The Wotofo Profile RDA is yet another squonk-focussed RDA from Wotofo, only with a little twist… And that twist is this: it can (and does) run mesh coils (as opposed to a standard, wire coils), though it can also run standard wire coils too. Le Profile RDA utilise un mesh coil de 0,18 ohm et supporte une gamme de puissance de 40 à 60 W. Le coil chauffe rapidement et apporte un excellent goût pur. The Recurve is an RDA with coil, it features a postless single coil design. Mesh heating element has been said to be the unshaken trend in vaping, even for RDA category. A unique spring-loaded ceramic cotton support makes the RDA perfect for mesh coil using. Son plateau reconstructible est un postless qui offre un espace parfait pour y mettre des coils bien costaud. It is a rebuildable drip atomizer with a dual coil. The RDA has side airflow and depends on the coil placement as to what part of the coil the air flow will hit. Il est disponible en noir et métal, et livré avec un adaptateur pour drip tip 12mm et une pochette de pièces de rechange. Wotofo and YouTuber Mike Vapes collaborated to create the Wotofo recurve dual RDA. Mesh style coils can give a better flavor experience in various ways. Recurve RDA by Wotofo comes with several accessories like coils, vape cotton, standard 510 pin, O-rings, etc. Beehive style airflow cap allow enough air to balance the flavor quality and cloud generation. Mesh style coils can give a better flavor experience in various ways. 6 Colors Available: S.S., Black, Blue, Gunmetal, Gold, Rainbow, Aluminum: Purple RDA, Red RDA, Blue RDA, Green RDA, Frosted Clear (White RDAs), Frosted Black RDA and Ultem, Matte Gunmetal RDA, Steel RDA, and Matte Black RDAs, 1. Il est disponible en 2 déclinaisons : 0,28 ohm ou 0,62 ohm. Coming with multiple accessories, this makes a great RDA kit. On the top rim of the deck, there are notches paired up with ridges on the inside of the sleeve to ensure proper air control as well as taking apart the atomizer from mod easily. Experience from cool vape to warm vape 7. Mount the Wotofo Nudge coils high and airflow will hit from the bottom of the coil. Its curved deck shape maximizes the flavor. Each variation come in a resealable tube that consists of 10 prebuilt coils. Beehive airflow design on both sides of the cap allows this best mesh RDA to have proper airflow forming intense flavor with a huge cloud. The Wotofo Profile RDA is 24mm mesh rebuildable drip atomizer designed to deliver the real taste of vape flavor. Le dripper Profile 1.5 RDA de Wotofo est la nouvelle version de l'incontournable Profile, réputé pour son confort d'utilisation et ses innovations techniques.. Flavor production is an endless pursuit in the vape industry. All Rights Reserved. This time, we bring to you the juice taster RDA, the Profile RDA, designed by Wotofo and Mrjustright1. In addition, the multidirectional airflow entering the atomizer plays an important role in flavor delivery. Auch preislich kann sich der Wotofo Profile RDA sehen lassen. Ses deux arrivés d’air façon "nid d’abeille" vous offre une restitution des saveurs vraiment remarquable et sans oublier une vapeur très dense. Wotofo is a major vaping brand, wholesaler & retailer specialize in rebuildable atomizers. Recurve bow design gives this single-coil rebuildable dripping atomizer an awesome aesthetic. Its stainless-steel construction provides strength and durability to the Wotofo profile mesh RDA. This RDA comes with both mesh and wire coil. For more similar products, check Wotofo RDA. This 810 fitted cap comes in 6 colors - Gold, Black, Gunmetal, Blue, Stainless steel, and Rainbow. Wotofo joue la carte de la polyvalence avec son atomiseur reconstructible : Profile RDTA. Four terminals are located at the deck of this single coil rda to allow coil mounting for both forward and reverse wrapped coils. To eliminate such terrible experiences, we add spring-loaded ceramic support at the center of the deck to ensure effective contact between the mesh and the cotton. The coil resistance ranges between 0.24±0.05Ω. Its downward slanted slots help the coil get maximum air. Please Note: The resistance reading is for each coil. Les montages sont simples à réaliser. Profile RDA de Wotofo, le dripper nouvelle génération qui bouscule l'ordre établi ! La base comporte 2 doubles pôles pour des montages en dual coil, surmontés chacun d'un … Mais ne nous arrêtons pas en si bon chemin dans la liste des innovations et ajoutons à cette hotte déjà bien remplie une dernière audace. Le