in relation to this life, around the … Beaker 6. Turn the hot plate on high, begin boiling. 1 decade ago. Mass of cup 4.64, Both 9.28 289.32g Mass of both cup and water Mass of water 280.04 Initial temperature of pure water 29°C Final temperature of water 30°C Initial Temperature of water with metal 94 You transfer the metal as quick as possible to prevent heat loss to the environment When you stir do not let the rod touch the bottom of the cup Specific Heat … Relevance. In this lesson students design a lab to determine the identity of an unknown metal through using specific heat calculations. Introduction When a substance is heated, the motion of its individual particles increases, resulting in an increase in temperature. Choose the metal with the specific heat that is closest to your experimental value. Fill … The specific heat of an … To do this you will use a calorimeter – in this lab, that’s a Styrofoam cup. LAB FOUR Specific Heat of a Metal 1 Name Lab Partner(s) Section Date Specific Heat of a Metal Objective In this experiment you will use calorimetry to determine the specific heat of a metal. Chemistry in the Laboratory-James M. Postma 2004-03-12 This clearly written, class-tested manual has long given students hands-on experience covering all the essential topics in general chemistry. 0301kg .2595kg . it is given in literature u can google it. #Q_w=1630.59 J#. For the temperature change of water, simply subtract the initial temperature of water from the final temperature of your mixture (which is your maximum calorimeter temperature) Temperature Change of Water = 29.0 - 18.0 = 11.0 o C; This is the same for the metal: Temperature Change of Metal = 99.7 - 29.0 = 70.7 o C This lesson builds on the previous lessons in the unit where students have already learned about specific heat capacity and have performed several calorimetry experiments including finding the heat of fusion of ice, the calories in a Cheeto, the … Specific Heat of Water & Metals: Physics Lab This lab will help you to be able to explain what specific heat is and find the specific heat of a metal using household objects. The metal is heated to a temperature of 173 °C and placed in a graduated cylinder filled with 25.0 mL of water at 25.0 °C. Refer to the specific heat capacity values given in Table 17.5 for the water, aluminum can, and stainless steel stirrer. Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers|courierbi font size 12 format This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this specific heat of metal lab answers by online. Record the mass of metal 3. How does Charle's law relate to breathing? 17.1 and 17.3, and solve for the specific heat capacity of the unknown metal. Show your calculations and record Ly in Table 17.4. This (#Q_w#) is the amount of energy the water gained, so this means the metal lost the same amount(#-Q_m#), according to the law of conservation of energy. How do I find the specific heat of an unknown metal? Question: Data And Lab Submission - Energy And Specific Heat Energy And Specific Heat Are You Completing This Experiment Online? where #C# is the constant-pressure specific heat capacity in #"J/g"^@ "C"#, #m_i# the mass, and #DeltaT# the change in temperature in #""^@ "C"#. SPECIFIC AND LATENT HEATS 17.6 Calculations 17.6.1 Calculate the specific heat capacity of the unknown metal. In addition, we will study the effectiveness of different calorimeters. Atomic mass = 26 / (specific heat) Safety . No hazardous chemicals are used . Refer to the specific heat capacity values given in Table 17.5 for the water, aluminum can, and stainless steel stirrer. 17.6. Metal Specific Heat (J/goC) Aluminum 0.900 Bismuth 0.126 Tin 0.226 (3) specific heat water X mass water X T water = specific heat metal X mass metal X T metal. Place the beaker of water on a hot plate. Thermometer 11. Join. Calorimetric Lab - Specific Heat LAB Name _____ Materials 1.Unknown metal 3. 4 Answers. You might not require more times to spend to go to the books introduction as well as search for them. Paper towels 12. 9.1 Introduction Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between objects with different temperatures. Where To Download Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers Specific Heat Of Metal Lab Answers Thank you categorically much for downloading specific heat of metal lab answers.Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous period for their favorite books once this specific heat of metal lab answers, but stop stirring in harmful downloads. CHEM 139 Lab Guide Page 1 Experiment 9 Experiment 9 Specific Heat Capacities of Metals The purpose of this experiment is to identify two unknown metal samples based on physical properties. Grad cylinder 8. around the world. The identity of the metal can be guessed from . PART 1: Specific Heat of an Unknown Metal. Calculate the specific heat of the substance using the answer from number 1 and the equation in the Introduction. del bas ofibeca de tot Table 17.1: Data for Specific Heat Capacity Quantity Symbol Data mass of unknown metal cylinder m. 1 mass of inner cup mass of inner cup and water mass of water mo mass of stirrer mg 0177 kg 1.081 kg MA+H₂0 1911 kg 1101kg 0301 kg 22°C 104°C T, 24°C AT, -80°C ATH, I 2°C temperature of water TH, temperature of metal cylinder temperature at equilibrium change in temperature of metal cylinder change in temperature of water. How do you calculate the ideal gas law constant? Trending Questions. An irregular lump of an unknown metal has a measured density of 2.97 g/mL. Problem Statement: so we did an experiment. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g((C. In this lab you will be measuring the specific heat of an unknown metal by measuring the amount of heat it transfers to a known amount of water. Record the mass carefully to two decimal places. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. & This is what confuses most students. Use these values along with your data and Eqs. The temperature changes of the water, and of the metal, can be measured, as can the mass of the water and the mass of the metal. Use this table of specific heats to determine the identity of your metal. They both reach the same thermal equilibrium temperature, so. Now, Cp is your unknown since you’re using Q from #1. Luis Narvaez‎ > ‎Chemistry‎ > ‎Lab 2- Specific Heat‎ > ‎ 1. Rearrange the formula #Q=mcDeltaT# to find #c# of the metal. CALCULATIONS 293 17.6.2 Calculate the latent heat of fusion of ice. View desktop site, 292 LAB 17. In order to calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal, a large mass of metal will be heated to close to 100 C and quickly transferred to a known quantity of water in the calorimeter. #Q_w=(25.0 g)(4.181 J/(g*°C))(15.6°C)# How do I determine the molecular shape of a molecule? Use the formula #Q=mcDeltaT# to find the change in energy in water. basically the teacher gave us each a cube of unknown metal and we had to figure out what it was using the specific heat. The displacement of water gives the volume and thus mass of the metal: #"34.0 - 25.0 mL" xx "2.97 g"/"mL" = "26.73 g"#. Show your calculations and record in Table 17.3. You might not require more get older to spend to go to the books introduction as competently as search for them. Tap water P r ocedure 1. Re-write your unknown number here: _____ Your unknown metal is one of the metals in the table below. Source(s): AS. The purpose of this lab experiment is to measure the specific heat capacity of unknown metal samples and also to determine the latent heat of fusion of water. Get calorimeter cup. Write down given information for both substances (mass, specific heat, change in temperature), #DeltaT = T_(fi nal)-T_(i nitial) = 40.6°C - 25°C = 15.6°C#, #DeltaT = T_(fi nal)-T_(i nitial) = 40.6°C - 173°C = - 132.4°C#. Also don't forget the place a negative sign in front of the equation as I did above. 0 0. ... Get your answers by asking now. Test tube, large 9. Research Question: ... and the hypothesis was as followed “if the density and specific heat of an unknown metal was determined, then the metal (could/could not) be identified.