coil se trouvant en haut de l'atomiseur (RDTA) permet une augmentation des saveurs, tout en limitant considérablement le risque de fuite. Le Recurve Dual RDA par Wotofo, le dripper designé par le célèbre reviewer Mike Vapes. Proper use of wick and priming gives the coil better longevity compared to other mesh rda coils. Profile 24mm RDA by Wotofo and #Mr. JustRight1 is a hi-tech RDA delivering a great flavor. Each flavor in your juice can be tasted in a strong and rich way. 1. Mount the coils lower and the airflow will hit on the side of the coil. The detachable RDA makes it easy to build and carry along with a spacious build deck with a deep juice well that holds a good amount of e-juice. Wotofo Warrior RDA: … Now this has been solved. Réalisez de puissants montages en Simple, Double Coils ou encore en Mesh, grâce à un plateau Postless de 22mm, alimenté en E Liquide par 4 mèches en Acier torsadé ! Easy to switch between mesh and wire coils 4. Beehive style airflow cap allow enough air to ......Read more. Up to 30 puffs at 75W before needing to resaturate the wick when using pancake wicking method. Wotofo présente l'atomiseur au Tank Profile RDA, qui se caractérise par un diamètre de 24mm avec un drip tip 810 en résine colorée. Il peut se … The Recurve Dual design intensifies the flavorful cloud production. The grid formation air inlets allow the air to produce a great flavor. PROFILE 1.5 RDA - WOTOFO. Four terminals fit the coil in the deck both forward and backward. Recurve bow design gives this single-coil rebuildable dripping atomizer an awesome aesthetic. Le Profile RDTA peut contenir jusqu'à 6,2 ml de e liquide, grâce à ses 25 mm de diamètre. Le Vaporous RDA est livré dans la même boîte que tous les autres atomiseurs Wotofo. The bow shape wall with a curvy drip tip creates a proper airflow path and an irresistibly smooth draw. Six different colors are available such as Stainless Steel, Black, Blue, Gunmetal, Gold and Rainbow. Ce pack de résistances est c onditionné dans un tube de 10 coils. Also, the mesh design offers proper airflow to enhance the flavor outcome. Dans une armure robuste en acier inoxydable au diamètre de 24 mm, le Recurve Dual RDA est arrivé... Comme à son habitude, le fabricant Wotofo propose ici un matériel fiable au design soigné, tout en sobriété. Entièrement conçu en acier inoxydable, Wotofo nous présente son premier dripper mesh single coil (simple résistance) innovant au look sobre et robuste. Six multi-holes slanted air slots present on either side. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Ces résistances sont prètes à être installées dans vos atomiseurs, RTA, RDA, etc. This is available in six different......Read more. Primarily built for the Mesh coil, the Wotofo x Mr.JustRight1 profile 24mm bf RDA also allows uses wire coils. WOTOFO Prebuilt Specialty Coils are prebuilt coils of various complexities that are ready to be installed in your favorite RDA and RTA's! Be it the Kanthal A1 mesh coil or the wire coil, with the nineteen 1mm hole on each side of the cap, this Wotofo RDA produces a top-notch flavor experience. A unique spring-loaded ceramic cotton support makes the RDA perfect for mesh coil using. Un atomiseur RDTA de 25mm doté d'un gigantesque réservoir de 6.2ml, modulable en RDA et utilisable en mode BF sous cette forme. So it’s your turn to break any e-liquid down into a flavor profile with this Profile RDA! The airflow is fully adjustable by spinning the cap around the RDA base. The flavor output is no doubt an impressive and noticeable quality of Recurve RDA. Die Möglichkeit zwischen Mesh und normalen Coils zu wechseln macht diesen Verdampfer sehr vielseitig. Up to 30 puffs at 75W before needing to resaturate the wick when using pancake wicking method, For a more detailed introduction of this product, please, Wotofo Profile RDA and Building & Wicking Guide. Le Recurve DUAL RDA de Wotofo est un atomiseur reconstructible dual coil disposant d'un plateau d'un diamètre de 24mm. The utmost technical innovation led to the Recurve RDA. C’est puissant sans excès, les saveurs sont impressionnantes et l’airflow offre de très nombreuses possibilités. Wotofo Mesh Style Replacement Coils Features: Dimensions - 16mm by 6.8mm 0.18ohm Mesh Coils - rated for 40-60W Current RDAs stress only one flavor in e-juice in a stronger, intense way, but for most multiple flavored juices, this can lead to a loss of rich taste of your juice, especially for uniquely personalized flavors. All is done with ease. Copyright © 2012-2021 Hong Kong SNBG Limited. La suite attendue après succès du Recurve (simple coil) ne déçoit pas. Perfection helps innovation to achieve success. The Wotofo Recurve RDA strikes a perfect balance between chamber size and airflow distribution. The downward slope prevents leakage and makes it a squonk friendly RDA. The Wotofo Profile Mesh RDA is a great choice for all flavor chasers and cloud lovers. The Wotofo Warrior RDA is a 25mm diameter dual coil bottom RDA developed in collaboration with Wotofo and JMT Elite. Break-through mesh style heating element, 3. Wotofo Profile RDA - Single Coil Build The Wotofo Profile build deck clamps can also take single coils in addition to mesh strips. Le Profile RDA de Wotofo est un atomiseur reconstructible de 25mm de diamètre. The Wotofo Recurve RDA results from the collaboration between Wotofo and YouTuber Mike Vapes classy imagination. The switch from mesh to wire is an easy task. Grâce à ses arrivées d'air latérales, il est axé tout aussi bien dans la production de vapeur comme dans la restitution de saveurs. 24mm sleeve with accurate air inflow 6. Découvrez le tout nouveau dripper de chez Wotofo, un concentré de puissance et de praticité. Le Recurve dual RDA de Wotofo est un dripper double coil, fruit de la collaboration avec le reviewer Mike Vape. This time, we bring to you the juice taster RDA, the Profile RDA, designed by Wotofo and Mrjustright1. Usine aux proportions démesurées, chaînes de production irréprochables : Wotofo accorde énormément d'attention à ces détails qui font de chacun de ses produits, une valeur sûre. Profile RDA arrives as a collaboration between Wotofo and #Mr. JustRight1. The vapor production is also worth mentioning. Since the clamps are primarily designed for the flat strips, this RDA can't take the widest builds in the world but normal width flat claptons work quite well. Flavor can be broken down layer upon layer, 2. You can get it from the name that this RDA aims to free every single flavor in your juice to your taste sensation. Shop original vape mods, tanks & kits from our online vape shop. Copyright © 2012-2021 Hong Kong SNBG Limited. Nous allons voir que le rendu est vraiment intéressant. Superior 316 Stainless Steel Construction adds strength and durability. The package provides two Kanthal A1 built mesh coils. The coil performs best between the range of 40-60W. Les Alien Coils de Wotofo sont fabriqués avec précision et sont proposés en plusieurs déclinaisons Ø3mm, 3x26GA + 36GA ~ 0.22 ohm/coil Experience from cool vape to warm vape, 7. This Warrior RDA by Wotofo features a clamp style two post build deck that fits all coil sizes. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Wotofo recurve 24 rda include screws to secure this on the build deck. It comes with a 0.18ohm resistance. The airflow slots presented in 2X3 grid formation. Moreover, the deck is accurately designed to work with the beehive style air inlets on the RDA sleeve. Sa polyvalence en terme de montage est très intéressant. Compatible BF, le format est similaire, son système d'airflow et son plateau de montage se voient améliorés pour maximiser le … Que ce soit en mesh, en coils, en RDA ou en RDTA, la vape est agréable sans être excellente. Un packaging complet donc. The spring support helps the cotton to stick with the coil avoiding any dry hit. Ce dripper mono et dual coil de 24 mm offre le meilleur du reconstructible grâce à l'apport du reviewer américain Mike Vapes au design, véritable légende de la vape outre atlantique. So is this squonk RDA legit? Its spring support connects the cotton to the mesh coil. Just screw the clamp, place the mesh or wire coil as per the preference. Le Wotofo Profile RDA est conçu par Wotofo et M.JustRight1. Ce dripper est bien fini, léger, mais ne propose qu’une vape moyenne au prix d’inutiles complications. The Wotofo Recurve RDA results from the collaboration between Wotofo and YouTuber Mike Vapes classy imagination. With a relatively small vaporization chamber and an improved airflow design, this RDA reached a higher level in flavor production. It is the flavor profile interpreter for your juice. This gives a perfect draw. Mesh heating method is nothing new, yet making the most out of it is the key point. Through trial and error, this break-through mesh style coil sheet now we’re introducing to you can challenge all mesh or wire coils on flavor production. The unique deck design and airflow control of the Wotofo Recurve 24mm RDA help create a flavor explosion. The unique spring-loaded ceramic cotton support makes the RDA standalone from others. Flavor can be broken down layer upon layer 2. Check out the Wotofo Mesh Style Coils, featuring a 16mm by 7mm sizing, kanthal heating element, and is great for delivering decadent flavor from your favorite eJuice. Spring-loaded ceramic support ensuring contact between mesh and cotton, 6. All Rights Reserved. Most mesh coil decks failed to keep mesh and cotton in effective contact, meaning the cotton falling down due to gravity when saturated by e-liquid, thus leads to burnt hits. For the best performance, set the atomizer on the wattage of 40-60W. Avec ce successeur du célèbre Prolife RDA, Wotofo conserve toutes ses qualités d'origines tout en l'améliorant sur tous les plans. Break-through mesh style heating element 3. Le Recurve Dual RDA par Wotofo est un dripper simple ou double coils de 24mm de diamètre. Vous y trouverez des vis pour le plateau, des joints et surtout un pin bottom feeder que Wotofo a eu la bonne idée de le fournir. The utmost technical innovation led to the Recurve RDA. Wotofo profile mesh coils come with a resistance of 0.18ohm. The regular 510 gold plated squonk pin helps it to place on any device. To truly taste your juice, now presenting the 24mm mesh style rebuildable platform, the Profile RDA! The box contains a pre-installed 810 drip resin tip and a spare frosted drip trip. The Wotofo Profile RDA is an innovative RDA with a focus on top-notch flavor delivery. Tried and tested, the flavor from this RDA is absolutely phenomenal. With our RDA, RTA & RDTA technology, Wotofo gets to dominate the vaping industry and helps to build a smokeless world. Wotofo invente l’atomiseur à tout faire. These clamps hold the coils tight, allowing the vapers to get the best vaping experience. Superior 316 Stainless Steel Construction adds strength and durability. The bow shape wall with a curvy drip tip creates a proper airflow path and an irresistibly smooth draw. Vapers can count on it for a perfect flavor driven experience. Wotofo and Mike Vapes worked together to design the Recurve RDA. The clamps on both sides help the coil stay fixed. However, the top cap reduces room of the build deck. Six airflow slots contribute to better flavor production. A mesh coil RDA offers a better connection with the cotton to produce a better flavor. Beehive style airflow cap allow enough air to balance the flavor quality and cloud generation. Its curve offers a unique airflow resulting in a mindboggling vape experience. Not too long ago, our mesh coil head product has proven it to be true. Der große Lieferumfang ermöglicht den direkten Start ins Dampfvergnügen. Equipped with the newly developed mesh style coil, the Profile RDA can function to separate each flavor in your juice, enhancing your experience layer by layer. Le Profile RDTA de Wotofo est un atomiseur idéal pour ceux qui veulent s'amuser à explorer pleins de possibilités. Profile RDA arrives as a collaboration between Wotofo and #Mr. JustRight1. Le dripper Profile RDA de Wotofo a cette particularité de pouvoir fonctionner avec des coils au format Mesh que l’on trouve de plus en plus sur les résistances toutes faites. Details: Wotofo Profile 1.5 RDA is a upgraded version of profile RDA, it comes with three different coils for option, including nexMESH CHILL A1 0.15ohm, nexMESH TURBO A1 0.13ohm and nexMESH EXTREME A1 0.16ohm. Neither the recurve RDA kit is airy nor is it extremely tight. This RDA comes with built-in nichrome coils. Dernier né de la dynastie des atomiseurs Profile , l’atomiseur reconstructible Profile RDTA permet de réaliser des montages en Mesh, en simple Coil et en double Coil grâce à un ingénieux plateau hyper polyvalent.Modulable en atomiseur RDA, cette nouvelle création de Wotofo s’utilise également en mode Dripper et en Bottom Feeder! The Wotofo Profile RDA is an innovative RDA with a focus on top-notch flavor delivery. Besides adding to the aesthetics, the innovative Recurve design makes the Wotofo Recurve RDA a good flavor chasing companion. One of the best single coil RDA with a unique airflow channel which delivers a better flavor production. Les coils Fused Clapton Coils sont fabriqués en Nichrome 80. One of the best single coil RDA with a unique airflow channel which delivers a better flavor production. Wotofo and Mike Vapes worked together to design the Recurve RDA. Mesh heating element has been said to be the unshaken trend in vaping, even for RDA category. This results in a dense cloud and optimum flavor.